Wednesday June 17th
I got up and did some study. This last month is not the most interesting to write about, however, Im not about to start to skip a day due to borringness. I will attempt to make it some what interesting, or short if all else fails.
Anxiety, and lots of it. From what... this will be revealed in entrys to come.
Met up with Adog by the pool. I wrote a rough draft of my paper for my patho exam. It flowed well. Now to critique and add tid bits. Hmm, well, maybe I will enjoy the sun just a bit longer! Adog eventually went in. I stayed out longer, even switching to the other side of the pool to catch the sun at its greatest angle. I listened to my ipod for a long while, thinking about what was to come in just a matter of days!! Lots to prepare for. My brain was filled with preparation plans.
I went inside to select some photos that I needed printed, as well as some songs to make a CD with. I was also emailing Justin back and forth. I didnt have any more credit on my phone and so I couldnt text him back and forth. We had a little argument about nothing. It was not a big deal at all, but I was still grumpy about it. Needed a study break, ( even though I was picking pics and songs LOL).
Adog and I went to the gym. It was dark when we came back. It seems like my days are soo short, but compared to back home, they are. The sun goes down incredibly early here. That is one thing I miss. ( and all of you of course!!).
On our way back, we noticed an amblulance pass us by. We thought nothing of it untill we saw that it was parked up ahead by the round about, accompanied by two giant tow trucks. When we passed, we thought that someone had broke into a home or something. There was a paramedic going into a house followed by women and children wearing house coats. She was saying " well he sure seemed to make himself at home!". We were confused. It wasnt clear until we rounded the corner to find the brick wall centre piece of the round-about inhabited by a company Ute. ( Ute's are the small little Alcamino type trucks they have here. None of the big Alberta trucks that I soo froth over!). The ute seemed to have come from the direction of the out going traffic of the round-about. It must have passed through then gardened median, taking with it a large heavy duty steel sign- this I know because there was a great hole where it had used to be, and it was now under his back right tire. The brick was all over, the wall now only half erect. He must have gotten some air as he was roaring around the round-about from the wrong direction, as he was quite a distance from the actual road. Drunk off his tree no doubt! The humor of the situation- the words on the side door of this company Ute were ' People Taking Care of Property'- obviously not very well!! hahaha
We took photos and continued on our way and were home in 5 minutes. I had a shower and made a bite to eat. I then went on FB and was able to catch Mom online. We talked for a little while and I continued to do some studying. After a while, I went to bed. Tossing and turning all night.
Thursday June 18th
Justin called me a 0200. We talked for awhile, dissolving our little issue. He let me get back to my dreaming, and I slept in until 1100!!! Later in the day, I learned that I must have accidentally changed my clock in the middle of the night, because it was actually 1000 when I awoke! The whole day I spent thinking it was one hour later! I was happy to find that I actually had one more hour of my day!!
I spent the day doing running around for Justin’s Birthday. The plan was to get him 30 items for his 30th Birthday! Most of these items were going to be inside jokes and such. If you don’t know us well, the little doll George, a child’s toy train, a tampon, some authentic red dirt from Aus, a toy utility truck like in Aus that looks like an Alcamino, and a picture of Joey Moss will not make much sense to you. I asure you, these are all items worth being on the list. On the list also included things such as a bandaid- to fix his boo boo’s when his nurse is too far, a coin- so he never goes poor, and a tissue- for his many many issues. Some of my favorite items are as follows: a pen with a piece of paper taped on it containing the word “epinephrine” hopefully he doesn’t think it’s the real thing and I am held responsible for his death!! , an authentic Kangaroo scrotum- this is fashioned to be a change purse I believe, I gave it to him to hold his saggy… sac :P, and a belly ring for his piercing! Not all gifts were useless! I also bought him a pair of shorts, a pair of shoes, made him two CD’s with a sum of 30 songs, and I printed him 30 pics of us. Corning, but the deed will not go unappreciated! Some things were inside jokes, but simple. Gum, hugs and kisses- not actually a joke, but speaks for itself. A mini Koala . A beer snuggy. Deck of Cards. A Rockstar with vodka beverage, ect… I also brought back with me a bottle of our favorite Aussie wine. The stuff we drank when he was here.
These were all good gifts, but none of these were the instigators of fear to me. I had one gift that I wanted to get to Canada that may not be allowed into the country! I wanted to send Justin some Kangaroo Poo, because he is the SHIT!! This would be a tricky one!
