Friday May 1st
Woke up and readied myself for lab at noon. Shon was still sleeping in my bed. She dragged herself to her room as mitch was gone. We were both soo tired.
In lab class, we had an unusual task. Unusual for usual people, as a nurse however, we are unusual with our duties, therefore having a usual task. Make sense? HAHA Our duty today was to distiguish between the different odors of urine and know what they mean. We also tested urine to see what pathological problems they held. We had 5 samples that were already provided for us, and then we had one person in our group who was to supply some. There was four of us and three of us had gone before coming to class. Amy was a trooper and pee'd in a cup for us! YAY!! She had very nice clear, pale yellow, FRESH smelling urine just so you all know! :) Some samples smelled like ammonia, some like metal, some fishy :S, some sweet, and some fresh. Thank you Amy! It turned out to be a good lab as the kidneys are one of my favorite parts of the body. Yes, this may be strange to you in you are not in a health care profession! Go team kidneys!
When I arrived home, Xanthy, Kirby, Shonleigh, and Mitch were at my house. They were going to the plaza to meet Xanthys mom, and I tagged along for the ride. I was in one of my hyper moods yet again. I was bouncing in my seat dancing and singing to the music as per usual! When we got to the plaza, we walked around and looked in shops waiting for Xanthy to be done. We lost Kirby at her sisters hair salon where she ws getting her hair done. We lost Xanthy to her mom who was taking her shopping. Shon, Mitch and I headed back home. It was nearing the end of the day, and Amanda called. We were to meet Mark as he had asked us if we wanted to be extras in this movie he was in. This is the movie that is about vampires. We were pretty excited about it.
When I got home, I made some grub and Adog came over. It was already well into the evening and neither of us felt like taking the bus for this movie thing. I dont think its a big movie and we were just going to be extras standing at a bar in the background. Meh. We watched movies at my house instead. Myspace and Jess were in her home town of Gympie. He was meeting her parents for the first time. Mitch was hanging out with us girls. Xanthy was also here. She made a good pillow. The night went on and we all went to bed. Mitch slept onthe mattress on the floor as Shon had gone to bed early and her door was locked.
Saturday May 2nd
Up for breakfast at Jess's house. Her and Myspace had made bacon and eggs. It was yummytastic. Things had gone well with the parents, and Chris had said he had them wrapped around his finger already haha. Cocky young boys these days! ( that last phrase made me feel old.. hmmm ) By time brekky was done, Shons parents were here. They took us out for lunch to Bud Tavern which is a pretty nice place during the day. They have a really good looking menu. I was full from the brekky that was still inhabiting my stomach, so Miss Kim and I each had a handsome slice of cheese cake! It was so delicious! I also got Shons family and herself and Miss Kim all hooked on Beer with Orange juice. We named it the Orange Bomber! It has a fusion taste! Yum. Kurtis, Shons friend, the one I had caught with his pants off in her room upon returning from the Whitsundays, also joined us. Nice guy every time I see him. He likes to tell me how beautiful I am. He's one of those super smooth guys. I get the feeling he flatters all the ladies with this kind of karisma! I certainly dont mind! :)Shon and her mom played the pokies afterwards, and her dad Miss Kim and I sipped tea in the lunge area. Kurtis had gone back to Brissy.
When we got home, all the boys were at our house. They were happy to meet Shons parents. They are really like people and just like Shonleigh. Full of this attitude, but in a good natured way. We had a hoot. When the Ryan parents left, the boys and I played some tennis for a while. Always a good time.
I later got ready for Zoe's birthday. Zoe is Mat Chakleys sister. It was her 21st birthday. She was having it at the cable wake boarding park. We grabbed some stuff and Adog and I got a ride with Yates, Pom, and Chakley to the Yates place. Laura wanted us to get ready together. Also, their mom was making spagetti for all of us starving uni students. I guess Mats grandma was telling him that those Canadian girls must be poor because they just kept eating at Dan's birthday!! WHAT??? OMG!! We hadnt had dinner that day! lol I didnt think I ate much at all that day! haha oops! Laura is moving to Scottland for 1-2 years. She is setting up a company there. Its too bad though because her and I get along very nicely. Same sizes for shoes and clothes! Woot Woot. I wore one of Lauras dresses and it was soo nice. Although, once at the party, Mats uncle would not stop staring down the top of my dress! GRR! Creep! lol
On our way to the party. It was an alright party. We didnt know many people and it was mostly Zoes friends. We mingled and drank a bit. After the party was coming to an end, we all headed to Chakleys place as his parents were going camping for the long weekend. He has a really nice place. His dad and him are both carpenters and his dad had built his house. Really impressive.
