Arby Local Time

Magic Mushrooms

Magic Mushrooms
Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Saturday June 13th

Woke up extra early on a saturday morning because of a wonderful phonecall from Canada! I love those! Thanks Justin! XX

Got up and ready. We were to go to the market today. Amanda and I were very excited for it. Ron said he would be taking us. Nicko and Bell also said they would come along. So once we were ready, we went over there at 9am! No one answered the door at their place, so we tried Bells. No answer. Hmmm?? We snuck in through the garage at Nicko and Ron's. Ron's room was empty. What?? We then were going to sneak into nicko's room to scare him and find out what was going on, but the door was locked. He was working late last night. Boo! He said the market was sunday- tomorrow!

Gym. We were too late to hit up any class. This sucked because we were very keen on doing the class today, but decided to miss it for the market. Well now there was no market and no class!!


When we got home, It was nice out, so we joined the sun. While tanning, we went through alot of the slides. Adog had brought out her lap top with her. We were actually getting alot done too. Things were making sense to me that had never been clear before. AWESOME! Rachel later joined us. We pretty much spent the rest of the time catching her up on what we had learned. Kind of a waste of time really.

I went inside and made some grub. Did you know that there is a bug found here in Australia named Grub? It looks exactly like the one on The Lion King, when Timone and Pumba eat- GRUB! haha Its the big slimy worm! I bet you feel just a little smarter now! Also, just so you know, I did actually eat a big slimy worm. I had some noodles. haha

I bumped into Ron who just got home from work. This is why he did not take us to the market. I see I see. he said that he would take us tomorrow. I guess there are a couple of different markets on. This is where Nicko confused us. jerks! haha Later- Ron cancelled for the market again, he picked up a shift at work. :(

Later on, I went over to Adogs. Amanda Long was there as well. We got our study on and Rachel even came for a bit before work. I dont think she got much out of it as she was eating dinner, and only over for 30 min. The three of us ordered pizza, YUM, and worked on Patho for about 4 hours. It was alright study. Im just not compatible to study with certain people. These people include Amanda Long and Rachel. They are complete opposites as well. One is hard core into details that are not tested- this is confusing for me and Adog, the other is so completly cluless that we have to spell everything out. Adog and I have a good routine going on.

After Amanda Long went home, Adog and I were going to watch a movie at my house. When I walked in- my house was full of Koreans!!! They were everywhere! Where did they come from? When two went into a room- three came out! They were multiplying! Ok- I exaggerated. There were only about 12, and they were sitting nicely on the floor in front of a feast. A couple were inthe kitchen cooking poutines. Poutines- not available in Australia. When the asians were asked what they were cooking, they replied by saying it was bread noodles! LOL Miss Cloe had some friends over. I guess no movie. :(

After her friends went home, Cloe, Adog and I watched a movie. Went to bed afterwards.

Sunday June 14th

I got up early. Did a bit of revision and started packing. I love semester breaks! Adog and I went to the gym. By time we were done, I had a text message from Shonleigh saying she was home! YAY! She had been in Brissy all week! Before getting home, we stopped by this little produce store and I bought some healthy food! This is also the day I recieved some pretty crazy text messages! Ones in which I could not reply because I had no credit! I emailed the person instead. Nutshell!

When I got in, the -happy and excited to see Shonleigh- Pom was there! We caught up for a bit and I finally showered. When I returned, they wanted to hear all about these special text messages. We talked about that and other stuff. I was looking for a ride to Kawana shopping centre. Pom and Shon both had to work, and it was out of their way. I got a hold of Graham. Told him that we could do a treasure hunt- I needed to buy some stuff for Justins birthday! #30!! I also said that we could go for some ice cream too. He was game. We werent leaving til 3pm, so Adog and I had some time to get some colour!

We were out by the pool for a bit and then got ready to go with Graham. We went to Kawana. It closed pretty early. Amanda was happy because she was able to get some Bonds underwear that was on sale. That was really the whole point of going to Kawana. haha I also achieved my goal partially. We hit up cold rock afterwards for icecream. Yum!

He took us home. I went into my room and played on the computer. (FB) Eventually, Pom came over. Him and I talked for awhile. I had been studying when he came over, and the Kidney was making me sleepy! I explained to him how the kidney was my favorite body part. He joked that he liked the pancreas... I immediatly told him about the pancreas, and he changed his mind!

haha After a little while, Brock and Yates came over. Yates was very sick and crawled right into my bed. I really enjoy talking with these boys. They are sincere friends. Yates once said that he reckons alot ALOT of people will cry when I eventually move back to Canada. What a nice heart filled thing to say! I cannot believe I have only known these guys for 5 months!

Later on Shonleigh came home from work. We all talked down in the living room for a long while. Once Brock and Yates left, Pom and Shon went to bed. I also went to bed after jumping on their bed and stealing a light blanket, since Shon had stolen her comforter or 'duna', back.

I finally had a nice warm sleep! Sigh!!

Monday June 15th

Exam Day!

When I woke up, I was wide awake. After a little while, Shon was awake too and her door open. I barged in and wished her a good morning in my most enthusiastic voice, making sure to add SUNSHINE onto the end!! I then jumped on the bed releasing a long, maon from Pom, who was clearly not used to having me as a wake up call- roommate! lol pom hates Pink, and so I decided to play her new album in the cd player- on loud! Shon wanted him awake, and I was sure to not fail her! By the end of it, he woke up, grumbled and got ready. They had somewhere to be. hahaha

Exam was not until 2pm. I revised some last mintue slides. I then joined Adog out by the pool. She had my revision notes from class. We started to study- I told Adog I was done studying and that I was just going to relax until it was time to go. I didnt want to use up all my 'think' before the exam started. I knew I would be fine.

I bought a rockstar and drank it before the exam. 2pm is not an ideal time to stay awake when concentrating on school work.

Rachel, Adog, and I began walking to the stadium gym. When we arrived at the uni- 8 min from the stadium, Rachel realized she had forgotten her student ID. She ran back and we continued. Once at the stadium, we waited in queue for the ladies room. There were only two stalls, and the ladies were only going in two at a time. We were conspiring on going into the boys washroom as there was only one guy in there. We were waiting for him to leave, when about 6 guys crammed in there! I dont know how there was room. But they just kept going! off topic, but strange!
I found Amy before the exam. She is excited to be going to Thailand soon for break. We chit chatted and she informed us that it had snowed quite a bit in Melbourne- where she is from down in the south! WOW! We took a number and sat at our corresponding tables.

They gave us 10 minutes of 'perusal' time before writing the exam. Weird! That was new to me, and I wasnt sure what to do. I read some questions and familiarized myself with the short answer ones! The exam went by and I used my full time. It was alright. I feel pretty good about it!