So on this particular day, I still had not gotten all of my gifts. Cammy B came over to help me make some CD’s. Graham came over later to take me back to the shops to pick up a couple more items. I even bought some Bond undies for myself and Julie and Kelsey. These are the Aussie brand, and I thought it would be nice for them to advertise on the other side of the planet. Graham drove me home.
Adog made some muffins and gave me one. Ebony, Shon, Yates, and Brock were over. I didn’t stay long to chat. I headed to the gym alone instead. Adog did not accompany me because she was studying. One exam to go!
I came home and tried to study. Graham got off work and came over. He picked up the pictures from the plaza for me. I don’t know what it was, but Graham and I began talking, and the next thing I know, I was telling stories after stories after stories. Some about Justin, most about Justin, and some about this and that. I forget sometimes that I have a lot more experiences then these youngins! Makes me feel old when I say that. Hmmm…. Boo! By the end of the night, he was wishing that he would have been able to meet Justin. Graham and I did not really meet until Justin had left already. It was getting late, Eb and Shon came home. Eb was pretty drunk. It was after all Uni night. They came into my room and the four of us talked briefly. Graham left and the other two went to bed.
Went to bed… not too much studying was accomplished. I felt pretty good about it, but did not sleep well due to the anxiety! Not just from the test I was about to write either!!
Friday June 19th
I was up early! I went and wrote my exam. I had to write a whole essay paper about diabetes and the effects on the body. I also had 60 multiple choice to complete. I completed the paper first. It actually turned out well. Had I more time, it would have been perfected, but this was not the case. I started on the multiple choice. I ended up having to guess the last 10 questions without reading them due to the time constraint! Shitty!!
I talked with friends after the exam. I didn’t want to talk about the exam too much. I was just happy to be done! I was free!! Holiday time! Woot Woot!
I told Amy my plan to pick up the Roo poo. She laughed! On our way walking to the library, I got out my plastic baggy and scooped up a fine specimen! I could see in the distance Amy and our friends laughing at me! Ahhaha
I went into the library and printed off some information. Quickly went on FB and then home. Ebony was waiting for me. I packed up some stuff and she gave me a ride to Brisbane. She is an interesting character. I really like her. I can understand why a lot of ppl do not like her initially, or at all for that fact. She is taking her education degree and one day hopes to teach children in poverty in Africa. She genuinely wants to make a difference. This is something she said she does not like telling people. We had a pretty good time on the way in. She dropped me off at Jason Whitings place. He wasn’t home, but his room mate Cas was. Eb left and I chatted with Cas for a bit. I then had a nap since I was up late and didn’t sleep well. I got up and chatted with Cas some more until Jason got home.
He came from Melbourne. He had some work there in the south and brought home with him some very cool Australian artifacts. I want to buy some of the wine racks he had. They only hold one bottle of wine, but are so neat in their design. It’s a curved piece of wood with Aboriginal designs all over it. It balances with a bottle of wine in it. Very cool!
Frank, their friend came over. He was the one who came up with Jason that one random night. It is always kind of funny hanging out with Jason and his crew. They seem to be very anti- Aussie. This always strikes me as a bit odd. I see their point about some things, but I feel the same way about some Canadians as well!! I don’t understand why someone would live in a country for however long if they did not like the people who lived in it!! When you go to Jason’s, you usually find little treasures like kraft dinner, or other imported goods. Jason and Frank love their Copenhagen! Gross! Good luck with your ulcers! Frank was over to collect, as Cas and her bf had just come back from Canada. Cas and Frank were both tired and did not join us to a friends party.
We drove across town to Jason’s old work buddy’s 30th Birthday also on this day. He was from Fiji, and when we walked in, he was giving a speech. The room was filled with Oriental’s and Fijian’s. As soon as he saw Jason, he stopped his speech to say a few words about Jason. He joked around and everyone laughed! Some people came in behind us and didn’t receive a greeting by anyone. This was a very interesting party indeed. It is not all that common for a home grown Saskatchewan boy to have soo many non- white friends. Harsh but true! We mingled throughout the night and Jason had one beer that seemed to last the entire night. I was fine with this fore he was my ride. His one friend kept trying to make us drink more and more. While I was protecting Jason by saying I had just gotten him a new bottle, he was doing the opposite to me! I ended up doing a couple of tequila shots and some mystery shots- that were surprisingly delicious! I didn’t get drunk- thank god, and we left the party.
When we got back to Jason’s house, he went straight to bed. I made myself a bed on the couch and Justin called. It sounded like he was having a good time with his friends from Saskatchewan that had traveled up to Etown for Justin’s Birthday. We talked for a short while and I went to bed.
I woke up at about 4am to have a shower. I got ready and Jason and I left…..
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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