We played pool and took lots of pictures. Had a really good time. By the end of the night, Shon came over and most of us were asleep. She took me and Adog home. I did some silly texting on my way home and had a call from Canada- Justin. Made some noodles and in bed for me!
Sunday May 3rd
Very tired today as last night was a late night! Pom and Chakley and the boys were over early. They had me up and playing tennis with them even though I was soo tired. When we were done, yates went to his house to pick up One Tree Hill- the DVD 4th season or something. I have no idea as I am unfamiliar with this show. When he returned, He had brought with him girl Yates too. Laura, Mat, Yates and I watched One Tree Hill for awhile. It was getting pretty late and it was a Sunday, so they went to get some booze as it was a long weekend. ( labour day weekend here is in May.. weird! ) While they were gone, I had a nap. They had also went to get some stuff to get ready with.
I woke up and began getting ready for the night. Laura came over and she and I readied ourselves together. While we were doing this, I had a phone call from my friend George. This is the guy who I had met on top of the chapters building during the 2006 playoffs. We had lost contact and I randomly saw him talking on fb to one of my other friends. I sent him a message to see what he was up to and he had imformed me that he had just finished a year of teaching english in Poland and is now studying for his masters of business on the Gold Coast!! This was about a month or so ago. ( Im not sure, but I may have blogged that already.. hmm) Anyways, he had called me and said that he was in Noosa, but there wasnt any accomadations there and he wanted to know if I knew anyone who lived close or what not. There was a festival there ( that I was suppose to go to, but declined because it had cost $90 to get in!! ). The hotels and hostels were full up. I told him and his buddy from Canada to hop on a bus and come stay with me. On their way they came!
We all continued getting ready and Mitch brought over some Goon Punch. I thought it tasted funky but everyone loved it. They all tried to get miss Kim to come out with us, but I told her that if she didnt want to, she didnt have to. So she said no, and everyone left her alone. Our game plan was to go to O'Malleys which was a karoekee bar on sundays. I went up to miss Kim and had said we were going to a kareokee bar, and asked her one more time if she wanted to join us. Her eyes lit up bigger than I have ever seen before at the word kareokee. She was eager to come out with us. We helped her get ready and she had a drink with us.
Goerge and Sam arrived and with them a 2-6 of Vodka! They said it was a gift for putting them up for a night. ( Unecessary, but appriciated). George made me do a shot with him. It has been a very long time since we had last met! Miss Kim had a couple shots herself. She didnt even need convincing. She was in full out party mode! IT was great. We were all dancing around my place too.
Time to go. Yates drove us all there in a couple of car loads. Miss Kim, George, Sam, Mitch and I in one load. We walked past O'Malleys. The line up was rediculous! It was going out the mall! We didnt even try to enter, and went straight to 240V. I felt bad for Miss Kim as she was soo looking forward to it, but I know she had a good time. This I know, because she was taking tequila shots and drinking more at the bar. I dont think she has ever had this much to drink before and so I decided to keep an eye out for her. We were all dancing and having a fabulous time. It was a pretty loose night. By the end of it, Miss Kim had had enough. She was ready to pass out. I called Shonleigh who called Brock who came and picked Miss Kim and I up. He took us home while the others stayed. They came home soon after us.
Miss Kim went straight to bed. Poor girl. She was having a great time dancing though. When everyone else got home, they all went to bed. Mat hadnt even made it out to the bar with us as he had passed out in my bed before we even left. He was now awake and ready to go again.
Mitch was around and I guess him and I were doing this "Kangaroo Dance" that we had made. Its a silly little dance that consists of you dancing with your feet shoulder length apart, head looking down at them, with your arms spread wide- then you say " HOP HOP" and do two quick hops to the right. Its more like a shuffle. hahaha I had forgotten all about this kangaroo dance until the next morning when Mat told me! hahhah Probably my favorite part of the night. We had done it for like 15 minutes! It all started from when we picked him up and I thought he said he was a kangaroo! hahaha
I went to bed in Shons bed wearing Chris' Oilers jersey. Sam and George slept in my bed.
Monday May 4th
No classes today. Mat, Laura, Amanda, George, Sam and I drove up to Double Island for the day. It was half sunny half rainy of a day. We took the barge across and then began driving on the beach. Always soo nice to comeup here! George and Sam were soo impressed how well we had been set up on the Sunny Coast. He says its jsut as fun down on the Gold coast too, as he is close to surfers paradise and Byron Bay. Mat let me drive at one point. I was soo excited to drive a stick on the beach! YES! 4 by 4ing always soo good! I stalled 3 times and was about to quit. Then mat put it in a low gear and I was up and running. The spot I was trying to start in was not flat and it is sand I was driving on, give me some slack! When I came to a flat spot, he switched it back. We were having such a good time and George even got a video of me driving! I cannot wait to see it! You guys will like it too because then you will know what it is like to drive on the beach at Double Island! Woot Woot!
