Saturday June 20th
Jason had me at the airport by 545. He drove off and I began my journey- the longest June 20th I have ever had! On my first plane ride, I sat alone. I had a nap and I read. I was full of anxiety still! On our decent, I was able to see the Sydney Opera house and the infamous Harbour Bridge. It was spectacular! I was very excited. Im glad I was by myself, as I am sure I looked goofy getting all excited over something still far away. Something that I could not truly appreciate from this distance! The Sydney airport is a bit strange. They have this bus that takes you from domestic to international. I waited to board the bus and 10 minutes later, I was in the international section of the airport. There was a long line at my gate, so I stopped to grab some vegimite and wine. I boarded my flight. My seat was actually a very good one, it was at the very front of the economy class. Window seat to boot! I sat beside a young Aussie bloke named Eric. Bright red hair and freckles to match. He is 19 and is taking nursing in Brisbane. Also a second year student. We had a nice chat here and there for the long flight. He was going to a family reunion- last minute. Our seats were nice because we could stretch our lags as much as we wanted. There was plenty room infront of us. I watched some movies and slept quite a bit, trying to adjust to the time difference. Traveling always makes me super sleepy!
I arrived in Vancouver after being on the plane for 14 hours. Thats right, I was on my way home for my semester break! Justin wanted to see me and bought me a ticket home as soon as he found out I had a break! Lucky girl I am! I just had one more plane ride to go. I had an hour to pick up my bags, go through customs, re-check my bags, and then freshen up and change. I wanted to look good for my man after all! Boarding was at 0815. While waiting for my bags, a young customs gaurd came up to me and asked for my customs pass. I gave it to him and he wrote stuf down on it with a blue highlighter while asking me questions. Where I live, why Im in Canada, and why I am living in Aus... those types of things. I thought nothing of it. Routine random check. He left. I kept waiting and was getting pretty nervous as my bags still had not come up. They did not come until 0820!!! I quickly went to the line to go through customs. I gave them my customs pass and they said " this way ma'am." Pointing to a door. No one else was going that way. I became nervous. I said that I really had to rush and catch my plane as it was already boarding. he said that if it was boarding, it was already too late. With this, I started my walk to go through the doorway. My heart sank into my stomach. I was missing my flight! I wasnt sure what was going to happen.
I walked in through the door to this massive room. They had people's suitcases layed out and were searching through them, not excluding underwear and sneaky places like the backs of camera's. My heart started beating faster from its new home in my stomach. What will happen when they find my Roo poo, eucalyptus leaves, and my red earth!?!?! I did not declare any of these items. I know that these items are not allowed. I began to over heat. A strange sensation that I have never felt, being a person who is forced to mooch heat from other people as I do not produce any myself. I have often seen people with this problem. They deal with it by taking off layers. I decided to see if it works. I took my sweater off and waiting in the line up. Things were going slowly. This made me nervous still, anticipating the moment when I would have to come up with some kind of story for each item. The roo poo, I was going to play the dumb blond card, " I thought it would be ok since the stomach acid eats away at things..." The red dirt, " people bring home sand from other countries all the time..." The leaves, " oh! How did those get in there?? I didnt realize I had packed those!" I had the leaves inside a fabric grocery bag, folded flat. I could have easily missed them. I knew my stories were weak, but I didnt know what else to do. It was getting nearer my turn. This one Customs officer was questioning this Asian man. Something was going on. She was being harsh- and scared the living day light out of me! She was a big lady too. I briefly wondered what her girlfriends name was. I wasnt quite sure what this man was trying to get away with, but it seemed I was also in for this treatment! I was hoping not to be questioned by her. She was saying things like " Im suppose to believe," and " your story doesnt make sense". I was now at the front of the line. Sweaty and trembling, my eyes full of stress fluid, my skin hot and red! I looked extremely suspicious! Then something happened. Two new officers came off of break. The young handsome officer came over and asked for my customs pass and led me to a table. I gave him my boarding pass. "OH!" he said. " Yup, I know. I missed my plane because of this." I couldnt keep it in any longer. The stress fluid spread over my face and took control. He looked up and his expression changed. I could see the panic in his facial structures. I was lucky he was young, and probably not used to women crying around him. I could tell he was uncomfortable. The fluid was not ceasing. It kept pouring from my vision holes. My sleeves wet from wiping at my face. He asked me a couple of questions. The same old ones, where I live, why Im living in Aus, what Im coming home for, how long. Then he asked what was in my bags. "Clothes and some gifts for my nieces." He cut me off, asking if I had food. " Just some,' sniff,' vegimite and a bottle of wine for my," sniff sniff * blows into kleenix and breathing deeply, " boooyyyfrrriend." At this he passed me back my boarding pass and informed me that I would be put on the next flight to Edmonton as there are lots back and forth all day. He pointed me out through a door and I thanked him. I instantly felt some of the heat rise away- feeling a little bit more like myself. The stress fluid was slowing as well. I was the only person who's bags were not checked! As I walked away, I could not help but to smile a sneaky little grin!