Rachel I had seen leave before I was alowed to go. Adog and I walked home together. It had been sooo hot earlier. Hotest day yet in a long time. By the end of our exam, it had poured rain from dark thunder clouds! I was a tad worried about the way home. It wasnt soo bad. It was just a light rain fall when Adog and I walked though discussing the test. We passed very close by some Kanga's. We got about 1 metre close and they didnt hop away! How awesome! Adog and I were in such a good mood that we started hopping around and skipping home! We are both very excited about our semester break! Big plans!

Once home- I changed. I continued to pack a little bit. Then I ate some Grub- non worm grub! The girls were over makin gbrownies and pizza. They had an exam the next day and planned to study for it. I went up stairs to digest. After a while- the two of us hit the gym. It was such a good work out. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I did 35 min of cardio, and then the rest on stratching and abs! Woot woot!

When I got home, I had a nice long shower- bath. I was going to read my book for a bit- but got a phone call from Justin instead. Once out of the bath, I went down to say hi to the girls. They finsihed studying and were going home and to bed. Shon went to her room. I went in and we talked for a long while. Retired to my room and went to bed.

Tuesday June 16th

Woke up to a phone call from Justin. Lazed in bed while talking to him while he was on his way to work. I slowly got up and did a little bit of preparing for my next exam. made some breaky and went out by the pool. Amanda was a little freaked out about our next exam. She came a little later. I had been reading my book- its pretty interesting. Bill Bryson- Down Under. When Adog got there, we studied. Rachel eventually joined us as well. Amanda went in and we copied her shortly after. I made some food and went up to my room shortly after. I resumed my prep work. Im not too worried. I know I will be fine, and I still have a couple of days to prepare further.

Jess and Shon were downstairs, and I went to go talk with them. Jess is making Myspace a scrapbook for his birthday. Not long after, Rachel, Amanda, and I went to the gym. We were a little late because Shon and Amanda got talking before we left. We didnt make it for the abs class. Rachel did the Body Combat. I love that class, but I did so well on the tread mill the day before- I wanted to challenge myself again. Adog stayed with me. She is not such a fan of that class. After my very good workout, we hit the sauna while waiting for Rachels class to end. She joined us for 5 minutes, and we talked a bit with an Aussie lady. She was pretty nice. Washed our faces and walked home. I stopped at Woolies to get some food.

When I got home, I had a shower and made some good food. Put some laundry in and studied! Talked to Justin for a bit. Finally Shonleigh came home. I talked to her in my room for awhile. Her and Pom are not going to be an item. She is too scared about losing him as a friend. Poor guy is going to be crushed! I stayed up til about 1am sorting out what I want packed. Almost done.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Study Study Work Out Study

Tuesday June 9th
Today- move in day for the new room mate. Her name is Cloe. She is Korean and friends with Miss Kim. She is 28yrs old, but looks 20. I lazed around not doing very much. Went by the pool and tanned a bit. I wanted to read a book very badly and noticed I had left mine in Rons car and he was at work. I borrowed one from Bec and read the whole thing while out tanning. I didnt seem to improve my tan. It is important that I get a good tan these next two weeks. I dont need people making fun of the white girl in Australia! The book I read was the 'Beedle the Bard" from JK Rowling. It is a Harry Potter kind of book, telling folk stories. It was ok.
While I was tanning, Miss Kim came by and said hi to me! It was good to be able to say bye. I will miss her! ( I didnt tell her we ate her tim tams- haha she didnt seem to notice) After I was done the book, I went inside and ate. I joined Adog in the library for some study time. While studying, JJ came by. We talked for a bit. Then Graham was keen for some ice cream and so we went home to meet him. When he picked us up, I invited Cloe as well. We drove to Maroochydore to the Cold Rock. It is suppose to be like Marble Slab. They dont have as many choices. I had macadamia nut ice cream with a bounty bar( its a coconut bar), and a chunk of cookie dough. Everyone tried mine and said it was their fave! I should be an expert Ice cream orderer!! Im that good! ahha

We finished our ice creama nd went to pick up Max. He had some kind of edequette (sp??) modelling thing. While waiting, we were talking about this and that and some how came upon the conversation of a BJ! Cloe was confused. Trying to explain what this was to someone who doesnt know english well, was difficult and awkward to say the least!

Max finally hopped in and off we went. Came back to my house and rented movies from Bells. We all watched 'with out a paddle' all curled up with my couches pushed together like a crib. After the movie, Justin called. I talked to him for a bit after everyone left. Bed time!

Wednesday June 10th
Woke up early and went to the gym with Adog. We did a spin class. My very first time. Also my first time in a week and a half going to the gym. School had been too busy and I had been gone for the weekends. We started out ok, but then I began to feel very nauseated in the middle and had to take it easy. I was still feeling shaky when we finished and went to stretch. We went and sat inthe sauna for a good half hour. We planned on showering there, but to our disapointment, there was a plumber there who had shut off the water. Water was not even coming from the fountain. Nothing to even wash the sweat off our faces! Gross! They said it would be back on in half an hour, but we just went home. It could be dangerous not having water at the gym!
We showered and went to lye by the pool for a bit. It was chilly. I tried to have a nap, but the wind kept giving me goose pimples! I eventually went inside. I made myself a lunch and went to Uni for a bit with Adog. When we first got there, we met up with Brock and Pom who were just leaving. We talked for a bit and agreed to meet up later for a movie at my house.

We studied for a long while. I was very distracted by FB! Damn you FB! We came home and I had tea ready when Pom, Brock, and Amanda came over. Pom brought over Dirty Sanchez. Its the English version of Jack Ass! It was pretty funny. We then tried to watch Telldega nights. But we were all talking too much. We ate some ice cream with ice magic, Honey, and Walnuts on top. Again, all the toppings were my idea, and everyone loved it! I really should be a dessert orderer!! They said that honey was soo good on top! :)

After they left, I went to sleep!

Thursday June 11th

Up for the gym again. We went to the Body Balance class. Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi. IT was a male instructor. Adog and I agreed something was off about him. Maybe it was that he fell asleep during the workout- whatever it was, it wasnt quite right!

On our way home, Pom and Cammy B were at the petrol station. They yelled out to us and gave us a ride home. They are all such nice guys! I have made some very good friends down under!

Once home and showered, I made a good lunch. A tuna omlette! Yum! Talked to Justin On the phone. I pretty much caught up on things for the rest of the day. Really didnt do much at all. ( blogging takes alot of time believe it or not!)

Later on, I made a kick ass stir fry. ( Im running low on food, seriously low! :( Soon it will be only noodle soups! ) Adog came over and we made some tea. Then we watched Eagle eye. It was a very good movie. I just wish I didnt fall asleep in the midle of it. Im turning into my mother! haha Cannot even stay awake for an entire movie! BOO! It was good though, from the parts I did see.

After my nap- I mean movie, I came up stairs to my room and was onthe computer writing emails back and forth with Justin while he was at work. I also was studying. Not long after, I went to bed.
Friday June 12th
Woke up early and went to the Gym. Im glad that I am getting back into it. Those Assignments really put me back! We were going to do the body combat class, but we forgot it was a holiday, and the class was different. They had body balance again instead. That is good though. I like body balance. Bell, my fave instructor. Class was good and we did some cardio afterwards and then walked home. Its always tempting to stop by Subway after class, they are always baking fresh bread. hmmmm Yum! Will power holds me back!

