Friday April 24th
I had my usual wake up call from my international man. I hurried myself off to Uni to hand in my assignment. I also had to hand in a document to my leading lady up on the fifth floor in the international department- Deb!
I got home and was on the computer, blogging most likely. Its been my goal this week to catch up! I went downstairs to fix a bite to eat. When I came back up, I checked my phone as per usual as Justin and I are texting all day! Yay a text from him! I open it and immediatly am in disbelief and panic! " I ate something with nuts" is what I saw written! Justin is allergic to nuts. ( Not peanuts or almonds, but very much so to every other nut including sesame seeds!!). He had sent the text 10 minutes ago. I quickly sent a text back wondering if everything was ok. 20 minutes gone by- nothing! I didnt want to react and get all upset if he was just pulling my leg or soemthing. Who knows what he was doing. Maybe he took some benadryl and fell asleep. Maybe it wasnt bad. In Vancouver he ate some peanuts and almonds and had a reaction because we think they may have been mixed with something else. I made him take benadryl and it helped the reaction, but it gave him a back stomach ache. Hopefully he was just sleeping it off. It was pretty late there. I sent another text telling him that he better be ok and that he better get an epi pen like the many times I had told him to!
I distracted myself with a movie, that I paid no attention to. I couldnt really think about much else. Time was going by and I heard nothing at all! I was really starting to worry. I was home alone and coldnt even talk to anyone! then- riiing! riiing!! I answer quickly. " I Kristin, this is Wendy", Justins mom. OMG!! Why is she calling me!!! She then asked if I knew what had happened. I explained to her the text I recieved and that was all. She then said that he was admitted to the hospital and was breathing on his own now. She said they had given him adrenaline and that he couldnt talk yet but that he wanted her to call me right away to tell me that he was ok. What I heard was- hospital, breathing on own NOW, adrenaline, cannot talk!! She asked me if I was ok and I was speechless. Only able to give answers like " uh well... uh ya, uh..." She let me go and I cried on the stair case- where I was standing when she called- like a little baby! ugh!
Ten minutes later still feeling like a baby, I recieved a text from Justin himself! " That was an adventure! I hope my hair is still good! haha." I was soo not impressed! Then another, "Just at the hospital. You should have told me this was gonna happen. Youre in the future!! " : And another, " You better get here before I die!" He sent me many funny texts, even joking about our unborn son that doesnt exist and how he wants me to make sure he drives a Chev!!! I explained to him that I was upset with him but glad he was ok and that if this ever happened again, I dont want to know until he is better or dead! He was at Stony Plain Hospital. He sent a text that said, " I was at home dying! Funny story! I will tell you when I get home! I thought I was dead! hah Stupid eh? We know I cant die! haha".
After him texting me for a bit, Yates showed up. I told him the story and he was sorry to hear it. However, when I started repeating the post reaction texts, Yates was laughing pretty hard and reguarding Justin even higher in his books! Yates asked me if I wanted to go to the beach- Hell Yes! Off we went. On the way, we stopped at Subway for I handed in a resume. I was going to do more, but I didnt want poor Yates to wait for me. This whole time I am still texting back and forth with my nearly dead boyfriend!
We got to the beach and had such a good time in the killer waves. They were raping me! Thank god I was with Yates who is native to this fine part of the country. Not native as in aboriginal, but native as in he grew up here on the Sunny Coast and in the water! After passing the shore line where the waves break, it is actually quite calm. He taught me when you have to dive through a wave and when you catch it to body surf- I need practice with this. There were a couple of times I ended up in the break and the water slammed me down hard on my butt! The first time hurt my right cheek- had I been a normal bruiser, there would have been a large black area consuming most of the cheek. Another time, I sand scraped my left cheek! It is quite scary being caught in the break. It flips you around and you have no control. You just wait to feel how it is going to smash you into the sand. Even being far out is scary, you never know if it will pull you in further or if a shark is creeping close by!! (:[] That is suppose to look like a worried face..hahha
I still couldnt get Justin off my mind! I was still not over it and so I headed back into shore. There were a couple more texts from him. We talked via texting for a bit. They were keeping him in a little longer. Also, they seemed to be busy with a drunk patient in the bed next to him. Justin was telling me how they had to restrain him. He said he would call me when he got home.