I kept walking with all my bags, slightly struggling. I made my way to the other side of the airport. Checked my bags and discovered I had plenty of time to freshen up! This worked out to my advantage. I brushed my teeth, changed completly, did my hair how Justin likes it, and put some makeup on after a quick wash here and there- the main spots! A few squirts of perfume and I was off to find a phone. I didnt have have Canadian money and so I had to use my credit card. I left Justin a message telling him that I was stopped in customs and that I would be on the later flight. I then read my book and waited for boarding. My last plane ride seemed the longest. I was eager to see Justin. I sat next to an older man, maybe in his seventies. He was bitter! At who? Im not certain. I was soo hungry having not eaten in hours. So when the snacks came by, I must have looked extremely pleased to get mine. The male flight attendant asked if I wanted more and gave me three. I was eating them when the old fart said I could have his and that I should be careful as they are bad for me and full of salt and that they would kill me. I told him I would be fine and gobbled them up! Only after reading the ingredients and acknowledging the fact that this small snack would be powerful enough to kill my boyfriend! Sesame seeds= bad!! The lady came by offering newspapers, and I said no when she looked at us. She walked by and the old fart was outraged! he made a huge fuss and the poor lady apologized. He recieved his paper and mumbled to himself. I couldnt be happier to get off that plane!
We landed and I walked downstairs. No sign of Justin yet. I know he got my messages. I went to the baggage claim and retrieved my bags. I then waited. I tried reading my books but was too excited to really read, so I pretended, and stole glances to see if He was there yet. Finally after 10 minutes, I called the bugger! He was just parking and would be right in! He had gotten stuck in traffic! UGH! lol When I finally saw him, I ran up to give him a hug and kiss. He looked good despite the fact that he had cut all his hair off. He now had a buzz cut! I wasnt used to it, but didnt mind it. It grew on me. He helped me with my luggage and we hopped into his truck. I looked in the back seat and it was full of bags from Hollister, HighGrade, and shoe stores and other places. He said he was going to wait and give me one present everyday, but instead started dishing them out to me! He said he couldnt wait!! I called him a crack head since it was his Birthday the day before and that he really didnt need to buy me any gifts! I ended up loving all of it! he bought us matching shoes too! hahaha
We went straight to Chilli's on Whyte Ave. Some friends were there having drinks and snacks. I was hungry too! I met Geordy, and Cody, Justins kids Uncles from Saskatchewan. Brett, Mark, and Rory were also there. Later on I met Whitey. I forget his first name, so it is now Whitey. lol We went back to Spruce Grove to Kelti's house. ( Justin's sister). I helped Justin pack the rest of his stuff up- a few bags of slothes and papers. We went to BP's for a function his friend was putting on. I had maybe three drinks the whole evening. I was talking and conversing and carrying on. I dont remember much, but Justin says one minute I would be talking and laughing, and the next, I was looking like I was completly hammered and passing out. I hit a wall! He took me back to Kelti's place and we went to bed. We woke up again at about midnight and went back to go pick Geordy, Cody, and Rory. We found Rory staggering back on one of the main roads, and the other two had taken a cab. I was still so exhausted. We went back to bed right away! I was sooo excited to be in bed after the longest day in June I have ever been through!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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