When I got home, I showered and joined Adog andAmanda Long at Uni for a bit of study. I was sooo tired that I kept drifting off while revising. I decided to head home. I had been having pretty late nights. Once home, I found out that Lewis was around. We had planned to meet up. He had just gotten back from Alaska and had a present for me. He knows I am interested in photography and he himself is as well. He is lending me his cenventional camera and even bought me a roll of film! He gave me a lesson on how to use it. I am soo excited! I cannot wait to test it out! I think I will wait til after exams though. Boo! Holidays will be better!

I went out by the pool to work on my colouring. Rachel and Adog were there. We had a good chat and were happy to feel the warmth of the sun over our bodies. Not as hot as when we first arrived, but not as cold as it has been! I went in after a couple of hours. Made some grub, and went to the Uni. I had forgotten once again that it was a holiday, the uni closed in 15 minutes! UGH! I went straight back home, made myself a cup of tea, and fell asleep studying on the couch! :\

I woke up to my phone ringing. The Amanda's were both over across in Adog's unit going over some patho. I joined them. We all were very famished and so we ordered a pizza! We got a good 4 hours of study in.

I came home and got a call from Justin. He is a funny guy! I would give you more details, but this is my blog, not his! :P I then had a bath at about 115 am! There was no way I was going to bed freezing again. The night before I had to wake up and put on a SECOND pair of socks! Its sooo bloody cold! I miss my electric blanket!!!


Banana Benda Island- Gold Coast

Saturday June 6th

Up early and snuk out of Poms so that his parents didnt see us. Not that we were not welcome, it was just we didnt have the chance to wash the previous night off our faces, and the mascara decided to travel about my face all night! My hair also decided that it didnt like the way I had it, and re-did my doo! I drove us home as well.

I got ready really fast after a nice shower. We were going to an island today!!! I guess Rons
friend Scott who I have met once at Bells party, found out that this small island about the size of a foot ball field had not yet been claimed. I guess there is this law, that if the government doesnt claim it first, then you can as long as you put a sign up. They have a friend who is a lawyer and knows all the details. Anyways, they were going camping on this island. Ron invited us along. We were hesitant as it was Ron, but didnt want to give this opportunity up! We are here after all to see Australia, and the clubbing and drinking scene I can enjoy back home.

So while getting all our stuff packed into the car, and waiting for Ford and Peat, I hopped on Joels crotch rocket- ninja- bike- thing and went for a spin. It was a quick 5 min ride. I should have worn a pair of shorts, but it was sontaneous and alls I had on was my bikini, with a little summer dress over top. Ihad to really stretch it down to be held under my tush so the wind did not whip it up exposing my bikini'd butt!

As I was getting off the bike, Tess and Bella showed up. They were up for the weekend to visit Shon and they were all going to Cammy B's house to drink that night. I was sad because they are all my friends, but, island is going to rockout! We hopped into the car and on our way we went!

We stopped at a gas station that sells Krispy Kream Doughnuts. I had never had any before, and so Amanda and I bought some. They were ok. I love doughnuts, so they were yummy, but my fave still reside with safeways honey glazed. hmmm I could sooo go for one now! The melting in my mouth goodness!!

On our way again! We were a tad tired and bought some energy drinks. They were super cool becuase they were silver cans with red skulls wearing top hats on them. Nice!

We went through a couple of tolls and saw some neat looking cars and trucks on the way. Enter Gold Coast! Yes. thats right! I didnt mention that the island was off of the Gold Coast did I??? :D

We stopped first at Alex's house to pick him up. Gold Coast so far, is sooo nice. Its well manicured. Not what I expected. I think I like it more then sunny coast so far. Alex is a short Italian man. He looks exaclty as all members of his family do. Its kind of cute. Picked him up and we did a quick shop for food. We met up with Scott and others on the dock at the shore. Im not exaclty sure where this dock was. I would like to see it on a map. But I dont know where we were. I think somewhere near Coombabah ( this is where Scott, Alex, and Ron all grew up).

While waiting for their boat to get laoded up, there was a man fileting a fish. He let us hold it and take photos with it. We were being silly girls! pics on fb. He was such a nice man, he even gave us special fish wipes to wash our hands!! It took the smell out and everything!! Sweet as!

On the boat and to the island. Us girls on the first load. We quickly started setting up camp. It was a very small island. You could see right across it no problem. It was only a 2 min boat ride off of shore, and it was an island that did occasionally sink with king tides. ( large tides that happen not often...) There was a threat for one on this night, but no one thought it reall would. The island had a handful of trees on it, and was covered by water plants all in the middle, where the tide does not frequent. On this island, there also happened to be three crosses, with flowers, and special palm trees planted to each one. The boys told us that there were three different murders on this island. We later- after drinking a bit- went ot visit these graves in the dark. We were respectful, even pouring some for our hommies!

The view from this island was amazing! You could see all of Surfers Paradise from it. Surfers Paradise is the city of the Gold Coast. This is something that was new to Adog and I. So super cool! What a site!!

We did not know where, or whos tent we were to sleep in. Ford had a big tent and offered to let us shelter with him, and so we helped him set it up and out our stuff in it. We all then Cheers'd and began drinking and making a fire. I was looking for the axe for a good long while when we noticed an odd piece of wood burning in the fire. The axe! Somehow it managed to crawl into the fire and was now red hot and glowing, after rescuing it out of the pit!

Adog and I went on a small adventure trying to find some hot dog sticks. We actually found some real hotdogs. I made an ultimate stick, and we had fun being crocodile hunters on the way. We made a little video. Unfortunaltly, I some how managed to be an Irish crocdile hunter! lol I cannot even do Irish accents when I want to!! Weird!

We made some crazy hotdogs and mingled. We were drinking Effin Vodka with lemonade and so appropriatly named it effinade! As the night went on, Peat spilled some petrol on the sand by mistake. He then lit it on fire. The sand stayed a light for a little while. We slowly all made it down to the beach and began running through it, then dancing in it, then PEAT ONLY- crawled through the long line we made of it! It was a good 6 meter line of fire, and the moron CRAWLED through it. He was later seen standing in the water, and in the morning wore some pretty nasty blisters on his shins! I didnt realize it, but, we had used all the petrol to fire dance. How silly of us! At one point, Scott even conjured fire out of the water... or so it looked! Peat had also been throwing fire sand at people. haha in a playful non threatening way.

I believe after this, I went for a walk around the Island. Then Scott, a very interesting 25 yr old accompanied me for a second walk. We met up with some people and sat by they Island sign for awhile. He and Dale- his co-owner- named the island Banana Benda Island. Its suppose to be slang for a queenslander. The sign merely says "Benda Island". Its pretty sweet!

