Today- move in day for the new room mate. Her name is Cloe. She is Korean and friends with Miss Kim. She is 28yrs old, but looks 20. I lazed around not doing very much. Went by the pool and tanned a bit. I wanted to read a book very badly and noticed I had left mine in Rons car and he was at work. I borrowed one from Bec and read the whole thing while out tanning. I didnt seem to improve my tan. It is important that I get a good tan these next two weeks. I dont need people making fun of the white girl in Australia! The book I read was the 'Beedle the Bard" from JK Rowling. It is a Harry Potter kind of book, telling folk stories. It was ok.
While I was tanning, Miss Kim came by and said hi to me! It was good to be able to say bye. I will miss her! ( I didnt tell her we ate her tim tams- haha she didnt seem to notice) After I was done the book, I went inside and ate. I joined Adog in the library for some study time. While studying, JJ came by. We talked for a bit. Then Graham was keen for some ice cream and so we went home to meet him. When he picked us up, I invited Cloe as well. We drove to Maroochydore to the Cold Rock. It is suppose to be like Marble Slab. They dont have as many choices. I had macadamia nut ice cream with a bounty bar( its a coconut bar), and a chunk of cookie dough. Everyone tried mine and said it was their fave! I should be an expert Ice cream orderer!! Im that good! ahha
We finished our ice creama nd went to pick up Max. He had some kind of edequette (sp??) modelling thing. While waiting, we were talking about this and that and some how came upon the conversation of a BJ! Cloe was confused. Trying to explain what this was to someone who doesnt know english well, was difficult and awkward to say the least!
Max finally hopped in and off we went. Came back to my house and rented movies from Bells. We all watched 'with out a paddle' all curled up with my couches pushed together like a crib. After the movie, Justin called. I talked to him for a bit after everyone left. Bed time!
Wednesday June 10th
Woke up early and went to the gym with Adog. We did a spin class. My very first time. Also my first time in a week and a half going to the gym. School had been too busy and I had been gone for the weekends. We started out ok, but then I began to feel very nauseated in the middle and had to take it easy. I was still feeling shaky when we finished and went to stretch. We went and sat inthe sauna for a good half hour. We planned on showering there, but to our disapointment, there was a plumber there who had shut off the water. Water was not even coming from the fountain. Nothing to even wash the sweat off our faces! Gross! They said it would be back on in half an hour, but we just went home. It could be dangerous not having water at the gym!
We showered and went to lye by the pool for a bit. It was chilly. I tried to have a nap, but the wind kept giving me goose pimples! I eventually went inside. I made myself a lunch and went to Uni for a bit with Adog. When we first got there, we met up with Brock and Pom who were just leaving. We talked for a bit and agreed to meet up later for a movie at my house.
We studied for a long while. I was very distracted by FB! Damn you FB! We came home and I had tea ready when Pom, Brock, and Amanda came over. Pom brought over Dirty Sanchez. Its the English version of Jack Ass! It was pretty funny. We then tried to watch Telldega nights. But we were all talking too much. We ate some ice cream with ice magic, Honey, and Walnuts on top. Again, all the toppings were my idea, and everyone loved it! I really should be a dessert orderer!! They said that honey was soo good on top! :)
After they left, I went to sleep!
Thursday June 11th
Up for the gym again. We went to the Body Balance class. Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi. IT was a male instructor. Adog and I agreed something was off about him. Maybe it was that he fell asleep during the workout- whatever it was, it wasnt quite right!
On our way home, Pom and Cammy B were at the petrol station. They yelled out to us and gave us a ride home. They are all such nice guys! I have made some very good friends down under!
Once home and showered, I made a good lunch. A tuna omlette! Yum! Talked to Justin On the phone. I pretty much caught up on things for the rest of the day. Really didnt do much at all. ( blogging takes alot of time believe it or not!)
Later on, I made a kick ass stir fry. ( Im running low on food, seriously low! :( Soon it will be only noodle soups! ) Adog came over and we made some tea. Then we watched Eagle eye. It was a very good movie. I just wish I didnt fall asleep in the midle of it. Im turning into my mother! haha Cannot even stay awake for an entire movie! BOO! It was good though, from the parts I did see.
After my nap- I mean movie, I came up stairs to my room and was onthe computer writing emails back and forth with Justin while he was at work. I also was studying. Not long after, I went to bed.
Friday June 12th
Woke up early and went to the Gym. Im glad that I am getting back into it. Those Assignments really put me back! We were going to do the body combat class, but we forgot it was a holiday, and the class was different. They had body balance again instead. That is good though. I like body balance. Bell, my fave instructor. Class was good and we did some cardio afterwards and then walked home. Its always tempting to stop by Subway after class, they are always baking fresh bread. hmmmm Yum! Will power holds me back!
When I got home, I showered and joined Adog andAmanda Long at Uni for a bit of study. I was sooo tired that I kept drifting off while revising. I decided to head home. I had been having pretty late nights. Once home, I found out that Lewis was around. We had planned to meet up. He had just gotten back from Alaska and had a present for me. He knows I am interested in photography and he himself is as well. He is lending me his cenventional camera and even bought me a roll of film! He gave me a lesson on how to use it. I am soo excited! I cannot wait to test it out! I think I will wait til after exams though. Boo! Holidays will be better!
I went out by the pool to work on my colouring. Rachel and Adog were there. We had a good chat and were happy to feel the warmth of the sun over our bodies. Not as hot as when we first arrived, but not as cold as it has been! I went in after a couple of hours. Made some grub, and went to the Uni. I had forgotten once again that it was a holiday, the uni closed in 15 minutes! UGH! I went straight back home, made myself a cup of tea, and fell asleep studying on the couch! :\
I woke up to my phone ringing. The Amanda's were both over across in Adog's unit going over some patho. I joined them. We all were very famished and so we ordered a pizza! We got a good 4 hours of study in.
I came home and got a call from Justin. He is a funny guy! I would give you more details, but this is my blog, not his! :P I then had a bath at about 115 am! There was no way I was going to bed freezing again. The night before I had to wake up and put on a SECOND pair of socks! Its sooo bloody cold! I miss my electric blanket!!!
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