Wednesday May 20th
There is nothing better then sleeping with the rain pounding hard on the roof! Lovin it! What I didnt know, was that there is a cyclone somewhere around the east coast here! ahhah I was wondering why it was so thick and harsh!
I was up and headed over to Adogs place to escourt her to lecture. We joined Rachel in lecture- turns out I didnt gain any knowledge! Just did not have an attention span! Really wish I could concentrate! I try to- and then somehow I start daydreaming. About the most random things. For example, I will look down at my shoe and think about how I need white shoe polish! Its amazing how much I can think about white shoe polish, and then I realize that Im not listening again! UGH!!! I think I may have been a gold fish in my past life as I heard they have an attention span of 7 seconds- however, I would like to know how they tested this. What exactly did they have the fish paying attention to?? Were they trying to teach it tricks, and then realized no trick could be taught in 7 seconds??
I met up with my patho group after class. We headed to the library and began to work it out. This group is much more organized then my last one. This is a good thing, but I also think they are taking it too seriously. They are forgetting that it is a presentation and not an essay. They are going to be reading paragraphs. I would rather just have key points and dumb it down so the class understands. In all actuality, we are giving a lesson to the class and our main goal is for them to understand. I believe that is where we will get our marks. Im glad that I will be in charge of the main Pathological process part. Yay! * Arby is secretly happy she was put through the horror of public speaking as a child now*
By time we were done working on it, it was about 230pm. Justin was in bed as it was late back home. Didnt get to talk with him. Boo. Oh well. He will call me later, when he wakes up. I headed home and made some lunch. I was eating in my room and Wolley came over and fell asleep on my bed. We both had lecture at 4, for different classes. When it was time to go, I woke the reluctant Woolley up and we both walked to Uni.
When I got to class, no body I knew was there. Amy and my lab girls must have ditched out as well as my Canadian comrads! I decided to stay as I was already there. I didnt decide to sleep through it, but had the worse time trying to keep my eyes open. Its a good thing I know alot about pain managment. Near the end of class, I did check my phone and realized I had missed a text from Shonleigh. " You better we home when I get there cuz the boys are going Skim boarding!! ". I wasnt home in time and she took Miss Kim instead. :( I missed out on an extremely fun Aussie past time to do what?? SLEEP IN A BORING LECTURE ABOUT STUFF I ALREADY KNOW!! grr!
Shon and I wanted to make some dinner. So she got showered and we went to woolworths. Once home, we made some wraps. She was done making her boring - ham, cheese wrap when I had finished taking out ingredients for mine! hahaha My food is anything but boring! Lettuce, avacado, tomatos, tobasco sauce, sweet chilli sauce, seasoned turkey meat, cheese, on a spinich wrap! YUM! Im frothing as we speak!
After dinner, Amanda and I went to the gym. Shonleigh was an angel and let me take her car! I froth her as well. Best room mate ever! We drove there and had a quick workout. Once we were done, I went to start the car. Now Shon's car is a little funny. Her dad insists that she has this security feature. What it is, is that when you go to start it, if it for some reason thinks you are stealing the car, it wont start. ( I dont know how exaclty it figure out when to start or not, but- annoying! ) On her key chains, she has these two little rods that are to be rubbed over the ignition. Then you try to start it. When ever I go anywhere with Shon, it never starts! It is only when I am with her that we have problems! The car must think I am a thief or something!
Anyways, I had the car and I had to use the rods when I left the house, but again when I left the gym. It took about 6-7 min to finally get it started. I tried rubbing the rods slow, soft, fast, and hard! i tried probably about 20 times! Adog and I were getting a tad worried- boom it started! Thank god! How annoying is that!??! What if someone was chasing us- like in a horror movie- and we werent able to get away because the car thought we were stealing it! Her car just does not like me. She says she rarely uses the rods when she starts Daisy the Daewoo up!
Once home, I had a quick shower. Then Shon and I went over to Bells to borrow some movies. I talked to Justin briefly at this point. We got home and made some delicious ice cream con coction and then we watched - theres something about Mary.
After the movie, we both slept in my bed, as Shon is steal not settled about the Daniel Morcomb thing. ( I recently learned the correct spelling! ) Had a peaceful sleep once again! Thank you rain!
