Friday May 15th
Up early for a quick revision of my notes before lab. I am lucky because Amanda and Rachel have lab a week before I do and they always warn me of unexpected quizes and such. I got to lab and met up with Amy and the girls. We walked around to all the stations labeling parts of the eye and ear. I am pretty familiar with teh eye and the ear by now. I feel like I have learned about all there is to know about a million times! It was Kirstenne and I walking around for the most part. We did tests such as the old Fork test that you bang on your knee and listen to the ringing in your ear. I spun around 5 times and had to walk a straight line. We did the snellen eye exam. That is the letters starting with the big "E". It only went up to 20/20 vision, but I know I have at least 20/15- because Im extra cool!
By the time we were finished, it was time for our quiz. It was pretty easy. Straight from the notes I revised in the morning. Im sure I got a 100%. I also was handed back my urinalysis assignment. 22/25! Yay! I sure know my urine! ... and many other peoples urine as well.. :S
Just as I was leaving to go home, Justin called me. We talked for a while. He often " walks" me home! hahah When I got home, Shon was watching a movie. The Notebook. I snuggled up on the couch and joined her. Yates joined us for the movie. He had lost his liscense the other day. He was driving people home and was sober, but the other were not. Everyone was wearing thier seatbelts and they technichially were not doing anything wrong. The problem was that Yates has his "P" plates on. This is like our GDL system. P = probation. He is not allowed to drive more then one person under the age of 21 after 1130pm unless they are family. Unfortunatly for him, they were not family and all were under 21. Cops are soo strict here. Poor Yates. I sure hope the others in the car are going to help him pay the fine as he was helping them out!
After the movie, Shon and I went grocery shopping. I was soo low on food that I was eating bread and peanut butter with honey for two days. Then I ran out of peanut butter and it was butter and jam!! Then I ran out of bread! I dont think I would have lasted any longer! yay for food.
Chakley called and said he would pick me up to hang out at Yates place. I went over to chat with Jess as I waited. He soon found me. As he was chatting with Jess, Myspace called her, but she was busy unloading groceries, so I picked up his call and talked with him for a while. Little did I know that Pom, Dan, and Yates, were in the car waiting for us!! haha off to the car we went. We stopped briefly in Mooloolaba for the boys to pick up their Mexican food from Montezumas. ( Its no Julios!!) Then off to yates.
Poor Dan has been having stomach problems. He has been seeing the doctor for it and is waiting on some results. I didnt recommend the Mexican food, but he said it was worth it! :)
At the Yates place, there was a whole bunch of people. We sat around talking for a while and I taught some people- Max and Graham, how to do that 3D eye picture puzzle thing. There was a book on the coffee table. Then my phone rang and I yelled out "Canada" and ran to answer it in the bedroom.
I talked to Justin for a couple minutes and when I shut my phone, I could hear the boys talking in the living room. Some one had asked where I went. Somebody else informed them that I ran to the room after yelling Canada when my phone rang. They quickly learned I had a boy friend. Someone said " that sucks". Chakley then went on to tell them all, that Justin was a legend. Then someone said that they would just have to work harder since I have a bf. haha It was pretty funny. I walked back into the room as if nothing happened. haha Ploped myself down between JJ and Brock!
We watched a couple of movies and then JJ dropped me off home.
Saturday, May 16th
Woke up early and went to the gym with Adog. Rachel and Becca showed up a little later. We
had a really good work out and then hit the sauna for a bit to sweat out all the toxins. Headed over to woolies. Adog needed some food. I guess she is having problems with Jess eating all her food. Jess' sister who she hasnt seen in about 10 years flew here to spend some time. They share the same father but not mother.
Walked home and had a shower. I then made myself a little gourmet Pizza on a wrap! Soo yummy! I can be soo creative sometime. Shonleigh is always telling me how inventive I am! I joined Adog by the pool for a little sun. I painted my toe nails while soaking up the warm- not hot because its winter- Australian heat. The boys were over playing Tennis, as they do frequently. Shon also had her friend over for the night- Alessia.
I went in and prepared myself for the night. I borrowed one of Shonleighs dresses. Just a casual kind of singlet dress. ( singlet= tank top) I went down stairs and the girls were over. We had some fun dancing and such. We even placed Xanthys long brunette hair over my head and made it look like I was a brunette. It looked really good. Makes me miss it again! Especially since her hair is soo think and long! Who am I kidding- blondes have more fun! haha We took the free Bud Tav bus to the Bud Tav for Lauras going away party. I met some of her close friends- her best friend is named Ariel and she is Canadian.
