Thursday April 16th
Things were much better in the morning. Justin had even convinced me in the midst of our fight the previous night, that he had called and changed his flight to an earlier one! As we lie in bed in the morning, I had confronted him on it- hoping he had, but missed it! This way he would stay longer then Sunday. He admitted he had not really changed his flight! What a good little actor! JERK! lol
It was tattoo day!! They had called me early to confirm my appointment, but we were still sleeping and missed it. Justin had changed his mind and was not going to get one. This is probably a good idea since we made the decision impaired! I still had no idea what I wanted and so I also was a no show! Amanda went ahead by her self anyways.
We slept in a bit, not feeling 100%, but maybe 85%! Yesterday was quite the day! We were both a little darker as well. Justin refuses to wear sunscreen, so when he is not looking, I spray some on his neck to prevent him from getting old man turkey neck! Eww!
We finally got up and headed to teh beach a little later then ideal. Bought another bottle of wine, but niether of us were that interested in drinking it. We spent the day in the sun on the beach playing cards and listening to music again. He was actually beating me at cards today. I think we played two sets of rummy500. I must have been having an off day!!
The sun was slowly creeping away and we got up to move to a sunnier spot, not really having any particular plan. As we were walking, we ran into Yates, who was body boarding. He was just on his way home and offered us a lift! Yes Sir!
On the way home, we exchanged Easter break stories. He told us of a loose weekend he had and how he was invited back with two girls after being out all night at the bar. Of course he went. I wont go into detials about the story, but he sure was proud to tell his dad about the nights happenings. He was especially proud to tell Justin! hahaha Yates is a shy guy. He is really tall and a good looking bloke, but shy and very sweet. Alot of the other guys give him heat for not playing girls more. I like Yates! One of my favorite friends here! I always tell him, " if you were older..."! hahahaha he blushes!
When we got back to my place, we ate dinner- stirfry that I made which Justin just loved! yates and all the other guys were going to go to Buderim Tavern for kareokee. Amanda was going to join us as well. We all got ready. Once we were ready, none of us felt like doing anything. Amanda went home and Justin and I walked to Woolies to get some icecream or something. When we got there, we realized it wasnt open. We walked back, put a movie on, and hit the sack.
Friday April 17th
We woke up earlier then yesterday. It was beginning to be a routine now. We would pack a set of clothes for just in case and later, a bottle of wine, and our beach stuff- towles, music, and cards. We set up camp on the beach and did our usual. These beach days were sooo hot and Justin and I were having the greatest time just the two of us! At about lunch time, we went to the Warf to meet Mark for lunch. He is the guy we met in the spa at Airlie Beach. He is an architect and is 28yrs old. We had a good lunch with him and we were able to use our free voucher that we had won the other day!
After lunch, we made a few more wine purchases at the bottle-O and stuffed three wine bottles in our bags. As we were walking back to our spot on the beach, a bright orange Lambergini passed! Just as this was happening, a woman and her three children were walking passed. Justin got sooo excited and sped up to take a picture. As he did so, he pointed to the car and said " LOOK KIDS!!!". BOOOOOSSSHH!!! A whole wine bottle fell out of his bag and smashed on the ground at his feet. The mother grabbed her children and told them to walk faster and to not look or touch anything! hahah She was treating the situation as if they had been exposed to a hooker! Justin barely noticed the bottle or the kids and was able to snap a decent picture of the car. Meanwhile, I was laughing my ass off and picking up the broken pieces of glass and crying for the lost goodness that was our wine! This is one of the stories in which we now call wine bottles hookers! LOL
We got back to the beach and didnt leave until the sun was setting. We bused it home and and I made a stirfry again. Justin was a fan and wanted more! Mark had invited us to his place later on for a small gathering of people. He gave us the address and we bused it back to Mooloolaba.
