Saturday June 13th
Woke up extra early on a saturday morning because of a wonderful phonecall from Canada! I love those! Thanks Justin! XX
Got up and ready. We were to go to the market today. Amanda and I were very excited for it. Ron said he would be taking us. Nicko and Bell also said they would come along. So once we were ready, we went over there at 9am! No one answered the door at their place, so we tried Bells. No answer. Hmmm?? We snuck in through the garage at Nicko and Ron's. Ron's room was empty. What?? We then were going to sneak into nicko's room to scare him and find out what was going on, but the door was locked. He was working late last night. Boo! He said the market was sunday- tomorrow!
Gym. We were too late to hit up any class. This sucked because we were very keen on doing the class today, but decided to miss it for the market. Well now there was no market and no class!!
When we got home, It was nice out, so we joined the sun. While tanning, we went through alot of the slides. Adog had brought out her lap top with her. We were actually getting alot done too. Things were making sense to me that had never been clear before. AWESOME! Rachel later joined us. We pretty much spent the rest of the time catching her up on what we had learned. Kind of a waste of time really.
I went inside and made some grub. Did you know that there is a bug found here in Australia named Grub? It looks exactly like the one on The Lion King, when Timone and Pumba eat- GRUB! haha Its the big slimy worm! I bet you feel just a little smarter now! Also, just so you know, I did actually eat a big slimy worm. I had some noodles. haha
I bumped into Ron who just got home from work. This is why he did not take us to the market. I see I see. he said that he would take us tomorrow. I guess there are a couple of different markets on. This is where Nicko confused us. jerks! haha Later- Ron cancelled for the market again, he picked up a shift at work. :(
Later on, I went over to Adogs. Amanda Long was there as well. We got our study on and Rachel even came for a bit before work. I dont think she got much out of it as she was eating dinner, and only over for 30 min. The three of us ordered pizza, YUM, and worked on Patho for about 4 hours. It was alright study. Im just not compatible to study with certain people. These people include Amanda Long and Rachel. They are complete opposites as well. One is hard core into details that are not tested- this is confusing for me and Adog, the other is so completly cluless that we have to spell everything out. Adog and I have a good routine going on.
After Amanda Long went home, Adog and I were going to watch a movie at my house. When I walked in- my house was full of Koreans!!! They were everywhere! Where did they come from? When two went into a room- three came out! They were multiplying! Ok- I exaggerated. There were only about 12, and they were sitting nicely on the floor in front of a feast. A couple were inthe kitchen cooking poutines. Poutines- not available in Australia. When the asians were asked what they were cooking, they replied by saying it was bread noodles! LOL Miss Cloe had some friends over. I guess no movie. :(
After her friends went home, Cloe, Adog and I watched a movie. Went to bed afterwards.
Sunday June 14th
I got up early. Did a bit of revision and started packing. I love semester breaks! Adog and I went to the gym. By time we were done, I had a text message from Shonleigh saying she was home! YAY! She had been in Brissy all week! Before getting home, we stopped by this little produce store and I bought some healthy food! This is also the day I recieved some pretty crazy text messages! Ones in which I could not reply because I had no credit! I emailed the person instead. Nutshell!
When I got in, the -happy and excited to see Shonleigh- Pom was there! We caught up for a bit and I finally showered. When I returned, they wanted to hear all about these special text messages. We talked about that and other stuff. I was looking for a ride to Kawana shopping centre. Pom and Shon both had to work, and it was out of their way. I got a hold of Graham. Told him that we could do a treasure hunt- I needed to buy some stuff for Justins birthday! #30!! I also said that we could go for some ice cream too. He was game. We werent leaving til 3pm, so Adog and I had some time to get some colour!
We were out by the pool for a bit and then got ready to go with Graham. We went to Kawana. It closed pretty early. Amanda was happy because she was able to get some Bonds underwear that was on sale. That was really the whole point of going to Kawana. haha I also achieved my goal partially. We hit up cold rock afterwards for icecream. Yum!
He took us home. I went into my room and played on the computer. (FB) Eventually, Pom came over. Him and I talked for awhile. I had been studying when he came over, and the Kidney was making me sleepy! I explained to him how the kidney was my favorite body part. He joked that he liked the pancreas... I immediatly told him about the pancreas, and he changed his mind!
haha After a little while, Brock and Yates came over. Yates was very sick and crawled right into my bed. I really enjoy talking with these boys. They are sincere friends. Yates once said that he reckons alot ALOT of people will cry when I eventually move back to Canada. What a nice heart filled thing to say! I cannot believe I have only known these guys for 5 months!
Later on Shonleigh came home from work. We all talked down in the living room for a long while. Once Brock and Yates left, Pom and Shon went to bed. I also went to bed after jumping on their bed and stealing a light blanket, since Shon had stolen her comforter or 'duna', back.
