Thrusday May 7th
Wake up call.
Maintenance was in to fix my chair. They had been in yesterday, but nothing was doen with the chair. Today they replaced it. The new one is much better! It makes me use good posture where as the last one made me slump and I was getting a sore back. Happy me!
I went to Uni to meet with my group. The girl who warned me not to be late, showed up 45 min after the pre- determined time. We had already discussed everything by then and had no need to wait for her, but we decided to call her anyways. She seemed to be a bit upset that we met up so early, even though she picked the time. She said she was on her way, and so we felt obligated to wait for her. When she did arrive, she complained about us meeting early and wanted to discuss everything again, even though we had briefed her already. She annoys me big time! Ugh!
My back was hurting, I think this was because of the chair. I was suppose to work on my assignment a bit more, but I had already spent aobut three hours on it already this morning. Shon was going to the plaza to get a few things and so I went with her! I was having huge cravings. Shonliegh decided to be a very bad friend and took me to a candy store. Only they call them Lollies! They had imported candies here. I bought some Pop Tarts, OHenrys, and a Butter Finger! Plus some other little candies. I miss the junk from home! Im not into the junk here! Almost a good thing, except that I binge when I do find something I like. I never really use to eat much of it back home... hmmm!
Came back home. Pom was here. I gave him a pop tart since his nick name from me is "pop tart"! We all played some tennis. By this time it was late in the evening. Everyone wanted to go to the Bud Tav, but I stayed home to work on my urinalysis assignment that was due the next day.
As I was finishing up, Justin called. We ended up talking on the phone for about 5-6 hours. When I finally left my room for air, it was about 330 am. Everyone was back from Bud Tav. Shonleigh. Brock, and Yates were downstairs having a very adult conversation. I joined in and soon after went to bed.
Friday May 8th
I was up early in sweat pants printing off my assignment and handing it in. I was soooo sleepy from my late night. I went home and had a nap. When I finally woke up, I showered and got ready for my day. Ate some lunch too. Amanda had signed up and bought a gym membership. It sounded pretty good and she had wrote my name down. They called me and I made an appointment to go meet them.
I went to meet them at 5pm. Bianca was the lady who gave me the tour and told me about the gym. The start up fee was a womping $250.00!!! Ya I dont think so. So she went to go " talk to the manager" to see if she could lower it. She came back with this coupon that was expired... and it was down to $99.00!! Still rediculous. So she went yet again to the "managers" office to reduce it. $60.00. She also got the weekly fee down to $16.50 from $19.00. It is a bit expensive, but I dont have to pay it all at once. It comes out of my account every fort night and I can cancel it at any time. If I go away somewhere, I can put it on hold as well. They also offer alot of classes and have a sauna and it is a pretty nice facility.
I talked to Amanda about it later. They did the whole same skit with her. I swear she just went in on Fb instead of talking to the manager. She probably has this whole thing set up like this so she can see how much she can get out of people. Ugh!
I went to Wooleys and grabbed some groceries. I met up with Amanda Long and some of her friends on the way. When I got home, it was already into the evening. Branda, Amanda and I watched some movies. Chakley, girl and boy yates came over for a bit and chatted. I sent some fun text messages back and fourth with Justin while he was at work, and then I went to bed.
Saturday may 9th
Up early to go to the gym. Amanda and I did the Body Combat work out. Rachel was there as well. It was a really intense work out. At one point, Amanda asked if I was ok because I was really white. Rachel had also commented on how white I was getting. I guess everyone in the class was getting red and I was getting pale!! When they said this to me, I took it down a notch. I think I was working myself too hard. It was alot of fun though. Lots of martial arts kicks and such.
We went home and got ready for the beach. It was Brocks 19th birthday and his family was having a BBQ for him by the beach. Laura picked us up in her mini. She had the top down and I got to wear a scarf around my head with my sunnys on just like in the movies!! I loved it!! I wish we had a picture! Its too bad she is leaving for Scottland and we wont be driving in the mini anymore! :(
Once there, we met Brock family. Really nice people. His dad even made a chocolate cake. I dont usually like chocolate, but it was damn yummy! It looked a little questionable, but there certainly were no questions after I ate it, died and went to heaven!
We played cricket, and then some footy- which is rugby! Shonleigh and I were the captains, but the boys never passed me the ball, even though I was in the right spot. Im not half bad at this kind of stuff. After while of running around trying to play with them, I retired and gave up. Luckily by this time, most of our friends were done as well. We all went for a swim in the ocean. Miss Kim even came out with us but did not have her togs on. Her and Shon stayed on shore. It was only a qick swim as it is getting chillier here.
Later that night, everyone was drinking. I had done my hair all funky with curls. I have never worn it like this before and quite enjoyed it. Everyone was drinking, save me and Jess. There wasnt many people at my place. It was Chakley, Brock, Pom, Shon, Jess, Amanda and I. The night was pretty calm and we watched a movie. Then they turned some music on and the party started a little bit. Jess was showing Miss Kim how to walk and dance like a gangster. It was soo funny. Branda is such a good sport.