Thursday May 21st
Slept in til 9 am! Woot woot! I did this and that around the house and eventually, Adog and I went to the gym. Had a really good work out and we were about to hit the sauna like we do when we are not rushed. We never made it to our sweat session due to a text I recieved from Shon. " Be home, we are going skim boarding!" We hurried home to find shon eating some ice cream on the couch. She said we didnt need to rush as the boys werent there yet. I made myself a quick bite to eat and resisted showering. I was sweat drenched and a tad smelly!!
Finally the boys got there. Shon didnt want to come, so Brock drove Adog and I. We met Cammy B and Pom at the field and Yates later showed up. The boys were a bit mean. They had told Yates that they were going to tutorial, when really they were taking us skim boarding. So Yates was in Tute all by himself! poor guy, hopefully he learned something essential in that hour!
Skim Boarding! There has been flooding and massive amounts of rain here lately. It was a nice day today- sunny but not hot. Juat warm. Perfect skim boarding conditions. When there is soo much rain, it fills up low spots in fields. The shallow water is ideal. You take this flat body board or "skim" board and lay it in the water just at the shallowest bit- the shore. Then you take a running start and jump on it like you are wake boarding. You skim across the water trying to stay on as long as you can. It is quick, but very fun! Most entertaining when someone bifs it hard! hahaha
We took many pictures and some videos! It is soo much fun! I was covered in mud and grass! Everyone was so funny when they wiped out. A prize was awarded to me for the best wipe out ever! I was going at it and was just fine when the front end of my board bit into the grass underneath the shallow water. This shot me forward into the air- I was executing a fine dismount when my body suddenly jerked and my FACE landed hard into the muddy- grassy water! My sinus' filled with water- everyone was silent. I got up and heard the gunshots of laughter spill out of everyone! Cammy B " if that didnt hurt, something is wrong with you!!" I thought to myself - it wasnt so bad... hmmm- is there something wrong with me?? haha I was pleased to learn that Cammy B got it on tape!! I havent seen it yet, but I will track him down and try to get it on facebook! They said it was the bet wipe out ever! Of course it was me who had to be at the top of the list for...... WIPE OUTS!! ahhaah
I got home and showered in a mad rush. I had to shave my legs and everything! I only ha an hour! This was going to be tricky. I was ready right on the dot of 6pm. I am good! Although Shon still gives me crap for taking so long!
Ben drove us in a hurry to his cricket game. It was inside of an arena kind of place. It was an interesting place as well. They had good beer- extra dry- for only $3.50. I had one! Yum! I learned alot about the game. Kind of interesting. In this place, what Adog and I thought was sooo awesome, there were some aussie flags hanging from the roof. Right beside it- an Albertan flag!!! WHAT??? No other flags... just those two! How crazy is that? I wanted to know the story, but couldnt find anyone who knew. I doubt anyone ever really noticed it, or knew what it was. We represented and made sure all our friends knew! haha
Our boys ended up kicking the red shirts butts! yay! So after wards- we were so starving we went to Mackers. We ate. Yates and Girl Yates showed up. Cammy B and I went and played in the childrens play area. We flew some helicopters as well- in the play area. I took his out and then he had a tantrum and we had to go see the others. lol jk! They were not real. Dont be silly!
After Mackers, we were to go to Sands bar. It was Uni night after all. When Yates, Adog, Chakley, Dan, and I hopped into the truck, we all at once agreed that it was more of a movie night then a bar night. Yates was still keen to join the others and so we dropped him off.
We headed to the beach. It was night and we wanted to see the conditions. The beach was barely there. Because of the cyclone, the tide was way up and the sand was carved away, leaving the beach low. There was no way we could walk on the beach- it was water and foam covered. There was soo much foan on shore. But because there was baely any shore, the water kept swallowing most of it up, which looked quite disgusting! Like old baggy skin- a womans saggy breast as she is naked on a amusment park ride! Sorry for the in appropriate visual! :P
After the beach, we went to Dans to pick a movie out. We were going to go to Chakleys but stayed here instead. His Mom- sorry- Mum and sister were up watching movies down stairs. Really nice family. Offered us Tim tams! :) and tea.
We went upstairs and all squished into Dans bed. His family is well off and he has very nice bed and blankets... frothing was initiated! We watched " love actually". Good movie. During the movie, I recieved a text from the lovely Shonleigh. She was in a horrible mood. Before when we decided not to go to Sands Bar, she was going to come with us, but Brock promised her she would be home early. Brock had met with many friends and did not want to leave at this point. They got into many fights- as per usual Brock and Shon. She ended up sitting in the bathroom for 45 min texting me. Our movies was done and so we were going to pick her up.