Time for a swim! How else but in the skinny! Jade even joined us. She is more conservative, but she came with us. Skinny dipping is always good fun, is what I used to say! hahha Not so fun when you whip off all your clothes and expect to quickly hide your naughty bits in the comfort of the dark night water! Little did we realize that it was shallow tide about 40 meters or so out. I never made it to the end to see just how far it went. I was on operation get some warm clothes on!
After getting back, I was finally dry and in my warm clothes. We heated some soup in the can, right on the fire. Campbells Chunky! It got soo hot that when I was trying to eat it, I burned my lip badly. Owch! I think time to end the night. I crashed in the hammock.
Sunday June 7th

When I awoke, it was very bright out. I pulled the blanket back over my face. People were up and moving around. I could hear Scott calling out "soilder crabs!" He was soo keen on showing them to us Canadian girls. He said that they come in the thousands on shore and it was a big mass of all blue! We were excited to see them, but they never showed!! He kept screaming it out. It was funny. Classic had- to - be- there - moment! All the sudden, the next time I looked out, it was dark black storm clouds! It rained! I stayed in the hammock! From my weight, it sunk to the ground during the night. I would have stayed dry, but my butt was on the ground, and water seeped in, soaking my butt and thigh! OY! I was toasty warm though. Wearing my favorite woolley socks which I stole from my sister Mandy! Thanks sis!

The storm ended quickly. It was only about 15min. Then it was hot blue skys! Nice! When I got out of hammock, I learned that I had a big blister on my lip. Gross. Then I learned we were out of fire wood, not that it mattered because our food was... less then appetizing! I also learned that we used all the petrol for fire dance, and so now, we didnt have any for the generator to produce music! We could just pack up and leave as we had some how lost the propellar to the boat! Scott later found it, but we still did not have the nut to hold it in place. Luckily, we did have Fords jet ski. He went and bought a replacement nut.

As we waited, we packed up camp. We played frisbee and loaded up the boat. As I was walking with a load to place in the boat, I felt a tickly on my left shoulder. I looked and scratched. Nothing. I was standing around talking to Scott and Peat by the boat. I felt the tickle again. I looked and went to scratch in a habitual way, when I saw it! A spider!! A FREAKING BROWN SPIDER!!! On my shoulder! I frantically wiped it off! Screaming and splashing and jumping around as much as my body would let me! Scott and Peat looked at me as if I thought I were on fire. When they saw that I just had a little spider on me about the size of the circumference of a can of pop, they laughed! I made one of them kill it as I did not want it to crawl onto the boat that I later had to ride on!! That was my first spider-on-me experience and I would rather not have another! Later on, while getting something out of my bag, Scott tickled my back which produced a similar response from me! Not cool!!

We went for a walk around the island. It was sooo nice. Amanda and I collected some seashells. We also found this bright red dead Crab. A large one, one that could be served on a plate. We named him Larry. He finished the walk with us. He was our Mascott until Ron smashed it flat! GRR!!

Ford let Amanda take the jet ski for a spin, which means I am on the back! lol She was going crazy, and I was a bit worried that we would crash as it was very shallow in places. She was going pretty slow when we hit sand! haha I had to get off and push us out. We got started again and Amanda turned sharp, while going slow. This made us tip the jet ski and Adog fell in behind me! I was about to fall in as wel, but managed to stay on. Pure skill! *wipes dirt off her emmensuly skilled shoulders*. My whole leg was soaked though.... it had just finished drying from the rain storm too! lol We took it back after this, though it was a good idea, and so I brought us back in! hahahha

The boat was fixed. Adog and I were the first load back. The guy who was taking pictures of all of us in the parking lot the day before was out again. He continued to take pictures and pretended to write something down. Im thinking our lisence plates. He came by yesterday when Ford revved his jet ski out of the water. I think he was checking to see if it was working properly. Apparently this guy did not like this and threatened to report us. Oh well. There is no rule saying not to do this.

We hopped in Scotts Ute and went for some food. While eating our food, there was a pigeon walking around. It was crazy! It only had one foot! It was walking around on its one foot, and one stump!! It was a pirate bird!! I took a picture with my phone, unfortunalty Adogs camera's battert died! What a crazy bird!

After we went to Scott's friends house. Its Scott's second home. John Micheal lives here with his parents. Really nice people. Very accomadating. At this point, Ron had agreed to stay the night so we could hit up and see Surfers Pardise. Scott was keen to take us out to see the city and a night club. We went to go buy an outfit because we only had packed camping clothes, and they were all wet. So we went to the mall and did a bit of shopping.
When we got back, we showered with what we had. All our stuff was in Rons car and he was at Alexs. At this point, he told Scott that he was going home, and so Scott told us he would drive us home. How annoying. Its out of Scott's way. What a nice guy. So basically, we had what we bought, our flip flops and what was in our purses!!! UGH!
We got ready anyways, and we all went out to Outback Jacks. It was a bit pricy, but Adog and I decided to share the big challenge dinner. It cost $20 each. Usually, if someone challenges this dinner, they have to eat this huge thick steak, all the potato wedges, and the seasoned veggies in under a half hour to get half price! Its massive. I was completly full after half, and we didnt even eat it all. Delicious though.

After dinner, we went to get into a little club. We werent in Surfers yet. Im not sure where we were, but it took a while to get to from Coombabah. We waited in line, in the cold, just to find out that we wouldnt be allowed in with our flippy floppys! UGH!! So we walked around looking at all the really cool cars. There happened to be a car show at the same time we were there. They were all really old fashioned cars. Sweet as! Its too bad Adogs camera battery died!

We were going to go to a club in Surfers, but I was falling asleep in the car. Instead, Scott had Jade and Ryan take us to this place, forgive me I forget the name, where a bunch of ships were taken out and sunk. It has a huge compass- N, S, E, W. Right through it is the border line of Queensland and New South Wales! It was soo cool! We were able to stand in two places at once! It was such a good time. We could also see the lights of Surfers from it! We went for a quick walk and then hopped back into the car. We were cold. I would love to see it during the day. It was also interesting to read a little bit about the history. Scott was saying that even some Canadian boats were sunk there. All by the Japs I believe.

We drove to Surfers, and Scott and I fell asleep. We parked under the tallest residential building in the world. It was such an awesome photo moment, when you looked straight up, and the moon was right beside it! Im going to take photography one day! I cannot help it if im going to be awesome at it! :D

We stopped at the bottleO. Scott wanted some beer. I guess there was a seedy guy inside asking everyone for money. We kind of stopped and watched him for awhile. Nothing incredibly exciting. We drove back to John Micheals house. Scott, Adog and I crawled into bed. We were sooo tired!!

Monday June 8th

Woke up and I warmed myself in the shower. Got ready for the day. Ron walked in. What? Ron walked in?? WTF!?!?! So he didnt go home, and i could have had my stuff?? UGH! Well he was keen to go home today as were we. Scott took us back to the mall so we could get some Boost juice- not booster juice, just boost, but very similar. He treated us. He then took us to an environmental park to look for some Koalas.

