Monday June 1st
I believe today is the official first day of winter. hmm
I went to school early to meet with my patho group. PRESENTATION DAY!! We found a room and ran through it a couple of times. Then it was time for class. The girls were very nervous. I wasnt at all. Thanks 4H public speaking skills! Woot Woot! We just decided to go first and get it over with. Once we started I felt a little nervous. Nothing much though. Only because this is Australia, and I am the Canadian girl. People like Canadians, and so they like to get to know me.
Our presentation went smoothly. Afterwards, during question time, we had a girl ask us a question, and we answered it. She then asked one more, which we answered again. Usually, the teachers drill the group. However, they did not ask us one single question. We sat down feeling relieved. We must have done a good job since they did not have any questions. My lab group girls did the same disease- Graves- and the tutors drilled them with extremely hard questions! Very interesting I thought. I felt bad for the following last two groups. They compiled of international students. They all had trouble speaking english and so the information was not clear what-so-ever. The tutors asked this one group a question. There was only two in the group as the third ditched out last minute. The answer given by this student was so awful. It was as bad as that American girl who was on the Miss Universe pageant and answered the question about locating the USA on a map. He mumbled sentences with no context at all. It was all umms and uhhs and repeating of key words. I felt really bad for all of them.
After class, I talked to Amy and Sarah for a bit. I had to cut it short as I feared getting rained on on the way home. Big mistake. I should have left 15 min earlier. I was drenched when I reached home. When I got home, Shon, Pom, Brock, and Cammy B all laughed at my wet self! I changed and prepared for my last class.
I went to last class thanking the sky's for being dry. I was happy to see Amy was in class. It is my last class with her! We did review and she offered me a very thankful ride home. It was perfect timing as well since it began to rain. She told me about her trip she was taking to Thailand during the break. I told her I would get some information from my pops since he lives there some of the time.
I had a very hot and relaxing bath. It warmed my soul! There are no furnaces here. I am bundled at all times in the few winter clothes I brought. To think I almost never brought any!! I was doing some homework when Shon and Emma-May got home. Emma-Mays best friend flew in from New Zealand and she didnt know she was coming in at all. Shon and her friend had been planning this for a long time. Shon is the last person Em would expect this from as they barley know eachother. Shon only told Em that she had a surprise and that they were going out for a nice dinner. They both were dressed up when they got back.
I guess Em thought that Shon was taking her to a book signing by the writer of the Twilight series. As they got into the elevator, Em's friend was waiting inside. It sure helped her mood, thats for sure!
The real news when Shon and Em got home was that Pom was on his way over to have the 'talk' with Shon. I hadnt mentioned this yet, but for the last couple of weeks, there has been something between Shon and Pom. they havent done anything about it because they are good friends and dont want to harm the friendship. I guess Pom had enough and wanted to talk about it finally! ! ! ! ! ! Shon was freaking out! She was going to change, but looked stunning in her new black dress. He came over and I told them that I wanted a thick shake from Mackers. I really just ws giving them an excuse to go for a car ride. Things are always easier to talk about when there is a task at hand. I was happy with myself for sending them on a mission- and me reaping the benefits. YAY THICK SHAKE!!! ( formerly known as milkshakes, but you do not want to confuse the two here as milk shakes are basically flavoured milk...)
I just settled myself with some homework, when all the sudden, these two love doves were back, in my room, with my thick shake, looking at me. Then- and finally- Shon breaks the ice by saying " so we had a talk." "Oh?" "we established that we like eachother..." " I see. And.... "
nothing, absolutly nothing, both staring at me..." and you want my adivce on what to do??" They both kind of smiled.
Arby- ok so, you guys want me- being older and wiser to be your therapist! Very good. I am older and wiser and more experienced. Now, we know you like eachother, but are scared to date because of the delicate thing that is your friendship. Right?? ( nodding). Ok, so what you will do is date. Because if you dont, you will always have the feeling of curiousity and wonder, not knowing what really would have happened. If you do date, and break up, which is totally possible given your age and experience, (pionting to Poma, for this is his first attempt for a gf, not Shon as she has dated someone for 5 years already, but is over him completly as they ended almost two or more years ago), so what! You can still be friends. You both respect eachother and would never intentionally hurt the other. If it is awkward, at least you tried. ( I went more into depth with this therapy, ending it with me throwing a condom at Pom. Im a nurse, I promote safe sex!! :)
They both giggled a little and agreed they would wait a couple more weeks to see what would happen. Silly kids. Em was asleep in Shons room and so she slept with me. I texted Pom saying that if he wants her, he just has to make her date him. Just take her, and not accept no for an answer. I know he really likes her, but she is on the fence.
This therapist was ready for bed!
Tuesday June 2nd
Up early for class. How pointless. I am really only going to sign roll call. I know we are not doing anything in class today but filling out the evaluations. Boring. Little did I know that my teacher was not bothering with roll call today. She even stated her surprise to see how many of us came. Then she tried to make small talk about this and that, tried to make discussion about something pertaining to the course. I justed wanted to go home. By 1100, she said that she felt the need to keep us here the entire time! Thank god someone piped up and said dont worry about it, we dont mind if she lets us go! So she did! UGH! Talk about a dry class!
I went home and found the boys at my place. They went to play tennis. I did some homework. I was trying to start my annotated bibliography. I was having huge difficulties finding articles. What this assignment is, is a collection of nursing related articles pertaining to a certain topic- I chose wound care out of a choice of 10. We were to read the articles and write a brief summary and then critique. It is kind of silly because you dont really learn much about nursing. I guess you do familiarize yourself with the nursing articles about the topic, but that is just one out of ten. The assignment is really about the critiquing. We had to find 10- 12 articles to do this for. 2500 words altogether. It was extremely difficult finding articles! ugh. I had been working at finding at least one, ALLL day! I kept distracting myself too, going to talk to the boys and seeing what I had to eat. Not good.