Through out the night, we all just mingled and did some dancing. I was teaching JJ how to two step and he wasnt half bad! I noticed he had his ears both pierced but was only wearing one earing. My earings were kind of unisex and so I decided a trade was in oder! He actually suited my little black earings with the silver trim quite well. I however, did not so much suit the one earing look- but I rocked it anyways!
There was a guy wearing a touque! I went up to him and asked him if I could borrow his "beanie"- touques are unknown! He agreed and I went around telling all my friends that this is the usual head woredrobe in Canada! hahah Im quite random! It was only for about two minutes and because I had been talking about touques earlier.
Shonleigh cried. She is such a silly girl! Christopher had called Jess and told her that he was coming for a spontaneous visit to see her and that he would be there in the morning. Shon learns news of surprise visit + the amount of ETOH ( alcohol) comsumed= Shone crying, " he ( deep rapid breath), is ( deep rapid breath), such ( deep rapid breath), a ( deep rapid breath), good Boyfre- eh- ehnnnd!!!" Funny funny girl!
The bus finally came to pick us up and took us home. Yates crashed at our place as well. Pom tried to walk home, but Graham found him sitting at the bottom of the hill in the opposite direction from his house. Pom thought he was going to be bashed until he realized he had a ride home. hahaha Silly 19 yr olds!
Sunday May 17th
I slept a long while. Actually only until 1130am. By this time, I already missed my yoga session at the gym and declined Marks offer to take me out on the boat. I needed to do some assignments today anyways and was very tired. Rachel and Adog joined him. I wish I had joined them, but priorities right??
Myspace came over early with Jess of course. It was good to see him. He is a pretty cool guy. I think Jess is young and a bit too controling with him, and I think that he is rushing things too much as this is his first seious realtionship, but I hope they can make it work.
I talked to Justin and we had a really good conversation while I made myself a Fish taco! Yum!! Just like in the Baja!! I eventually had a shower and donned my sweats again. I hit the books- internet and later watched a movie.
By dinner time, Chakley, and Laura came over. Xanthy and her friend Erin were over as well. Then Adog too. We all came to the conclusion that Gelatissamo was a must. We drove to Gloria jeans in Mooloolaba and said hi to Shon while she was working. She has recently been promoted to manager. Always good to see my girl! As for the Gelato, I got one scoop coconut and one scoop macadamia nut and some thing else. Sooo very delicious and 90% fat free! How can you go wrong! lol
I dont know if I blogged this, but about a month ago, Shon was telling me about this guy who came in to order Green tea. They had a "moment" she had said. She wrote him a letter and wanted to drop it off at his work that was close to her work. So one day I had dropped it off for her while she waited in the car around the corner. I had asked if there was a Ben who worked there at Raw Energy foods who had blonde hair. A couple of guys said yes and then this Ben character stepped forward. I passed him the note and started to walk away. He then caught me and informed me that there were two blonde Bens who worked there. I wanted the one who worked on Saturday night. He was kind enough to pass on the letter for me- for Shonleigh!!
So to continue my story in the present, he was actually sitting outside of Gloria Jeans on that particualr night. Shonleigh had served him. he knew something was going on when all of us started staring at him and his friends. On our way home, I almost walked up to him and asked him if he had recieved any random letters at work recently. I chickened out, Chakely and Laura talked me out of it. I knew Shon was watching as well, on the security camera!
I was feeling like a failure and a chicken when we hopped in the car. Then, I realized we were driving by them. I quickly unrolled my window and yelled out " CALL HER!!" I later on learned that Shon had noticed all their heads turn dramatically and she wasnt sure why! hahaha
She found him later on that night on My Space and added him as a friend. She is pretty stealth with her stalking skills! Gotta give the girl some credit! haha
We watched a movie once home. Smoking aces. It was Chakley, Laura, Adog, Yates, and later on Max, and Graham.
I texted my group to remind them that we were meeting at 10 am to work on our presentation as it was to be given on Tuesday. Both Mia and Naomi sent back agreeing messages. I then sent another to Mia asking if should would really be there at 10 am as I didnt have time to wait and it needed to be done. She responded " I said I would be there, if you dont want to then we can meet before the presentation on Tuesday!" This was unacceptable. I replied saying I just didnt have the time to wait and that was all. A little while later, Naomi texted me saying Mia told her she was not going to meet with me as I was being rude. I called Mia twice and no answer. I texted her saying " I knew you havent been getting much sleep lately, but we really need to get this done and I do not have much time. I did not mean to come across as rude, I just need to know you will be there. " She said she would see me in the moring. I hate having to be nice to people who have attitude problems. I really cannot stand this girl!