We went into the park and right away there was some wild passion fruits growing. Scott was into telling us all the different types of plants. I love it! So interesting. He picked one and we ate it. It wasnt quite ripe, but very tasty all the same. He would grab some leaves and scrunch them up and tell us to smell them. Eucalyptus. SO FRIGGIN COOL!! There were so many different types too. My favorite was the lemon smelling one! It had thinner leaves too.

We were heads up looking for koalas for some time. Almost at the point where we would give up. Scott says that you would be able to smell their euculyptus smelling feces before seeing one. I ididnt smell anything. Bam! I saw one in the tree! He was on such a skinny little tree too. Scotty says that sometimes they do fall off. He had seen one fall quite a distance once, andit bounced about a meter up. Then it got up like nothing happened, and climbed back into the tree! hahaaha THEY BOUNCE!!! How cool is that? Scotty shook the tree slightly to wake wally the koaly up from his high induced slumber. He woke up and looked at us. Then he went back to sleep. We walked on.

We were still looking up into the beautiful jungle trees when Scott saved my life by pointing out what I was about to step ON, and what Adog just stepped OVER! There was a dead black bearded dragon in the middle of the path. Scotty informed us it was dead or else it would have ran away before we could get this close. Amanda picked it up from behind by the tail. She had it a couple feet fromt he ground, when it gave a big hiss and the neck and belly flared up!! She dropped it quickly and we all jumped up and watched it hiss more in the center of us. Then all the sudden it turned around and began chasing poor Amanda. She ran backwards, too afraid to turn her back on it. It chased her about 4 meters and then stealth mode- into the bush! She immediatly jumped over to me where I was still screaming up and down, and we continued to jump around and scream for another mintue! Scott had jumped over the lizard at one point and was now in shock, and slowly began laughing at us!! After a moment or two, after we realized our wet pants, we all began laughing! That was the craziest thing!! Our hearts pumping like mad! We continued on, watching both the ground and trees!

We hopped in the ute and headed to Alexs. Here we met Ron, said our good byes, and were on our way home from the Wonderful Gold Coast!

We got home and relaxed. Unpacked. I went over to Adogs to see the photos from the weekend, as we werent able to see what we had captured, due to the silly dead battery! Some funny ones.

Laura came by to see me before she leaves to Scottland. When she walked upstairs, she caught me- and then assisted me in stealing the mattress from the empty room. It is newer then mine! Had a little chat with her about her weekend, about my weekend. Gave her a hug good bye.

Shonleigh came home from work and we talked in my room for a while like usual. Pom came over straight away as well and we all share conversation over some tea and Tim Tams that miss Kim left. She moved out. How sad! I didnt even get to say good bye!! :(

We all went to bed!

Living at the University of the Sunshine Coast's Library!!

Monday June 1st

I believe today is the official first day of winter. hmm

I went to school early to meet with my patho group. PRESENTATION DAY!! We found a room and ran through it a couple of times. Then it was time for class. The girls were very nervous. I wasnt at all. Thanks 4H public speaking skills! Woot Woot! We just decided to go first and get it over with. Once we started I felt a little nervous. Nothing much though. Only because this is Australia, and I am the Canadian girl. People like Canadians, and so they like to get to know me.

Our presentation went smoothly. Afterwards, during question time, we had a girl ask us a question, and we answered it. She then asked one more, which we answered again. Usually, the teachers drill the group. However, they did not ask us one single question. We sat down feeling relieved. We must have done a good job since they did not have any questions. My lab group girls did the same disease- Graves- and the tutors drilled them with extremely hard questions! Very interesting I thought. I felt bad for the following last two groups. They compiled of international students. They all had trouble speaking english and so the information was not clear what-so-ever. The tutors asked this one group a question. There was only two in the group as the third ditched out last minute. The answer given by this student was so awful. It was as bad as that American girl who was on the Miss Universe pageant and answered the question about locating the USA on a map. He mumbled sentences with no context at all. It was all umms and uhhs and repeating of key words. I felt really bad for all of them.

After class, I talked to Amy and Sarah for a bit. I had to cut it short as I feared getting rained on on the way home. Big mistake. I should have left 15 min earlier. I was drenched when I reached home. When I got home, Shon, Pom, Brock, and Cammy B all laughed at my wet self! I changed and prepared for my last class.

I went to last class thanking the sky's for being dry. I was happy to see Amy was in class. It is my last class with her! We did review and she offered me a very thankful ride home. It was perfect timing as well since it began to rain. She told me about her trip she was taking to Thailand during the break. I told her I would get some information from my pops since he lives there some of the time.

I had a very hot and relaxing bath. It warmed my soul! There are no furnaces here. I am bundled at all times in the few winter clothes I brought. To think I almost never brought any!! I was doing some homework when Shon and Emma-May got home. Emma-Mays best friend flew in from New Zealand and she didnt know she was coming in at all. Shon and her friend had been planning this for a long time. Shon is the last person Em would expect this from as they barley know eachother. Shon only told Em that she had a surprise and that they were going out for a nice dinner. They both were dressed up when they got back.

I guess Em thought that Shon was taking her to a book signing by the writer of the Twilight series. As they got into the elevator, Em's friend was waiting inside. It sure helped her mood, thats for sure!

The real news when Shon and Em got home was that Pom was on his way over to have the 'talk' with Shon. I hadnt mentioned this yet, but for the last couple of weeks, there has been something between Shon and Pom. they havent done anything about it because they are good friends and dont want to harm the friendship. I guess Pom had enough and wanted to talk about it finally! ! ! ! ! ! Shon was freaking out! She was going to change, but looked stunning in her new black dress. He came over and I told them that I wanted a thick shake from Mackers. I really just ws giving them an excuse to go for a car ride. Things are always easier to talk about when there is a task at hand. I was happy with myself for sending them on a mission- and me reaping the benefits. YAY THICK SHAKE!!! ( formerly known as milkshakes, but you do not want to confuse the two here as milk shakes are basically flavoured milk...)

I just settled myself with some homework, when all the sudden, these two love doves were back, in my room, with my thick shake, looking at me. Then- and finally- Shon breaks the ice by saying " so we had a talk." "Oh?" "we established that we like eachother..." " I see. And.... "

nothing, absolutly nothing, both staring at me..." and you want my adivce on what to do??" They both kind of smiled.

Arby- ok so, you guys want me- being older and wiser to be your therapist! Very good. I am older and wiser and more experienced. Now, we know you like eachother, but are scared to date because of the delicate thing that is your friendship. Right?? ( nodding). Ok, so what you will do is date. Because if you dont, you will always have the feeling of curiousity and wonder, not knowing what really would have happened. If you do date, and break up, which is totally possible given your age and experience, (pionting to Poma, for this is his first attempt for a gf, not Shon as she has dated someone for 5 years already, but is over him completly as they ended almost two or more years ago), so what! You can still be friends. You both respect eachother and would never intentionally hurt the other. If it is awkward, at least you tried. ( I went more into depth with this therapy, ending it with me throwing a condom at Pom. Im a nurse, I promote safe sex!! :)

They both giggled a little and agreed they would wait a couple more weeks to see what would happen. Silly kids. Em was asleep in Shons room and so she slept with me. I texted Pom saying that if he wants her, he just has to make her date him. Just take her, and not accept no for an answer. I know he really likes her, but she is on the fence.

