Sunday April 26th
We were offered breakfast at Dan's house, but we declined. We were soo tired as we only had a couple hours sleep and were drained. I was home by 9am and in bed for a nap.
When I got up, I did some school work. Shonleigh came home and had a horrible tooth ache that was bringing her into tears. I nursed her a bit. There was nothing I could really do. She was busy calling dentists all over the place. She lent me her car and I went to go hand out resumes.
While I was out doing so, I did a little grocery shopping. How nice to have a car to do it! It being Sunday and Australia, almost nothing was open. It doesnt matter much though as almost no places are hiring. Its a very quiet time for job hunters! :(
I went home and Shon and I watched a movie. I talked to Justin on the phone and went to bed.
Monday April 27th
Wake up call.
Jumped on the computer. I had a date with my sister. It was Rylieghs birthday party and I wanted to catch them on skype. I had missed mom and Mandy, Gilles, and Kelsey. They had left early on. ( as I expected). By time I logged on, Ethan and Rye were sooo hyped up on sugar. They were runningback and forth like crazy! At one point all I saw of Rye was her feet up in the air kicking as much and as fast as she could! Just her feet! She loves that big fish pillow! I bet she cant wait to see grammas Koi pond!
I watched the kids play on the little piano and drum set that Rye got for her birthday while I talked and caught up with Melissa and Adam. Always nice to hear what is going on with my life back home! :)
After getting ready for my day, I talked to Justin on the phone. Then I had a phone call from Stacey. She has a boyfriend named Jared and they are doing very well. I cannot wait to meet him. I was catching up with everyone today! :)
Later on I walked to school and had class. Good as always. By the time I left Uni at 645 pm, the stars were out and bright! It gets dark here so early ALL year long! Crazy! Thats what I miss about Canadian summers! Long days!
I had a shower and read my text book in bed. I was sooo tired I passed out with it on my lap. I woke up with a dream vivid in my mind. Justin is working for shell right now and they are having a shut down. In my dream, the bad guys were the ones "shutting down" the plant. I was the daughter of one of the good guys, but dating the head leader of the bad guys. Justin! haha It was a funny dream.
Tuesday April 28th
Went to my class. I really do not like this subject. Health Culture and Society. Its a first year class. Blah! It would be ok, but I have a group assignment to do and I really dont like one girl in my group. We were discussing the content of our presentation. We were given a case study to talk about and one of the main points was homosexuality. This is one of the main topics we need to cover. As nurses, we will definitly need to learn about this. One group member said that she did not want to talk about it at all because she was not comfortable talking about it. I said that I would talk about it and that would be fine. She then said she did not want it mentioned at all as then she would have to write about it in her paper that we need to write about our presentation. I thought about it and then replied by saying that I felt it was one of the most important things to cover in our assignment and that I would not be ok with excluding it. Our ideas clash. We are painfully working through it. :
Had an inspection today. We have them always coming in and showing our place for ppl to buy, or cleaning, or fixing things, or other this and that sort of business. Probably once a week someone is in here and it is starting to drive us crazy! We dont know who these people are!!! ugh! Well we had our inspection to see if we are treating the place ok. By the end of it, they said Shonleigh needs to clean her room but the others were ok. Everything else checked out as fine. Poor Shon has such a bad tooth ache, I dont blame her for her messy room. Brenda on the other hand thought it was soo funny that she was told to clean her room hahaha.
I spent most of the day blogging, but as you can tell, I am still behind. I am learning alot about time managment as I am always busy doing soemthing.
I had a really good talk with Shonleigh. Her and I are getting pretty close. It is weird to think that I wont see her all the time in two years!
Later on in the day, I was busy on face book talking to Gilles and Kelsey, when Brenda walked in. Her and I started talking and the next thing I know, I am in this full out s*x conversation with this kroean girl! She was so interested to learn what our habbits were in Australia and Canada. She seemed to like how open we are about things. She said she hopes one day Korea will be as free as Canada. Miss Kim is starting to be more comfortable around us. She is fitting in soo much better than Mat! :) Arby is very happy!
This was another late night spent blogging and uploading photos on fb!! hahah
Wednesday April 29th
Had class. It was lecture day. At the end of lecture, my friend Amy motioned me towards her. When I met up with her, she asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner with her and her friends and her dad. He was up from Melbourne and wanted to meet her friends and he was shouting for it. I did not understand this term "shouting". I looked puzzled and she said it meant he was paying! OOOOhhhh! haha I said I would come along as I was happy I had made friends on my own and always happy to see them outside of school.
I went home and did some readings. Played some tennis with the boys, and then went to Uni. Last lecture of today. It was a different teacher. It was a german man talking about microbiology. He seemed pretty funny and held my attention well which is almost impossible on wednesday afternoons!!
When I got home, I chilled and talked to Adog for awhile. We took a walk over to uni-central which is another student accommadation. Amanda Long lives here. She is the fourth Canadian doing nursing. We visited her a little while. Talking about our plans for the July holiday. She too had a long distance boyfriend back home in Edmonton. After a bit, Adog and I walked back.