I finally had a nice warm sleep! Sigh!!
Monday June 15th
Exam Day!
When I woke up, I was wide awake. After a little while, Shon was awake too and her door open. I barged in and wished her a good morning in my most enthusiastic voice, making sure to add SUNSHINE onto the end!! I then jumped on the bed releasing a long, maon from Pom, who was clearly not used to having me as a wake up call- roommate! lol pom hates Pink, and so I decided to play her new album in the cd player- on loud! Shon wanted him awake, and I was sure to not fail her! By the end of it, he woke up, grumbled and got ready. They had somewhere to be. hahaha
Exam was not until 2pm. I revised some last mintue slides. I then joined Adog out by the pool. She had my revision notes from class. We started to study- I told Adog I was done studying and that I was just going to relax until it was time to go. I didnt want to use up all my 'think' before the exam started. I knew I would be fine.
I bought a rockstar and drank it before the exam. 2pm is not an ideal time to stay awake when concentrating on school work.
Rachel, Adog, and I began walking to the stadium gym. When we arrived at the uni- 8 min from the stadium, Rachel realized she had forgotten her student ID. She ran back and we continued. Once at the stadium, we waited in queue for the ladies room. There were only two stalls, and the ladies were only going in two at a time. We were conspiring on going into the boys washroom as there was only one guy in there. We were waiting for him to leave, when about 6 guys crammed in there! I dont know how there was room. But they just kept going! off topic, but strange!
I found Amy before the exam. She is excited to be going to Thailand soon for break. We chit chatted and she informed us that it had snowed quite a bit in Melbourne- where she is from down in the south! WOW! We took a number and sat at our corresponding tables.
I found Amy before the exam. She is excited to be going to Thailand soon for break. We chit chatted and she informed us that it had snowed quite a bit in Melbourne- where she is from down in the south! WOW! We took a number and sat at our corresponding tables.
They gave us 10 minutes of 'perusal' time before writing the exam. Weird! That was new to me, and I wasnt sure what to do. I read some questions and familiarized myself with the short answer ones! The exam went by and I used my full time. It was alright. I feel pretty good about it!
Rachel I had seen leave before I was alowed to go. Adog and I walked home together. It had been sooo hot earlier. Hotest day yet in a long time. By the end of our exam, it had poured rain from dark thunder clouds! I was a tad worried about the way home. It wasnt soo bad. It was just a light rain fall when Adog and I walked though discussing the test. We passed very close by some Kanga's. We got about 1 metre close and they didnt hop away! How awesome! Adog and I were in such a good mood that we started hopping around and skipping home! We are both very excited about our semester break! Big plans!
Once home- I changed. I continued to pack a little bit. Then I ate some Grub- non worm grub! The girls were over makin gbrownies and pizza. They had an exam the next day and planned to study for it. I went up stairs to digest. After a while- the two of us hit the gym. It was such a good work out. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I did 35 min of cardio, and then the rest on stratching and abs! Woot woot!
When I got home, I had a nice long shower- bath. I was going to read my book for a bit- but got a phone call from Justin instead. Once out of the bath, I went down to say hi to the girls. They finsihed studying and were going home and to bed. Shon went to her room. I went in and we talked for a long while. Retired to my room and went to bed.
Tuesday June 16th
Woke up to a phone call from Justin. Lazed in bed while talking to him while he was on his way to work. I slowly got up and did a little bit of preparing for my next exam. made some breaky and went out by the pool. Amanda was a little freaked out about our next exam. She came a little later. I had been reading my book- its pretty interesting. Bill Bryson- Down Under. When Adog got there, we studied. Rachel eventually joined us as well. Amanda went in and we copied her shortly after. I made some food and went up to my room shortly after. I resumed my prep work. Im not too worried. I know I will be fine, and I still have a couple of days to prepare further.
Jess and Shon were downstairs, and I went to go talk with them. Jess is making Myspace a scrapbook for his birthday. Not long after, Rachel, Amanda, and I went to the gym. We were a little late because Shon and Amanda got talking before we left. We didnt make it for the abs class. Rachel did the Body Combat. I love that class, but I did so well on the tread mill the day before- I wanted to challenge myself again. Adog stayed with me. She is not such a fan of that class. After my very good workout, we hit the sauna while waiting for Rachels class to end. She joined us for 5 minutes, and we talked a bit with an Aussie lady. She was pretty nice. Washed our faces and walked home. I stopped at Woolies to get some food.
When I got home, I had a shower and made some good food. Put some laundry in and studied! Talked to Justin for a bit. Finally Shonleigh came home. I talked to her in my room for awhile. Her and Pom are not going to be an item. She is too scared about losing him as a friend. Poor guy is going to be crushed! I stayed up til about 1am sorting out what I want packed. Almost done.