This therapist was ready for bed!

Tuesday June 2nd

Up early for class. How pointless. I am really only going to sign roll call. I know we are not doing anything in class today but filling out the evaluations. Boring. Little did I know that my teacher was not bothering with roll call today. She even stated her surprise to see how many of us came. Then she tried to make small talk about this and that, tried to make discussion about something pertaining to the course. I justed wanted to go home. By 1100, she said that she felt the need to keep us here the entire time! Thank god someone piped up and said dont worry about it, we dont mind if she lets us go! So she did! UGH! Talk about a dry class!

I went home and found the boys at my place. They went to play tennis. I did some homework. I was trying to start my annotated bibliography. I was having huge difficulties finding articles. What this assignment is, is a collection of nursing related articles pertaining to a certain topic- I chose wound care out of a choice of 10. We were to read the articles and write a brief summary and then critique. It is kind of silly because you dont really learn much about nursing. I guess you do familiarize yourself with the nursing articles about the topic, but that is just one out of ten. The assignment is really about the critiquing. We had to find 10- 12 articles to do this for. 2500 words altogether. It was extremely difficult finding articles! ugh. I had been working at finding at least one, ALLL day! I kept distracting myself too, going to talk to the boys and seeing what I had to eat. Not good.

I finally found one article. I talked to Justin on the phone before reding it. Then I had Cammy B come over with his video of us skim boarding. My wipe out was soooo funny, we were almost crying! Miss Kim was on there too. She was sooo embarrassed to be on it, she hid behind the couch. Shes soo funny! Afterwards, I came back upstairs. Then it was Facebook! :S

The boys came over after again. I then talked with them til 2am. Shon as well. At first I only went down there because I heard Jess and Brock giving Pom and Shon a hard time. Making them feel uncomfortable. I gave them crap! They werent sure why I was able to tell them all I thought the night before, and they werent now. I explained that they had come to me, and that I didnt gang up on them unanounced like they were doing presently. I didnt get back to my "animated" bibliography as Pom like to call it, until 2 am.

I was up and on a roll finding articles galore til 430am!! Success! TO bed for me!!

Wednesday June 3rd

I went to lecture. I went home to eat, and then Adog and I went to Uni to work on our

assignment. It is soo much better at Uni. Less distractions- when I thought there would be more- and I dont go to my fridge looking for anything to eat!! We stayed and got alot done til about 6pm. We went home to eat, and went back til 9pm. There were lots of people at my house. Including Ebony. It was the start of State of Origin. This is a big Aussie rugby- or footy tournament. I guess there is 3 nights in all, and this was the first??? ya, Im not sure, not really my thing. I should ask Pom since he is in school to be a sports announcer- journalist!!!!

Library closed at 9pm and we came home to work on more. Justin called and I was talking to him, Adog went home to go to bed. She was tired. I went to bed soon after.

Thursday June 4th

I woke up early and had brekky. To Uni I went!! Assignment due tomorrow!! AHHH!!
I stayed at uni, in one room alllll day! 10hours to be exact!! I had been working there along side of Amanda Long. At one point, her computer would not read her USB, so I tried on my computer with it. It did the same on mine, just reading it as a folder. Weird. She took hers to the tech guy, and discovered it was her computer that had some sort of a virus, not the USB at all. Weird.
Shon came to visit and brought me a banana. I also had a couple of musli bars. By 9 pm, the library closed and I was hungry. Shon and I went home and ate. We then went back to a computer lab to continue. I had the bulk done. But now I had to add soem stuff and reerence and fix it up. Blah! Im still not done my paper that is also due the next day! Double Blah!
This is where I discovered my computer would not read my USB either. WTF?!?!?! My computer got an STD I think from not wearing a condom when Amanda tried her USB in my computers... slot!!! ugh! No time to worry about this now. Must finish assignment. I could work around it. It wasnt really doing any real harm. We went home, in the cold and went to bed.

Friday June 5th

I went to Uni early. I cleaned and finsihed my assignments by 2pm. Goofed around on FB for half an hour, then handed them in! I was quite proud of them too. I think I did better then the other girls. I added the Aussie policies to ALL of my articles, when I dont think the other did at all! I feel good about it! Paper for my other class, also complete! YAY!!!

I went home and read my book for a little while in Shons bed. Both of us were there reading. I then had a little nap. It felt soo nice to not have to prepare for a class or do an assignment. I will worry about exams next week.

Justin called me with a very interesting conversation. I always like these convos! nevermind you! lol I got ready fast as Justin was not wanting to let me go. We were going to meet friends at Mooba pub. Shon drove there, and I was to be DD. I thought I would have wanted to drink after that crazy assignment, but was very content with not drinking :) All the boys met up with us. We then went to Domino's where Brock works. A bunch of them got pizza. It was Chakley and I in Shons car. We again made dirty jokes about turning her car on with those two saftey rods that you have to use to stimulate the ignition. hahahha It is always a good time. I love being an adult!

We ended up going to Poms house. It is such a nice place. He showed me the pool in the back yard, the pool with a view of the town of Buderim! Sooo nice. His house is up on a hill. Pom is a really cool guy, who I have named pop tart. Him and I have been getting closer as friends. He was also DD. Shon was pretty drunk. She passed out while we all watched a movie.

Time to go home. Trying to get Shon up was not easy. She was being difficult and did not want to move. So I left her in the living room easily when I heard the boys calling my name from Poms room. It was Brock and Pom in his bed. I jumped on in. Chakley and Yates joined. Then Shon came in and was upet that she was woken up, and was now awake and we were not going anywhere. ahhaha Eventually, Pom gave us tshirts and us girls slept along side him in his bed. Yates on the floor beside, and Brock and Chakley in the spare bedroom.

It was actually really fun. We kept joking around and laughing about this and that. Shon threatening to fart on everyone. Everyone making fun of eachothers accents. Pom's english, my Canadian, and their Aussie. Good times!

Shonleigh's Brisbane Birthday Bash!

Tuesday May 26th

Up ready for class. Boring, just listening to a presentation. Mental health. They used way too many audience tactics. It ended with the group telling us to close our eyes and open our hand. They poured a small amount of sparkle glitter into each of our hands. Then that was it. They didnt explain the glitter at all. End of class. What do we do with this handful of... glitter??? In my purse it went.... Weird!

I went home while talking to Justin. When I arrived home, it was Shon and Jess, and My Space on her ear. They had just come back from Gympie, where Jess' parents live. They had just come back from Italy and Jess went to collect her gifts. She had recieved a bunch of stuff including a couple of silver beads for her Pandora bracelet. These bracelets are big fashion here. Very expensive. Most girls have them. Each bead costs about $50 bucks (AUS). A full bracelet- after collecting beads- can be worth more than a grand! I could think of heaps of things I would rather recieve then a bead for my silly little bracelet. Oh well. If they like it, its an easy out for shopping.