The units at uni-central are nice, but I like the Village better. Their units have an ensuite bathroom in each room, but no bath tub. The rooms have more storage for clothes and there are four rooms per suite, but its all on one floor. Our units only have one ensuite bathroom and that is Shonleighs, but Brenda and I have a bathtub in our bathroom. I also like how there is only 3 of us and our bedrooms are upstairs away from our living room and kitchen. Their units are more expensive and crammed all together. I am very happy here and hope to live here for the entire two years!
I did some assignments and then walked over to Jess's while waiting for Amy to pick me up. Always good to catch up with the gossip girls. Amy phoned and I went outside to meet her.
her dad hopped out of the car to let me in and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. This is normal, but it always seems to creep me out as I dont feel natural doing it. I will have to practice! haha We decided on Chancellor park tavern to dine. It looked like a pretty nice place. I had not been in it before. We all ordered some grub and her dad bought some wine. I picked what kind and everyone liked it. I was the main talker as everyone was interested in the foriegn girl!
Her dad is a prison gaurd down in Melbourne. He was very nice and had some stories. At one point he asked me if my mom was single... I said no she is happily married. Then he said that he better get my e-mail details so he could keep in contact with her. This is when Amy nudged him hard in the side. I didnt really answer and was happy that someone else had re-directed the conversation. Lisa and Kirsten were also with us. They are the other girls I have lab with along with Amy.
The food came and we ate. It was really good. Afterwards, Amy wanted to try out the "pokies" or the slot machines as we know them. We all kind of watched her and told her what to do. I didnt want to spend- waste my money. After dinner they dropped me off. I went up to my room and did some readings and went to bed.
Thursday April 30th
I was to meet with my group today. I really did not want to meet with the one girl. I told them I could not make it as I had to go with my room mate as she needed a root canal. This was not a lie. I did go with Shon to the dentist. However, her dad was there with her and while I waited, I went to get a hair cut. By time I found a place that accepted walk-ins, andthe girl bgancutting my hair, Shon was done. I told her to just go home and I wouldnt be much longer.
Lucky me had a free eyelash tint. On certain days, this place does free waxing or lash tinting with a hair cut. I certainly didnt need a waxing done. The tinting is interesting. They remove your makeup and apply vaseline to your surrounding eye. they put wax tissure paper under your bottom lashes. You close your eyes and they apply the die. It takes about 10min to react and she washes it off. Nothing to it.
I looked around the mall not buying anything, but teasing myself with the shopping anyways. I caught the bus home. I found shon and her tooth looked much better. She had some pain killers, but said the pain was substantially better since the hole was filled. The hole had been in her back molar and was the size of the top of my pinky finger!!! Pretty big! I dont know how it developed and worsened without notice! We talked for a bit and I retired to my room for my daily computer routine. This consists of FB, Gmail, Blog, and school- of course not in that order.....
After a while, the boys came over and we played tennis. When we were done with this, we went over to Cammy B's house. Here we watched a funny movie. After the movie, Shon came over feeling much better.
We played scattagories. It was alot of fun too. If you dont know how to play, I am not going to bore the others with the rules. You should go look them up now! What happened was, we had the letter "N". We all wrote our answers down and when it was time we passed them to the left for marking. Pom had left the room to use the potty. When we were reading the answers for Farm Animals, Adog read out Poms answer- "Nigga". We all burst out laughing! After some time, must have been a #2, Pom returned. Brock asked him what a "nigga" had to do with a farm. I blurt out, " what does a 'nigga' have to do with an ANIMAL???" and we all burst out laughing again! Pom then went on to tell us that Adog read it wrong and that it was suppose to be the previous statment, which was street name. We all laughed as there is no such "nigga street"!! He then informed us that he percieved the question to be asking what people call each other on the street. This is where is answer fits! It was alll toooooo funny! HA HA!
We watched some old videos and then it was time for Shon and I to leave. We met up with Jess and went to the airport to pick up My Space and his friend Mitchell.
While waiting for them to walk up, we were playing cards. Jess had taught me a new card game. We sat directly in the middle of the walk way where people were waiting for loved ones. :) This is where we met this strage woman. She was just strange in a awkward way. I talked with her for a bit and found out that her son did a student exchange and was placed in Baulf!! Or is it Bawlf? I really dont know as I was a baby when I lived around there. Crazy!
On the way home we briefly stopped to re-fuel our tummies! Then we continued on. Luck was not on our side as it ended up taking us 3 hours to drive home! There was heaps of road construction. At some points, we were stopped for about 10 minutes! Jess would go in and out of fits fighting with Chris. She is a 19 yr old scorpio. I remember those days all too well. When he would just look at you the wrong way and it would make your hormones go sky high and the reaction - KABOOOOM!! As this was happening, the three of us in the back had a good time. I asked Mitchell what he did up in Townsville. he replied with " ah you know, just keepin' it real", but what I heard was, " ah you know, Im a kangaroo!!" I got soo excited and said, " that is sooo friggin cool!!" He looked at me and kne I had obviously not heard him correctly. He repeated what he said and we all laughed when I told him what I thought it was.
Eventually we did get home. Chris and Jess in one piece too! Mitchell slept in Shon's bed and her with me! Ugh sooo tired! zzzzZZZ!!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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