Jess and I were DD's. I drove Shonleighs car, and Jess in hers. We went to the Yankee bar. It was this crowed small two room upstairs bar in Mooloolaba. There were three different birthdays going on here including Brocks and JJ's. We didnt stay long. This is a good thing. It wasnt my kind of place. Too many youngsters. Boo. The live band was good though.
I drove us to Mooloolaba pub. Here it was alot more fun. I was on the dance floor for alot of it. I did meet some Canadians here as well. One guy was even from St. Albert. His name is Adam and he is here doing business. He has been here for 1.5 years already. We talked with him for a while. Mostly, we danced.
I even found chakely this hot blonde girl. At first, she had come up to Adog and I and was talking to us. Then she left, and I found Mat and told him he had to meet his dream girl. I introduced them on the dance floor, and BOOM! She was all over him and even singing him the words to the song, " You want a piece of me!!" He soo could have made his move but I think he chickened out because she was a bit too drunk. Fair enough! He is a nice guy! Im just saying, I could have gotten him some action! hahahaha
While we were dancing, we heard that Jess drove Yates home, and on the way, he spewed all in her car on the dash board and everywhere. He even got poor little Jess! When we finally arrived home via me, ( yay I was successfully DD on the oppisite side of the road on a bar night here at home!!!) We heard Jess screaming out to us from her window. She was soo pissed and said she was never going to be DD again. Yates was far too drnk to clean it up, and it had to be cleaned that night. I dont blame her.
I came into my place and had a snack, then off to bed. Chakely and Pom passed out on the couch. pom had been very drunk!
Sunday May 10th
I woke up early to gym it up. Pom thought Adog and I were insane. We attended a yoga- tai chi- and pilates class. It was a really good one. I really enjoyed it. So far soo good about this gym business!
I got home to find that Pom and Chakley had left. The place was pretty messy. I made some food ad began to clean. It didnt take long. It never does. Branda came to help and did the dishes.
I went out with Adog to sun by the pool. We were also reading our text books too. I then had a shower and a nap. Talked to Justin and worked on some home work. I was pretty hungry for some kind of a snack when Jess came over. We decided to make some biscuits. We found a recipe online and collected our ingridients. The only thing missing was flour which we borrowed from Beca. We didnt have very much, so we basically guessed the amounts of all ingridients. Ploped them on a cookie sheet and in they went. When they came out, they looked like large sponge cookies. I called them biscuits, but Jess called them scones. However, they looked like cookies. We named them Scoonkies! hahah
We went to visit Shonleigh down at her work. I got a Tim Tam drink- so delicious! We hung out with Shon for a bit and then went home. I worked a bit more on school work and called it a day!
Monday May 11th
Had a wake up text, did some school work and met with my group. It went over much better this time. The one girl was late, by about 30 min, but it didnt matter as we didnt need her for all of it. We worked on what we had. Its coming together. I worked ahile more after they went to their classes and then I went home. I talked with Justin and had a nap.
I went to my last class. Its sad that Amy isnt in this class with me anymore. She had to switch because the hours for her practical placement swithced. :( It was still a good class. We went over material for our patho exam, which will be the most difficult!
I went to the gym with Adog afterwards. No classes were at this time, so we just did some cardio and someother stuff. We did a very good work out and even used the showers after. I love tile floored showers. They just feel soo great. I dont know what it is! We walked home.
I made something to eat and talked to Justin on the phone. I had worked on an assignment today and had it on my computer not saved yet. I wasnt quite doen it as I had to find a reference for it. I was online searching for one when my computer decided to freeze on me!! UGH NO!!!! I had to turn it off manually and I lost my assingment! I tried everything I could to save it, but no luck! It was goners! :(
I went to bed and had a horrible dream all night. Everytime I would wake up and go back to sleep, I would go straight back into the horrible dream. Im not even going to say what it was about, as it has to deal with a fb message I had recieved a week before!
Tuesday May 12th
Wake up call. Feeling better now that I did have to be asleep dreaming that horrible dream!
I went to tutorial. I talked to my instructor about my absence from last class. She said it was no big deal and handed me the roll call sheet from last class to sign my name off of!! This is exactly the kind of things I am talking about. This is why I think Aus is soo slack! lol I also was suppose to have that assignment handed in by now, but my comp froze and so I did not have it submitted. She said as long as I had it in by tonight it would be fine. hahahah Im laughin! ( not in front of her obviously !!)
I came home and the internet was being funny. How annoying. I need to do this assignment!! Grr! So I decided I would catch up on my blogging as I dont necessarily need the internet to type it out. When the internet was finally working, I completed and submitted my assignment.
The boys came over and played tennis. I had an appointment at the gym for 530 for an assessment. When I got there, they took my measurments and blood pressure, height and weight. 118/ 79, pulse 70. I am slowly getting used to the kg instead of pounds. Its funny how we say in Canada that we are metric, but somehow we use imperial for some things. Its like we couldnt make up our minds! The lady- same age as me, so its funny calling her a lady- showed me some exercises that are best suited for my fittness goal. By the time we were done, Amanda had arrived at the gym. We took part in a class. It was called Body Jam. It was alot of fun too. It is a bunch of dance moves. Different kinds of dancing too. Crump, Jazz, hip hop and so on. As much as I really liked it, I didnt get a full work out not knowing all the moves. This is normal since it was my first Body Jam class. It will take many more classes before I get the hang and full benefit of my workout.