Jess was on the phone.... PLANNING HER WEDDING! Chris and Jess have only been dating since April break! That is little over a month. He has proposed already and is moving down here to be with her, even though he is not done school up in Townsville! I guess when she was in Gympie, her mom was helping her plan things. On the phone, Jess was saying to Chris " I dont think you realize how much this wedding is going to cost you! No mom wont help- well that means that you wouldnt be paying for most of it and thats not fair!!!" Ecetera ecetera!! While this was happening, Shon and I were listening and calling her Bridzilla! Jess has him whipped and wrapped right around her finger! When you tell her that she treats him like shit, her response consists of: " well its his fault because he lets me!!" Poor guy needs to grow a back bone!

While we were listening and sitting around talking, I layed my head down on Shonleighs lap. I said something playful to her and she threatened to fart on my head! I laughed and then- ... she FARTED ON MY HEAD!!! TWICE!!! I was up quick with disbelief! We all laughed. Jerk! haha
Shon left for work and Jess and I watched a movie. She fell asleep and I went upstairs. I did some homework and went to the gym with Amanda. While we were there, we met up with Rachel and Allegra. We had done the abs class and now were doing Body Combat. Its the kicking and martial arts one. My favorite! I was talking with Allegra, and she is a pretty interesting girl. 21 and married already for two years. She ended up giving us a ride home afterwards.

I showered and did some more homework. We "rented" a movie from Bells, like always. She is a friend who lives across the street in another unit who owns heaps of movies. So we always borrow some. We watched the Illusionist. It was Rachel and I cuddling on one couch, and Miss Kim and Adog on the other.

After the movie I talked to Justin and went to bed.

Wednesday May 27th


After lecture, I met up with my Patho presentation group. We found an empty room and prepared and ran through our presenation. I think it is pretty good. There is only so much we can do to make Graves Disease interesting.

I met up with Adog on the way home. She had been at uni on FB from 12- when lectured ended til 1400- when I was done my group work!! hahahah 2hrs on fb!

Shon, Brock, Yates, and Woolley were over. Brock and Shon were telling Jess that she was a brat, and she stormed out of the house- like a brat, with a capital RAT!! ahhahaha I made myself a beautiful and delicious fish wrap and hurried off to the gym with Adog. On the way, I talked to Justin. He had a bad day at work. He loves his job, but today was not so smooth! Poor guy! Tomorrow will be better.

While at the gym, there was this larger woman with a male personal trainer. I work out in the womans room. I didnt realize that male trainers came in there. i dont like mixing up my routine for any reason. I definitly wasnt going to change it because a trainer is breaking the rules. I did my usual cardio for 25 minutes. Then I went to the mats to stretch. As I was stretchin it, the trainer had the lady boxing with him. I was doing my -bedning over stretch, with legs apart- when I heard a pause int he boxing- and then, "I cant do this when you are distracted!!". When I looked they were facing towards me and no one else was around me. hahahaha Poor Lady- Douche Bag trainer!! I later heard her complaining to him again. He replied by saying that all his clients call him inappropriate names.

As we were leaving the gym, I talked to the owner of the club about getting a job in the day care centre. he didnt seem too enthused about hiring anyone until I mentioned I was a nurse and that I had my blue card. Blue card is what you need to be able to work with children in Aus. I have one for practicums. :) He told me to hand in a resume the next day. YAY!!! ( however, they do not have any postitions at the moment. )

It was evening when I got home. Shon and Wooll just got back from a run. I showed Woolley some ab work outs. Then I shoved a pink CD in the player and we had a mini dance party. I then rushed into the shower and jumped into some clothes.

Mark picked us up and we quickly grabbed some stuff from the grocers. We made some pasta and garlic bread at his house. We were going to watch some ACDC concert dvd since Mark and Amanda are going to the concert in February, but we decided to watch a movie. We also had cheese cake and wine! YUM!

I talked to Justin, he was on his way to work.

On the way home, Amanda was telling us this story about how last night she could not sleep. As she lye trying to sleep, she discovered that she could blow air through her eye! This was so amazing to her, that she went down to get a glass of water. She then tried squirting water from her eye for about 20 min- unsuccessfully! After hearing this story, I decided to give the air through the eye trick a shot. Success! I was able to do it. Not easy, as you have to really contort your face, but I was pleased with myself anyways!

When I got home, Emma-May and Shon were on her bed. Emma-May was upset. Her and her boyfriend just called it quits. They had been dating for a year and living together. They are both Kiwi's. Emma-May is an interesting girl with lots of history. She is a year younger then I. They broke up becuase of an incident that happened when she went to New Zealand in April with Shonleigh.She was very upset.

I ploped myself down beside them, half sitting on Shonleighs legs. We talked for a bit, and then I got my sweet sweet revenge on Shon. I let one squeak on her leg! hahaahahha She was stunned, but didnt seem to care that much as I wasnt pushed off her legs. hmm... I guess revenge isnt so sweet.. I will have to muster up a big one. Beans it is for the next week!

I informed the girls of Amanda's talent and then began to mis-shape my face in efforts to blow air from my eye. While atempting this feat, I tuted again on Shonleighs leg!!! She was shocked this time as I now got her back twice for her one! Now it was on!! hahaha I will have to lock my door at night out of fear of Shons rear!! :S Off to bed!!

Thursday May 28th

I did homework pretty much all day. Adog and I had planned to go to the plaza later on as we needed to do some birthday shopping and such. When we got there, I decided it was time to pierce my ear. I had gotten this piercing once before, but sadly, it had a chronic infection. As a nurse, i have to wear a stethescope often. This created a good source of bacteria in my ear, right where the earpiece fits! Boo! I feel that it will be safe this time as the wound will have time to heal before my practicum!!! :)

The girl who did the piercing is the same one who gave Justin his fabulous belly stud! She remembered him and I. It was kind of funny. This was actually one of the most painful piercings I have gotten. First, she would not put a hoop in it- disappointment! - then she wiggled and struggled and twisted my ear with the needle in it, for a couple of minutes!!! Talk about pain in the...!

We were walking and trying to decide what to get Shonnie for her bday, when we heard - Oy, ARBY!! It was Girl Yates. She was doing some shopping for a dress for the horse races that were going on the next day. Lady Oakes Day. Horse racing is very big here in Aus. Everyone dresses extremely fancy! I cannot wait to go to one. We were to go tomorrow, but I had my very last lab and we all wanted to head into Brissy anyways. Plus its about $25, and we were all saving our money!

We heard that Jess and Bec bought Shonleigh a pandora bracelet. We decided to get her a couple of beads for it. It was Amanda, Emma-May, Laura ( girl Yates), Rachel and I in on the beads. Not bad. We picked some out and Laura drove us home.