Justin phoned and so I left to talk to him. When I went back down stairs, everyone was gone. I then went to bed.
Monday May 18th
Up early to work on group project material before meeting at Uni. When I got to Uni, I found Niomi. We began to work on contents and about 10 min later, we saw Mia on another computer. Naomi went over and talked to her. Im not sure what was said, but Mia looked hesitant but eventually headed over to us. We were friendly and began to work on our project. By the end of it, Mia still did not want to speak during the presentation. I told her I would be ok with speaking for her if she would put her information in point form- so I dont have to read paragraphs. I also asked her to have it by the end of the day so that I would have time to learn the contents and prepare. She said she would have it.
Justin walked me home from Uni! haha When I got home, Shonleigh informed that her Ben had messaged her back on Myspace and they talked and were going to set up a date! I made another delicous fish taco. Im hooked! Then I did some more homework. I had class again at 2-4 and then 5-7.
During my patho tutorial, the first groups did their presentations. Mine will not be until week 13. We are currently on week 11. They did alright. Its good to see theirs, and then we can make ours better by seeing where they went wrong. ahah Sneaky! After class, my patho group- which I love- tried to find a computer. We just ended up talking about this and that for half an hour. I then went home.
When I was sitting in class, I recieved a text from Mia saying her stomach really hurt. She said she would have her notes done and give them to me later that night. I was still ok with this.
I made something to eat. Shonleigh was at work. Not much time for anything really. Back to school. My last class was good. I miss talking with Amy in it though. Grr! Walked home and straight to Adogs place. I quickly got ready for the gym and we walked. While we were walking, I recieved yet another text from Mia. This time saying to meet her at the library right away. Then one right after saying that she would meet me at the Uni at 7 am!!! I wrote back saying that I would not meet that early in the morning as I needed time to prepare and wouldnt feel comfortable reading on her behalf if I didnt have the time. She then said she would email it to me instead. I gave her my e mail address yet again and huffed and puffed my way to the gym!
We had a really good work out. We are getting into a nice routine. We enjoyed the sauna for a good 20 minutes, and then hit the showers. The gym closes at 9pm, and we were exactly done at 9pm. We felt a bit bad because I think they were waiting for us to leave. We started walking out when the secretary asked us if we wanted a ride home. I told her we didnt want to put her out of her way, but she insisted.
In her car we hopped. Her name is Kiri and she is pretty cool. Young, taking photography and computer design. Sawweeet! She told us not to hesitate for rides whenever she is working. Also
had a cute lil car.
When I got home, I started to work on my notes for the presentation the next day. No email from Mia. I texted her saying that I assumed she changed her mind and was now going to speak as I did not recieve anything from her. No reply! I was getting alot done and took a break to chat with Justin. Shonleigh came home from work and came into my room. We started chatting about this and that, mostly Ben and Justin. Branda came in as well and the three of us stayed up until 1am painting our nails and having girl talk. It was really fun. I like it when it is the three of us.
They went to bed and I returned to my school work. I wasnt going to go into as much depth as I did, but I ended up staying up until 3 am. I also sent my professor an e mail reguarding the lack of effort and attitude we experienced from Mia. Hopped into bed and BAM asleep! Although I was nervous about Mia and her not reading!
Tuesday May 19th
Work up early to revise my late night work. I was going to wake up even earlier to go out and buy condoms, I thought it would be a nice touch since we are nurses and have to help aid in the prevention of STD's. I ended up sleeping in as I was tired. No condoms. I headed to Uni after making myself look professional. I was the first out of my group to arrive. Then the other two showed up at the same time. I never like it when they show up together. It makes me think of petty little school girls plotting against me. Naomi has never given my grief though, so I ignore these feelings. When Mia came close, I asked her if she was going to read. She said NO! " what are we going to do then?" " Leave it out- I cant read it!" Naomi and I looked at her and I said " you have to read it. You dont have a choice. We dont know what to say for you. " She finally gave in. I was so mad. By this time I just wanted it to be all over and not have to deal with her ever again.
We did our presentation. I presented it and also said my part last which was also the longest and had the most information. It did bother me a bit that the teacher liked Mia's part the most. That is originally the part I wanted to research, but I let them chose what they wanted. Grr! Oh well. We all get the same mark. This also bothers me though since Mia was such a bother! Ugh! Soo happy its over.
Later when I checked my E mail, my teacher did reply saying that she thought we did very well, however, marks cannot be changed to differentiate between group members, but that she was glad to hear about such problems as it will reflect in our papers we write. Good!