We hopped into Chakleys land cruiser and drove down the hill when we realized there were no head lights. I told Shon of our difficulties. We went back up the hill and Dan and Mat tried for about an hour to fix the problem via switching three batteries from here to there to there to here! hahah Adog and I had our own fun! The boys werent watching- so I made some fun... body prints on the due forming on the windows! haha Chakley seemed to know what I had done merely from the shapes! He was pleased! teehee!
No luck with the head lights. By this time, Shonleigh had made Brock take her home. They sorted out their conflicts and were good by time she arrived home ten minutes after me. I beat her home only because Dan let Chakley use his truck. Brock had already told Shon that he was driving her home, and so we didnt have to go out of our way to get her.
Shon and I talked for awhile at home while eating milk and cookies. This was the first night since the oiuja -(weegee) board experience. I was sad to sleep alone, as I am a cuddler! :(
Friday May 22nd
Woke up and planned to go to the gym. This did not happen. I had logged on to face book as per addiction- my sister Melissa skyped me and I ended up talking to Ethan as well. He had gotten my letter. He is soo funny. Always soo many questions for me. I like knowing he is learning about traveling and that I am helping him concieve the the idea of cultures and countries. Shonleigh came into my room and I put her on to chat with Ethan. She began talking with him, but he stopped to think. He then asked Melissa, " mom, I cant understand her." haha Melissa then tried to teach him that she talks in an accent because she is in a different country. " so she speaks another language because she is in a different country??" haha soo cute. I came back on the line, and he asked me question after question about how Shonleigh says this and that. By the time we were done talking, he was set on writing me a letter with a list of words in it that he wants my friends to translate for him!! hahahha SOo friggin cute!
I quickly showered and packed my bags.
Hopped in Shon's car. Off to Brissy. We sang and talked all the way to her parents place. Such a good time. I briefly talked to Justin. It is getting quite rediculous when we talk. I hate rogers! All of his calls are dropped! We can barely talk as we sounds like robots! he can hear me fine, nothing wrong with my reception. My phone sucks though. It never turns off when I am talking on it, but if I am texting or not doing anything, or if I open or close it too hard- it will shut down! It is soo annoying! I need a new one! Donations accepted, please make cheques out to Kristin Campbell! Anyways, the talking on the phone is driving me nuts, and making a long distance relationship.... robotic!! :
Once we arrived in Parkinson- southern Brissy, we said hello and gave kisses. We caught up and Shon and I offered to make dinner. We ran to IGA for some supplies. We were making chilli con carne. yum Yum. While in IGA, we were running around and the shelf stocker boys helped us. Its funny being in Brissy. There are a few sublte differences. We have grown used to the Aussie accents, as they have grown accustomed to ours. Here in IGA, when I asked where something was, the one guy looked at me funny. He didnt seem to understand and kept asking me to repeat. He kept saying" I cannot understand you, what are you trying to say???" haha I had no idea what he was talking about. I just kept slowly repeating myself. Then I realized, he was making fun of the foriegn girls accent!! They seemed to get a kick out of us! Even back at Shon's place, her brother, who I have met a couple of times, came out to the kitchen while we were cooking. he kept repeating everything I was saying. We thought he was being a brat. Then I
realized, he too was making fun! I pointed it out and both Shon and I were like " Oh right!!"
While making dinner, Brendan, Shon's dad was in his office. Normally I would not inform you of such minicule details- however, this is worth mentioning! Jenny was soo embarrassed, eventually she closed the door on him! He had on a pair of head phones and was singing his heart out. He began with some of the Kings greatest hits and moved on to some modern R&B hits. Where he didnt know the words, he moaned and said, "YEAAHHH!!" It was soo funny. Shon and I even snuk over to get a peak- his face was soo involved and passionate. His eyes and whole being was working so hard to perfect each syllable! What a good time!
Dinner was a hit. Shon has only cooked for her rents a couple of times and so I made her look good since it was my idea! her mom Jenny, heard that I had never had Pavlova before. Its a common aussie dessert. It consists of this special fine- but not icing sugar fine- sugar, vanilla extract, a little bit of flower, some vinegar stuff. I cannot remember it all exactly. I will have to make it for my family. You cook it for 1.5 hours. Its a big white blob. When it cools, the centre sinks and the tops shell cracks. You put whipped cream on top with some fruit. It was soo delicious. I was not sure if I would like it, I am picky about my sweets. I expected it to be heavy, but was pleased to find it light. The crust melts in your mouth- as sugar would- and the inside is a merang- moist, soft, filling kind of texture. Almost like warm ice cream that doesnt melt. Make sense? Hmmm not really. haha It was good. So light that I was able to eat two slices!