I instantly put on my sweats and grunge clothes. Washed the make up off my face and readied for bed. I heard a bunch of music and talking from outside. Then Shonleigh shouting about. Next thing I knew, the two of us were on our way to Ron, Nickos, and Joels house. They had ppl over. We went and talked for about 20 min and came back to bed. They even had a little fire going.

Sleepy, bed time!!!

Friday May 29th

Went to the last lab of semester!! Woot Woot! It was an ok one. Kind of boring. It was good only because I was able to talk with the girls alot before winter break, also because I was given my mark for my quiz from last lab- 11/12!!!! :)

After lab, I hurried home, I had promised to be home by 2pm! We wanted to beat traffic, and unfortunaltly, everyone was waiting for me. I had been ready and packed before leaving for lab class. When I got home, we were ready to leave, but Adog was missing. UGh! I told her I was off by two- where is she!!

It wasnt too bad waiting for her except that, we waited 20 min, and did nothing but wait, as we were absolutly packed and ready to go. Finally she showed up. She said she was taking her time getting back from using the computer lab because she thought I would be home at quarter after. Oh well. Semantics! We piled in our corresponding vehicles- off we went!

Pom, Shon, and I in one car- Brock, Adog, and Emma-May in the second. Pom and I had some beer on the way to Brissy. It was good fun, but not smart as when we got there, our bladders were ready to burst!! I couldnt believe it! As soon as we got to Shon's, I raced Pom for the washroom and won! RELIEVED! Whew!

We watched a movie and slowly people showed up. It was family friends of Shon's. A couple with two small children. Everyone started drinking beer. I only had a few. Chakley showed up as well. He was doing magic tricks with Pom for the little kids. He was amazing them, and they kept asking for more. Everytime Pom found the coin behind his ear, he had the cutest little grin. We entertained the children for a long while. Pizza was ordered. It was a good time. I was just about ready for bed, so I set up a phuton in the living room for Amanda and I. The boys were still up playing Wii tennis. Then it was Wii golf time- this is about when I showed the boys who was boss! Tubsy was good, but I still beat him! ha ha ha (<-- slow evil laugh, Evil and pleased smile --> >:)

Time for bed. We put a movie on and Chakley gave me a head massage while Brock gave Amanda one! Spoiled girls are we!! They all went to bed. At about 3-4 am, I had finally had enough of the boys giggling. I went into the next room to give them a stern warning. Chakley pulled me down and they beckoned me to stay. They were laughing becuase Pom couldnt sleep due to a ... well, he was excited and couldnt- calm down!! They are young boys and could not settle down. I got up after hearing this silly sotry and told them to be quiet as they were next to
Shon's parents room and I could hear them in the living room. As I walked away, I heard Shon's dad open the door and ask them to be quiet! haha Silly boys!

Finally able to sleep! :)

Saturday May 30th

Shonleighs 19th Birthday!

Up early and showered before the rush. Im a sneaker!

Shon gave the boys her car to use for the day. Us girls were chauffeured around by Brendan, Shon's dad. They have this father- daughter tradition where he buys her a pretty dress on her birthday each year! So we all joined in for the shopping in Brisbane!!

He took us all to this DFO- direct factory outlet. So many good shops. I wish I were not poor! I was able to get some well needed socks and undies! ( more needed were the socks then undies now that I worked out and it was getting cooler out!!! ) At about noon, we had a quick bite to eat
and returned home.

I was a bit car sick on the way home. OY! It doesnt help having to go through toll booths. There are toll booths in brisbane. Well one that is between Shon's house and Anywhere in the city. She lives just south in Parkinson. part of Brissy, but just out. Kind of like Summerside in Edmonton. Shon's dad does not have to stop at the toll, just merely drive slowly through so they can photograph his bumper. He pays online. Lucky since I was dizzy...

I felt better after breathing the fresh steady air when we were back home. Then it was time to get back in to go get some ETOH (BOOZE). When we got home, I talked with Justin for a long while. It was really good to talk to him. When I was finished, I got ready. People were starting to arrive. I was meeting lots of Shon's friends from highschool. We also played socialbles- kings corner here in Aus. It was good fun. We mingled and ate finger food and drank. I had been texting Justin back and forth, but then my phone died. Not as in need to be charged, but as in, wouldnt work at all. I hate my cheap phone! I soo need a new one. Donations accepted. Cheques please make out to Kristin Campbell. :)

We all took cabs to Stock Exchange. A club in BrisVegas! I was one of the first cabs to arrive. Seeing the inner city finally. How exciting this was. Everything was soo big and unfamiliar!

Kurtis showed up and was bouncing off the walls! He bought a round of 6 drinks that cost $15 each?!?!?! They were long island iceteas! Not soo good, but I drank it anyways. Wasnt so bad either. Shon says he is always bouncing off the walls when he goes out. He was even picking us up and spinning us!

Next thing I know, Chakley is walking up to me, followed be George from the Gold Coast!!! What?? What are the chances of him and I meeting halfway in Brissy, on the same night, at the same small little club??? We had not planned it at all and didnt know that the other would be there at all! I was sooo excited! This guy and I always seem to meet in the most random ways! Its fantastic! We hung out for most of the night. At one point, I switched my ring onto my left ring finger and began telling people that we just got engaged. We were trying to get free shots- unsuccessful! BOO! hahahha Funny anyways!

Ebony, one of Shon's friends who I have met, insisted I go to a different club with her and some friends in the Valley. So Max, Graham, George, Adog and I followed. We all crawled in a cab and ended up in the Valley. Ebonly asked me to ditch all my followers, I told her no and we stopped following them. I was not impressed. Oh well, we didnt realize that there was a cover charge for most club of at least $20 in the Valley. We went to Mackers- I didnt eat. We caught a cab to the casino where Graham was parked. George went into another club and we tried to find our way home. Graham had to keep stopping to check a map. I was pretty much sleeping in the back.

We got home and Shon let us in. We creeped to bed after washing up. Cammy B was in our bed, so I just pushed him over. In the morning some time he had gotten up to pee. When he saw the two of us in bed with him, he was very pleased with him self. He thought he had done well. When he came back from the washroom, still drunk, he was upset to find us in his bed! He had forgotten that he had slept in the bed with us, but now thought that when he got up, we had stolen his bed!! hahahahaha silly guy!

Sunday May 31

When we woke up, Shon's mom made a breakfast. It was yummy. Her parents are very patient for having so many 'teenagers' over. After breakfast the boys cleared out. Emma-May, Amanda and I went shopping. I had to buy some clothes for the winter season as I did not believe it actually got this cold when I was packing in Canada!! Brr!

We met up with Shon after shopping. She was in a car alone and so I hopped in with her. We talked about lifes workings all the way home as per usual!

Once arriving home, Emma-May was upset again. She did well on the weekend only crying here and there. She went to her old house to sleep with one of her room mates. She didnt leave the room though as her ex was still living there. Shon had to go to work. I went to bed early.