I finally found one article. I talked to Justin on the phone before reding it. Then I had Cammy B come over with his video of us skim boarding. My wipe out was soooo funny, we were almost crying! Miss Kim was on there too. She was sooo embarrassed to be on it, she hid behind the couch. Shes soo funny! Afterwards, I came back upstairs. Then it was Facebook! :S
The boys came over after again. I then talked with them til 2am. Shon as well. At first I only went down there because I heard Jess and Brock giving Pom and Shon a hard time. Making them feel uncomfortable. I gave them crap! They werent sure why I was able to tell them all I thought the night before, and they werent now. I explained that they had come to me, and that I didnt gang up on them unanounced like they were doing presently. I didnt get back to my "animated" bibliography as Pom like to call it, until 2 am.
I was up and on a roll finding articles galore til 430am!! Success! TO bed for me!!
Wednesday June 3rd
I went to lecture. I went home to eat, and then Adog and I went to Uni to work on our
assignment. It is soo much better at Uni. Less distractions- when I thought there would be more- and I dont go to my fridge looking for anything to eat!! We stayed and got alot done til about 6pm. We went home to eat, and went back til 9pm. There were lots of people at my house. Including Ebony. It was the start of State of Origin. This is a big Aussie rugby- or footy tournament. I guess there is 3 nights in all, and this was the first??? ya, Im not sure, not really my thing. I should ask Pom since he is in school to be a sports announcer- journalist!!!!
Library closed at 9pm and we came home to work on more. Justin called and I was talking to him, Adog went home to go to bed. She was tired. I went to bed soon after.
Thursday June 4th
I woke up early and had brekky. To Uni I went!! Assignment due tomorrow!! AHHH!!
I stayed at uni, in one room alllll day! 10hours to be exact!! I had been working there along side of Amanda Long. At one point, her computer would not read her USB, so I tried on my computer with it. It did the same on mine, just reading it as a folder. Weird. She took hers to the tech guy, and discovered it was her computer that had some sort of a virus, not the USB at all. Weird.
Shon came to visit and brought me a banana. I also had a couple of musli bars. By 9 pm, the library closed and I was hungry. Shon and I went home and ate. We then went back to a computer lab to continue. I had the bulk done. But now I had to add soem stuff and reerence and fix it up. Blah! Im still not done my paper that is also due the next day! Double Blah!
This is where I discovered my computer would not read my USB either. WTF?!?!?! My computer got an STD I think from not wearing a condom when Amanda tried her USB in my computers... slot!!! ugh! No time to worry about this now. Must finish assignment. I could work around it. It wasnt really doing any real harm. We went home, in the cold and went to bed.
I stayed at uni, in one room alllll day! 10hours to be exact!! I had been working there along side of Amanda Long. At one point, her computer would not read her USB, so I tried on my computer with it. It did the same on mine, just reading it as a folder. Weird. She took hers to the tech guy, and discovered it was her computer that had some sort of a virus, not the USB at all. Weird.
Shon came to visit and brought me a banana. I also had a couple of musli bars. By 9 pm, the library closed and I was hungry. Shon and I went home and ate. We then went back to a computer lab to continue. I had the bulk done. But now I had to add soem stuff and reerence and fix it up. Blah! Im still not done my paper that is also due the next day! Double Blah!
This is where I discovered my computer would not read my USB either. WTF?!?!?! My computer got an STD I think from not wearing a condom when Amanda tried her USB in my computers... slot!!! ugh! No time to worry about this now. Must finish assignment. I could work around it. It wasnt really doing any real harm. We went home, in the cold and went to bed.
Friday June 5th
I went to Uni early. I cleaned and finsihed my assignments by 2pm. Goofed around on FB for half an hour, then handed them in! I was quite proud of them too. I think I did better then the other girls. I added the Aussie policies to ALL of my articles, when I dont think the other did at all! I feel good about it! Paper for my other class, also complete! YAY!!!
I went home and read my book for a little while in Shons bed. Both of us were there reading. I then had a little nap. It felt soo nice to not have to prepare for a class or do an assignment. I will worry about exams next week.
Justin called me with a very interesting conversation. I always like these convos! nevermind you! lol I got ready fast as Justin was not wanting to let me go. We were going to meet friends at Mooba pub. Shon drove there, and I was to be DD. I thought I would have wanted to drink after that crazy assignment, but was very content with not drinking :) All the boys met up with us. We then went to Domino's where Brock works. A bunch of them got pizza. It was Chakley and I in Shons car. We again made dirty jokes about turning her car on with those two saftey rods that you have to use to stimulate the ignition. hahahha It is always a good time. I love being an adult!
We ended up going to Poms house. It is such a nice place. He showed me the pool in the back yard, the pool with a view of the town of Buderim! Sooo nice. His house is up on a hill. Pom is a really cool guy, who I have named pop tart. Him and I have been getting closer as friends. He was also DD. Shon was pretty drunk. She passed out while we all watched a movie.
Time to go home. Trying to get Shon up was not easy. She was being difficult and did not want to move. So I left her in the living room easily when I heard the boys calling my name from Poms room. It was Brock and Pom in his bed. I jumped on in. Chakley and Yates joined. Then Shon came in and was upet that she was woken up, and was now awake and we were not going anywhere. ahhaha Eventually, Pom gave us tshirts and us girls slept along side him in his bed. Yates on the floor beside, and Brock and Chakley in the spare bedroom.
It was actually really fun. We kept joking around and laughing about this and that. Shon threatening to fart on everyone. Everyone making fun of eachothers accents. Pom's english, my Canadian, and their Aussie. Good times!
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