Shon's friend Kurtis was also over for dinner. Jenny, Kurtis, Shon and I watched -the holiday. Very good movie. Jude Law- just as fabulous as pavlova! I would take two slices of him any day! Shon was on Facebook the whole time and wrote as her status " Shonleigh is jealous that Arby is cuddling with Mum!!" hahah I was indeed snuggled up under a blanket with Jenny. Shon says they froth me! I like being frothed!
After the movie, We all went to bed. Kurtis went home of course. Nighty night!
Saturday May 23rd
Up and bathed. Once clean, I exited the bathroom in my towel to find Shon and her friend Stacey talking. Always good to meet people when in the nude! Stacey was around for a while and went home. I readied myself for the day.
Food Time! Picked up Tess and went to Sushi Train in an asian part of town. Yum! It was very busy- parking was a night mare- full of bad drivers- no stereotype intended! After eating, we drove around singing pink very loudly. Jenny made us copies of three pink cds. We dropped Tess off eventually after catching up. We stopped by the grocery store and back home.
We watched the Pink concert on tv and played on the internet. Got all pretty and drove to Erins house. Erin is a good mate of Shon's, also her ex bf's ( of 5 yrs) older sister. Erin and Shon also worked together at woolworths. She was having a party of all the old friends of Woolies. I was the tag along pal. Foriegn girl is always welcome! haha We helped make some party food and punch. Ppl slowly began coming over. There was about 10 of us by the end of it. Some people were 26, and some 17. We drank until the punch was out- which didnt take long as it was one bowl vs. 10 people! And then everyone continued to drink. We laughed and talked. Mostly, it was them reminising.
Justin called me when he was on his way to work. We talked for a couple of minutes and I went back to the party. He called and again and I was confused as to why. He was laughing soo hard! Apparently, on his way to work, he saw this truck full of ladders on the HWY. He was wondering why a work truck needed so many ladders. When he looked at the driver, he nearly drove himselft off the road in laughter! There in the drivers seat was a midget!! Bahahahha! I came back to the party and everyone seemed to have a good laugh!
Shon and I had planned on stumbling home, but realized by 1am, that niether of us were drunk. I was sober. I drove us home. We crawled into bed. I was almost alseep when we heard- varrrooooooom- then complete silence. It sounded like a drill and we were home alone! After much worying, we discovered the noisy dvd player, turned it off, and fell alseep.
Sunday May 24th
Woke up at 10. Wow what a sleep in!
Up and showered.
Watched the rest of the pink concert. By noon time, no one was home yet. We wrote the Ryan parents a note and left it on the counter. I thank Brendan for the concert and Jenny for the Pavlova!
We danced our way into the car and off we were. We talked and sang all the way home as well. Only stopping once for a bite to eat on the way. This is where we saw Xanthys friend Erin. She had also been in Brissy for the weekend. I guess she had just recieved her P plates for driving and immediatly went for a trip to Brissy. On the way home, she was behind a paint truck. One of the buckets flew off. She was scared it was going to break through the windsheild! Luckily, it went staight to the ground where she had no time to swerved out of the way. She ran over it. When we met up with her, she had her brother there looking at the tire. She was ok, just a little startled as this was her first trip ever! haha poor girl!
I got home and did some reading. Caught up on facebook. Julie my niece has been sending me some cute messages! She says that she would be really sad if I forgot her and she forgot me- so she needs to know every detail of my life!!! haha What a cute Banana!
I watched a movie and Miss Kim made some delicious rice curry. Shon was at work. We drank tea and watched the movie. Amanda came over and we watched Master Chef. Its a pretty good aussie show. Lots of chefs competing. Woolley was over briefly to use our oven and milk as her over was not working. She is always baking htings, but never has all the supplies. She is always using other peoples stuff. Oh well. She gave us some muffins after and I was happy. It was just Adog and I catching up on the happenings of the weekend. Rachel came over all dressed to the nines before Allegra picked her up. She is working out at Fridays and so she never gets to go out. I guess she and her work friends go out on sundays becuase they never get to on the weekend.
Everyone left and I went up stairs to work on some stuff. I ended up being on Face book way too long as always. I waited up for Shon to get home. We sat downstairs for a bit and talked. Eventually going to bed.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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