After a bit, I let Adog in the drivers seat. She had never driven stick before and Mat said he would teach her. She stalled a couple of time and Mat put it in the lower gear again. She was doing well, but when Mat went to switch it back, she had trouble starting again. It started smoking pretty bad and stunk big time! Ewww! haha So she came and joined me in the back. That was enough for her. Mat took over again. It was raining pretty hard at this one point, ( the rain will be spitting lightly or not at all and then it will be the thickest shower of just heavy rain fall for about two minutes and then nothing again, its the most bizarre thing ever!!) We came to a part that was red earth on one side and beach below us and blue ocean to the other side. Since it was raining soo hard, the red was streaming down and meeting with the blue of the water. It was soo beautiful. I took some pictures with Georges camera. He will be posting soon.
Just then, Mat was driving just as normal, but when he went to drive over this red part, it was like dough! We thought we were going to be stuck in this red slop, but thank god we were able to back out and turn around. We were not able to make it to the point. Probably a good idea. We were headed back when the rain let up. We got out and climbed up a red cliff area. The veiw is just amazing, even on a rainy day. We went for a swim and tried taking some jumping pictures. We also saw a dead puffer fish. Yum...
We headed back and came to Noosa. Went to a view point and then dropped George and Sam off at a hostel. They were thankful for the adventure and place to stay, and I was happy to have them. We promised to go and see George sometime down on the Gold Coast. On our way home we went. S dog and I slept a bit.
When I got home, I discovered that Miss Kim had been sick all night. This I had not known until I talked to her. I felt pretty bad I wasnt there for her. I didnt even hear anyone get up during the night. I was sound asleep. She said she was ok though and that she did have alot of fun. I told her maybe next time not so many shots. To my surprise, she did say she liked the tequila! :) Me too!
Miss Kim made us Bulgogi and Korean sushi with some kim chi. It was sooo delicious! So much better then the bulgogi I have had back in Edmonton. The sushi was different too. It was made with a sweet bean curd wrapping instead of the usual seaweed. Yum Yum Jess, Adog, Branda and I watched Master chef. I had a bath and went to bed.
Tuesday May 5th
I had a wake up call from my man back home. I met up with my group a tad late. It didnt matter though as they spent the entire two hours working on there other group project. Then the one girl had the nerve to tell me not to be late even though she is late for every class and meeting. Its not like my lateness mattered as they were not able to work on our assignment as it was. I was a bit P.O'd!! Im not a fan of my one group member! She is the one who did not want to talk about homosexuality! Moron! I did find out from them that I had missed my tutorial. I was told my an instructor that there was no tutorials this week. As an international student, I am not allowed to miss any tutorials! :(
I talked to Justin on my way home as well. I did some assignments when I got home. After working for most of the day, Mark invited Amanda, Rachel and I over for dinner and a movie. We said sure. We could not get a hold of Rachel and did not know where she was, she was brought Miss Kim instead. Mark picked us up and we made some pizza. It was really good. They often put pumpkin on their pizzas here and I really like it. We watched Transporters and then another movie that we didnt finish, but it ws the day in the life of an outhouse maintenance guy. It was basically crude poo jokes the entire thing. Kind of funny, but not for a whole movies worth. haha Then we watched a Kiwi movie called Stickmen. I really enjoyed this movie but need to watch the end again as Justin had called. It was early in the morning for him and he called me on his way to work.
Mark drove us home and I ran into Shon's room. I jumped on her and we layed like that for a while. Miss Kim came up a little later and I yelled out " dog pile Miss Kim! " and she jumped on us as well! ahah The three of us had a good time and we started talking about farting moments. Shon had some good stories to tell and we laughed for a very long time! :) I eventually went to bed.
Wenesday May 6th
Wake up call. Its a usual thing if you cannot tell. I went to my morning lecture with Amanda and Rachel. Got home and did soem assignments. Pom and Cammy B convinced me to take a break for a quick game of tennis. back to my assignments. I went to class again and was a little late. I sat with Amy and my lab girls, who sat just behind Amanda and Rachel and Adog.
Adog had booked her ticket back to Canada for July break. I found out when my exams were and I too began planning my uni break activities. Lots too see. Branda cooked the rest of the bulgogi, and I was happy to eat it! Really such a treat. Mat and Yates were over. They were talking with me about something that I wont post here! haha We watched Master Chef and I talked to Justin again and off to bed.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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