We had spent some time walking around on the phone trying to find this address. We were also still drinking wine! ( we hadnt really stopped! lol) Justin's bladder was at full capacity and there was no toilet tobe found! What is a guy to do. Their anatomy is made so conveintly to just pull it out and go. At least Justin had the decency to go in an alley way. Im on the phone with Mark, trying to find out where to go, when a cop pulls up. A female and male cop approach us and ask Justin what he was doing. "taking a piss!" he replies. They inform him that it is illeagal here to pee in public. Justin states that he is from Canada and doesnt know. The male cop asks him if it is legal in Canada to pee in public..."NO!!" says Justin!! hahaha The cop goes into this big rant about what we could do and this and that when Justin interrupts him and asks, " so are you just going to give me a warning or what??" The cop thinks for a second and says yes, but that blah blah blah... this is where I come in and interrupt the cop... " do you know where this address is??" hahah They both look at it and send us on our way. Honestly dont know how we got out of that one. We were both soo rude and really didnt care about anything they had to say. We all knew it was wrong, and we clearly were busted! haha Lucky night for us I suppose. If only the cop was that nice to us when I was driving at 119km/hr!!
We eventually met up with Mark and then continued to walk about 20 min to his house. Uphill! Ugh! We entered his home and were pretty impressed. He had done lots of renos, but it was all modern and very nice collection of stuff. Big flat screen tv and this and that. We had brought him a bottle of wine, and Mark poured us some glasses. We then sat on the couch after having a small tour. We were watching rugby- or footy as they call it here. I was between the boys and was pretty bored. Justin and Mark seemed to be non stop talking about the sport. I had spent all day in the sun and drinking wine slowly. It had caught up to me and I fell asleep for about 20 min! I woke up and Mark had offered to let me lay in a bed. I realized I was being rude and tried to snap out of it. With some effort I was able to and I directed the boys to talk about something more stimulating for a silly girl like me! Thank god!!
We eventually left after learning that no one else was coming over. We walked to the strip and ordered a late night pizza. Then we cabbed it home. Put a movie on and- SLEEP!! Sigh!
Saturday April 18th
We had left over stirfry and pizza for brekky. The pizza I let Justin have as it tasted fishy to me. I love seafood, but I dont like that fishy taste. Justin doesnt either, so I dont know how he ate it. We set off to the beach!
Had our usual routine, but today Justin needed to do some shopping for his boys. This was his very last day here!! :( At about lunch time, after playing cards and listening to music and having a good time with eachother, we went for a walk by the shops. I should just say this now, but Justin had only beaten me three times the whole time he was here. yes I am bragging! Straight out bragging! hahahaha We played many many sets! WOOT WOOT victory dance! Ok Im done!
He ended up buying his boys some sweet towels, some great smelling bubble bath in the shapes of a shark and octopus, and these really cool kangaroo pens that had buttons you pressed to box with eachother! We walked around for awhile, avoiding the resturant from the other night as much as possible. haha
By time the sun was down we were ready to go. We had asked some randoms to take some pictures of the two of us. Off we went. I was a little sad our beach days had come to an end. We were pretty brown by the end of them. I was relieved that Justin wouldnt be going back white!
We went to the Hogs breath for a bite to eat. We had some drinks and our total bill was $45, I later learned they charged me double!! Nothing I could do about it now!! Grr! We had a good time joking around during dinner. We then bought a bottle of wine to drink while waiting the 45 min for the bus.
When we got home, we showered and got ready. Adog caught a cab with us and we headed out to the Warf. Rachel was working the door and let us in for free. We had some drinks and were mingling. Adog was talking to her friend Ash that works there. He seemed like a really cool guy. It was his day off.
I think Justin was pretty much done and he had said he just wanted to spend time with me at home. So we were just leaving when we saw Yates and Chakley in line. Back in we went. They entered the bar soon after and bought Justin some shots. They took him for a walk around the club and after about 30 min, Justin was really ready to go. I didnt realize it until we were in the cab, but he was pretty drunk, but more tired then anything. He passed out on the way home and fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed. I was a little sad he just slept on his last night here, but we had had a very good time the last four days. I was very tired as well.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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