Yates and I left the beach. When I got home, I quickly showered. When I was taking my togs off, I noticed soemthing sitting in an odd place! There placed stratigically over my left nipple was a sea shell!! ahhaahha So funny! A perfect fit! I felt like a slutty Little Mermaid! lol ( my shell was no where near as proper as hers!!)
I quickly showered and made a dinner. Hmm a yummy salad with Calmari on top. I didnt have too much time to get ready. Ron was having a surprise birthday party for Bell who was turning 24. Yay Im not the only Gma around here anymore! Amanda, Rachel and I made cupcakes too. I invited Brenda to come along. A funny story about Brenda. Remember that day we had her write Tight Vag, Moose Knuckle, and Big Cock on our stomachs in Korean? Well we knew she didnt know what she was writing at all. I never thought anything of it. We were talking while I was making salad and she was talking about things she learned in her studies. She is here to learn english and in class they were talking about knuckles- body parts. She kept saying Moose Knuckle toher teacher, who kept ignoring her. Brenda didnt understand why her teacher was ignoring her! When she told me this, I nearly died laughing! I felt soo bad! I told Brenda why her teacher was ignoring her and she was sooo embarrassed. I told her I would teach her all the bad words for now on so that she wouldnt make an ass of herself ever again! ahhahahahh
For those of you who are not familiar with a Moose Knuckle, let me explain. We all know what a camel toe is. If you dont, you are too old or too young to read this! A camel toe is found on a girl- but a moose knuckle is found on a boy! hahahah Its larger!! ahhaahahha SOOO FUNNY!!! Bhaha
As we were going to the party, Justin had finally called me. I finally got to hear the story. I still had soo much anxiety about it all. What had happened was, Justin was at his friend Jeffs house. Jeffs mom had given Justin a chocolate. He ate it. Like a dummy! Anyways, I guess it all happened instantly. I guess his throat started closing right away. Before he did anything, he picked up his cell phone and texted me!! Next he called his sister, Kelti who is also a nurse. She could not understand a thing he was saying because he was unable to talk at this point! She called 911 and so did Jeff. The lady on the phone was telling Justin to calm down and sit down. Two ambulances showed up and Justin ran straight out there. They inserted an IV in his arm onthe way to the hospital. The medics had said that if it had been any longer, they would have had to give him an emergency trachea. ( I think trachea, because I dont think they would have been able to intubate him with his throat being closed up!!! ) They got him into the hospital and pumped him full with two shots of adrenaline.
I was soo relieved to have finally talked with him. This was such a horrible experience. I told him I was going to stab him with an epi pen for scaring me soo much! I still cannot believe that he texted me right away when his life was in danger. What am I going to do when I am on the other side of the world!!! The medics told him afterwards to call them first if ever this happens again. The doctors also reminded him that with every reation, it gets worse and worse. GREAT!! :(
He let me go to enjoy the party and I let him go rest. Although he had a lot of adrenaline, so I think he was too tired. I joined the party.
There must have been about 30-40 of us at the party. We all waited patiently for Bell to show up. She had no idea we were all here. It was a total surprise! We had a smoke machine, laser light show, music and loud stereo, and much much more. It was here in the village two doors down from my place. Again I remained sober for the night. I am beginning to like this!
Finally we got the call that she was coming. I was on lights duty. So when she walked in, I flicked the lights and we all yelled "SURPRISE!!" and blew our noise makers and threw our confetti like ribbon thrower kind of things. She was soo surprised! It was by far the best surprise party that I have ever been to, simply based on the amount of surprise and effort was made for it!