Amanda and I stayed awhile longer and did some more cardio, stretches, and a workout. By time we were ready to leave, I had spent three hours at the gym!! OMG!! I am turning into a junkie! I have to admitt, I am being healthy, unlike this lady we always see who we have named Ann. I swear she is anorexic. She was in the ladies work out area before we got there and we noticed that she did 40 min on the eliptical, then went straight to the tread mill afterwards and did another run on there! She had it on the most it could incline as well. By time we left, she was still on it! I have seen her before walking from Uni. She is a stick. She is blonde and you would think she would be pretty, but all you can see is her skeleton. Arms- bones, - legs through clothing- bones, - face- a skull! Pale eyes with deep purple bags! She has a thick layer of hair on her body. This makes up for the lack of body fat and muscle needed to keep her warm. Its really sad to see actually.
I got home and showered. I was just making some food when Justin called. He was just getting up for work. I went to bed. Phone rings again. I thought it would be Justin, but its Brock. Him, yates, Shonleigh, and Jess are all at the Uni trying to finish this 2000 word paper for economics. Its about midnight thirty. He wants to know if I want to go for a ride with him because everyone is soo far behind that they dont have time, but are very hungry. I say- why not? - and jump into some sweats.
I met Brock outside. Yates drove. Apparently, when he heard I was going, he insisted he come along as well. haha We drove to Mackers and back- they dropped me off and I went back to bed.
Wednesday May 13th
Up and readying myself for the day. Really sleepy today. The Mackers run really did me over! Justin called just as I was heading out the door. I picked Amanda up and we headed to uni for lecture. Lecture was sooo boring. I dont think anyone absorbed anything that was said. I think it was the teaching style of the substitute we had. Nearing the end of the two hour lecture, she mentions to us that we should know this one part as it is what our exam subject is based on. We all start to chatter and someone finally raises their hand correcting her by saying our topic is diabetis!!! This shocked appearance takes over her face and she quickly apololgizes after muttering "oh no!" She had given us the entirely wrong lecture!!! We were suppose to go into depth about diabetis!!! UGH!!! There is no way to fix this either! Looks like we will have to do it on our own! What a waste of time!
After lecture, I quickly came home to grab my computer and a snack for lunch. An orange and some granola- musli bars. Amy and some friends were going to be going over the annotated bibliography for a couple of hours in the library. I decided to join them as my referencing technique needed some work!
We got set up which took awhile since we all had our lap tops and there was only a certain amount of plug in's. We finally found enough but had to play musical chairs because mine would only fit in a single outlet, not a double- stupid adaptor!! haha We were settled and I now had to connect to the internet! Ugh bloody hell! That is a whole process in its self! So after a long while of doing this, I was finally connected. I did some reading up on the assignment and went to go check fb. Ok- it wont let me! ugh whatever. Not a big deal. I will just check it later. i go to look at some scientific journals- the internet wont let me. It will only let me do certain things. Grr! Why come to the library at all! its taking me three times the amount of time I would usually take! I cleared up some confusion about referencing and I went home!
Shonleigh was home when I arrived. I made myself a delicious egg sandwhich and talked with her awhile. I then came upstairs and went through some e mails. My sister Melissa decided to send me about 100 the other day! Now I know how people feel when I send them emails! haha Oh well! What goes around comes around. Time for lecture.
On my way to lecture- accompanied by Jess- I saw Rachel. She said none of them were going to lecture, its just about nursing implications for an infection. Very basic, we do this often as a nurse. I was already on my way and decided to go anyways. It ended up being pretty interesting, and I think I had more of an attention span since they were not there.
I came home and made a visit to the boys, who had come over to play tennis. Then I came in and Brock joined me. I taught him how to play speed and whipped his bum several times. He had only beat me once! Time for the gym. Amanda and I got a ride from Ben in his sweet little white truck- or ute as they call them. It smelled of puppy.
We got to the gym and took a step class. It was good. Made us sweat, but the instructor I think was a little bit funny. Almost uncomfortable and lazy like. She also had a bit of a gut. Im wondering whether she just had a baby or something. I always look at instructors to see if the workouts are very beneficial! I dont think hers was working out so well. I dont think step is for me. Im sure I can give myself a better full work out on my own. Oh well. Still fun. I plan on trying out all the classes!
Did some extra ab workout and stretching after and hit the showers. Amanda and I are getting pretty close. We had a good talk on the way home, as we often do. Once home, I made some food and watched House. I think it was the very first time I turned on the tv alone. It was kind of nice. Miss Kim came home and joined me on the couch. I then went upstairs and talked to Justin on the phone. Shonleigh came home from work and we chatted it up for a bit too. Gossip about this and that. Boys and girls! Same ol' same ol'. 9 days george dead. Yes I realize you do not understand that last statment. That is for me to remember only! hahaha
Bed time! Yes I know this last day is written in the future for you in Canada. How crazy is that! My May 12th is just ending and yours is just begining!!! :) Cheers!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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