After our presentation, I walked home. When I got home, I was soo exhausted- and soaked. Its sooo rainy here. Not the normal Canadian trickle. I could have take my razor and shower gel out with me and bathed while walking! Would have gotten some good sized suds! Thick thick rain!
I jumped into some dry coziness and crawled into bed. Talked to Justin for a bit and then had the most comfiest sleep ever! I was soo completly cozy and listening to the sound of the pouring rain was my version of the Sand Man singing me to sleep. I slept for a couple of hours at least.
I woke up when my phone rang. It was Adog. Becca and Rachel were going to the gym and we caught a ride with them. Becca did not stay long. Rachels friend from work was there. The four of us took the body jam class. Its the dance one. Pretty hard when you dont know all the steps and when you mess up, it messes you for the next move- until you need to stop completly and start over from where they are! When you stop so frequently, your work out becomes slow and not as satisfactory. Adog actually left early to do her regular routine. Im just happy I did the eliptical before hand.
After the class, Rachel and her friend Allegra ran out quickly without even offereing us a ride. It was only pouring rain and we had come together. I dont know why Rachel wouldnt ask!! Allagra was already driving Rachel home, it would not have been any more effort to drive us as well. Luckily, I make friends quite easily. There was another girl who I have become friends with and she had offered. We would have walked home in the rain, but its soo terential!
Once home, the girls were at my house making Chilli con carne. Its a beefy- chilli mixture on rice. Yum. They also had apple pie and ice cream too. I ate and then danced myself into the shower! The girls went to Chakleys house to play poker. I was a little envious, as I am a poker lover! I didnt have time. They were leaving just as I was getting out of the shower, and it was pretty late. I still have to prepare for my group meeting for my other group presentation. I decided to stay.
I did some preparing and talked to my international man.
Shon came home with quite the story. We were down in the kitchen eating Milk and cookies- which I still think is my moms favorite- not popcorn! pfft! And no- pffft <-- not being used as a fart noise!! Anyways, before I go into the story, here is some history. About 6 or so years ago, a little 13 yr old boy was abducted. His name was Daniel Mokum. To this day he has not been found. He is the most wanted and famous boy in Australia. Everyone knows who he is. He was supposedly seen last in a blue car. The whereabouts of the blue car is unknown. His family continues to have a $1million reward for whoever finds him or his body. He was a boy who lived in queensland locally around here where I live. I have heard many things about Daniel. He would be the age of my friends now- about 18- 19yrs old.
Shonleighs story- They were at Chakleys house playing poker. I believe Pom had won that evening. After playing a bit of poker, they decided to have some good ol' family fun with the ouigi board. ( wee- gee). Everyone held on as they tried to contact a spirit. They kept asking questions. It kept spelling P-O-P and it stayed in front of Pom and Chakley. They were trying to figure out what the spirit was trying to tell them. They asked- is it Mat? - NO. Is it Pom? -... Maybe.... - Is it Daniel? ( Pom's real name is Daniel). When this was asked, it kept going to yes and then no. Back and forth. After this, Chakley asked if the spirit was Daniel Mokum. It jerked everyones arm to yes immediatly. When this happened, Pom, who was not sure if he beilieved or not almost quit. Jess began crying, and they urged to continue.
They questioned Daniel Mokum but were not getting straight answers. It just kept going to the letters Q and R. Finally, Mat asked " are you where the blue car is?" It went to Yes. I guess the day that Daniel went missing, Mat was out and actually saw a blue car pulled to the side of the road by the Queensland Railway. He just brushed it off as nothing. He had always kept it on his consciounse. He had seen a couple of people in the car, but thought nothing of it. Later that day he heard about the blue car that Daniel was last seen in. No one knows the make or model of the car. They figured that when it was going to the Q and R that Daniel meant Queensland Railway- where Mat had seen the blue car.
They were al pretty freaked out and decided to go to the police station. Mat was the only one who went in. The lady looked at him like he was a dumb kid. After all, it was the oiugi board!! lol He basically told them that he would feel better if someone had a look for the blue car in the area he had seen it. He was told an investigator would get a hold of him.
Shonleigh was telling me this intense story, and I was listening intently when, all of the sudden, the door jingles and CRACK!! AHHHHHHH Shonleigh Jess and I alll jump high- Shon almost off her chair, me clutching for dear life onto the light fixture- and scream- not a quick yelp kind of scream- but a 30 second long, OMG I just pee'd myself- kind of scream! Jess had come in through the garage door and scared the crap out of us! It took about 5 minutes to have all the adrenaline wear off! This is where Jess went into full account of the story.
When we readied ourselves for bed, Shon was too scared to sleep alone. She stayed with me in my bed. It was pouring rain, and I slept like a baby!!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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