The party was fun. Lots of good ppl showed up. Lewis had to leave early because he is in the army and the next day was Anzack day. This is like rememberance day, but it is only for Australia and New Zealand. He had brought with him a friend who is also in the army with him. He was very shy I thought because he wasnt talking to anyone. So I started talking to him. Mistake! He was sooo... rediculous! He was saying how he was too old for party favors and noise makers and that he hadnt used one for like three years. I asked him how old he was and he said nineteen! 19!! Only freaking 19!! I was shocked and passed him a noise maker! I told him to take a risk and that I wouldnt tell anyone. he hesitated big time! Then when I was finally about to walk away, he gave the smallest little blow and quickly moved it away from his mouth. I think he thought we were all very immature and got the impression the he thought he was above us all. My snob radar was going out of control. I slowly started to talk to others and forgot him. Not worth my precious time! Im only here for two years! hahah
So at one point I was looking for Adog. Ron told me she was upstairs. I went up to find her and she was in Joels room with him and Adam. She was trying on some of Joels army stuff. A bullet proof vest and gun/ tool belt thing. It was all pretty sweet. When I had gone in there, Joel showed me two marks. One was on his abdomen above his navel and the other on his right butt cheek. Adam shot him in the stomach and Amanda shot him in the ass with Joels BB gun!! WTF!?!?? " Hey Arby. you want to shoot me too??" " Hell Yes!!! " ahhahahaha So I tried on teh vest and got some sweet pictures and then I had some target practice on a water bottle in the closet. I did a good job and so he let me shoot him in the stomach as well. BOUGH!!! ( I have no idea how to make a gun noise- that is as good as I can make it! hahaha) We all thought I had gotten him in the nut sack at first. Then he revealed to show that I got him below the navel just above his pant line! teehee! He said that one hurt the most! It was really fun, but really scary too. I dont know why anyone would let us shoot them! hahaha He must be crazy. This is before any of them were drunk! Besides Ford that is. He was a wreck. He had even dropped his phone in the toilet. You could barley understand him.
While I was up talking with Joel and getting to know his friend Adam, Someone came up and told us that Ford had cut himself somehow. We ran down there and found Ford lying down outside on the bench. Nurse Adog was wrapping a shirt around his calf. I had briefly seen the cut, and I would have to describe it more as a gaping wound. Amanda seemed to have it under control and she had someone dial 911- ops I mean 000. Its different here. I also learned that in England, it is 999. (There is a little fact you can impress all your friends with!) I went to inspect to see what had happened. There was blood all over the floor by the stereo. I cleaned it up since there was some idiot who must have been high on something dancing in it. He also was trying to play music. He didnt seem to think Ford's injury was a party stopping incident. Dumbass! We screamed at him and he sat down. *Arby rolls her eyes*. I cleaned up the blood and could find nothing that would ahve cut Ford this badly. There was no blood trail or anything.
The ambulance arrived and gave Ford some pain killer. I was unfamiliar with the drug, but it came in a green container that he inhaled. He was being a baby about it since he was soo drunk. Apparently it tasted awful! With lots of the girls encouraging him, he breathed it all in. The medics removed the t-shirt and revealed the wound. This is the part where I was a spectator and not a professional! lol when I saw the wound was accessible, I hinted to everyone that they should snap a picture! hahah So everyone and their dog had their cameras and phones in there snapping pictures. This rightfully so made the medics a little annoyed, although I did see one of them laugh a little at first. I think they found it all a little amusing, not the fact that our friend was hurt, but the fact that some of us, me included, were making jokes about it all. Not that I am a mean person and like that he is in pain, but because of the randomness of it all and how he was acting and how we had discovered it. They bandaged him and put this stablizing air pumped leg wrap around his leg and off he went to the hospital. Drunk Joel and drunk Adam accompanied him, who I later learned were kicked out for being roudy in the hospital. I think they were pretending to lick his wound and I have no idea what else. Would have been funny.
So how we found Ford's hurt leg!! I guess he approched Amanda and asked her how she was going. ( Here they often ask " how're you going" instead of doing. Odd I know. ) She replied that she was good and asked him the same. He replied, " oh , you know, not soo good", "whys that Ford??", " well, my leg hurts. Ya actually it really really hurts. " When she looked down at it she saw blood everywhere. She lifted his pant leg and told someone to call and ambulance. She got him to lay down and after he did and he saw the blood and cut, this is when he started to freak out. Before this, he had been calm and had no idea! This is what we were kind of joking about. lol Poor guy ended up with 21 stitches. He may even need a skin graft depending if the tissue heals or not. It was looking pretty blackened in some places. He still has no idea what happened!
After he left, the party continued where it had left off. people joked about it here and there. The guy who had been dancing in the blood was going crazy dancing. He also had somehow lost his shirt. WTF?!?!? * Arby rolls her eyes at the same loser yet again!!*
Amanda and I didnt stay too much longer. We had plans to go boating the next day. In bed for us by 2am!! What a sh*t show of a day!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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