Thursday April 9th
The morning in Rockhampton! I was keen to be a passenger today. Justin started us off, wanting to get a sober day in. Thank god! lol I was first mate in the passenger seat. Had a quick brekky break at subway and were enroute to McKay. It was not as alive as a drive as last night, but it was still a good time. Its nice to do raod trips here, we get a better perspective of the country. We were playing a car game on our way. What we had to do was say "I went to the store and bought..." then you would have to say something that started with "A". The next person would have to say " I went to the store and bought Apples ( for example if that is what the first person picked for A..) and Bananas. The third would say the same but make a new one for C. Always repeating what was said for A and B and so on!! Anyways, we had a very good time with that. It kept us busy and awake.
We stopped inside the mall quickly in McKay and Justin and I shared a chicken ceasar salad wrap. Yum. Joel took over driving from here and we headed to Airlie beach. We were all pretty excited to be there when we drove over a hill to find traffic at a stand still on the HWY. WTF!?!?! There was a cop talking to each car and pointing to roads in the distance. After talking to each car, the car would make a u-turn and come back the way they came. We couldnt see what happened, but the cop said we wouldnt be able to go through. He gave us detour directions and we followed the flow of the cars.
Eventually we made it to Airlie beach. It was quite dark and a bit late by this time. We drove around looking for a hotel. The boys hopped out to go talk to a few and us girls got out and stretched. After a little while, a man and some people came out. He asked us if we had seen a big snake. NO! We didnt stand around to wait for it. We hopped back into the car and waited for the boys.
They came back and we unloaded the car in our two seperate hotel rooms. Joel wanted to have his own room, but Rachel stayed with him anyways. They seemed to be ok with that. Adog stayed with Justin and I. We were pretty good at making her feel comfortable and she said she didnt feel like a third wheel at all!
It was raining... big shocker! We put our togs on and went to go see if we could use the spa... or hot tub as we know it. Nope. No luck. It was freezinf cold. Back into our rooms we went. The three of us layed on the bed and watched a movie. It was awful. There wasnt anything on. What we watched was a movie with Jessica Love Hewitt called "If Only". Horrible movie. Never watch it. Its suppose to be a romance, but instead, it has every cliche ever made. She sloooowly lights some candles and then - stops to smile at him because she notices he is watching her. Then they bang on the bear rug on the floor with clothing strategically placed over their bodies so we cant see the goods! They dont even show the banging... obviously, but they show the subtle flirting leading up to it and then BAM laying on the floor by the fire. Blah blah blah! BARF! hahah We had a good time making un of it. Thank god scrubs came on. I had only seen it once and Adog and Justin had never. Justin was hesitant because he knew I said it was good. He ended up really liking it. I was drinking hot water with our stolen limes juiced into the water! Sooo yum! We all went to bed after a long day of travel! ( I was ok, but I think the others were a bit hung! haha)
Friday April 10th
We all decided we would get a different hotel for the next night. We wanted something closer to the strip. While the boys checked us into a new hotel, us girls went shopping around. We all met up and Justin and I went to look for a bathroom. After finding a bathroom, we were pleased to find ourselves to be alone for once. We took advantage and went for a drive. There was a park close by that we went for a walk on. It was dry when we started out on our hike. When we came to the 1.2 km marker, Justin said lets turn back. I wanted to keep going. He said we didnt have time, so we turned back! On the way back, it started to pour down hard on us. When we arrived back to the car, we looked like a couple of drowned rats.
The others were easy to find and we went to our hotel. We had a quick bite out on the patio. We had a great view. Some exotic birds decided to join us for our meal. They were cockatus. Spelling? I wish there was a spell check on this! haha They were eating bread from my hand, and ADogs mouth!! We got some awesome pictures. Even of one attacking Justin and Rachel. ( not really, actually it was just flying away, but Justin looks like he is about to die by bird! ) haha
We all hopped in the car and went to look for some alcohol for the night. It was good friday and there were some parties at the night clubs. Since it was a holiday, they didnt open the clubs til midnight! In fact, not much was open. The Bottle-O's were all closed. having signs in Aus like, "closing at 5ish" for their regular hours! haha so slack! After a very unsuccessful hunt, the boys dropped us off and us girls walked around the strip. We all went to the hotel and I tried to put my new earing in. I had to really push it through since the gauge was slightly larger then my piercing. It was a little swollen and so hard to put the ball on the back. ADog tried a bunch of times and then Rachel wanted to try. I love Rachel, but if you know her, she is a scatterbrain! Her very first attempt, not even close to my ear yet, she drops the ball and loses it. haha Now I have a backless stud in my ear. Oh well.
We all get ready and head down to the hot tub. While we are there, we have some drinks. It being a holiday, we were only able to buy drinks if we ordered food. We ordered appys and then relaxed in the spa and pool. We got some pretty good pics from this time.
As the night went on, we thought we should go back and get ready for the night. Got all fancied up and came back down stairs to play pool. Some other guys challenged the winners and we all mingled and had a good time.
I wont go into details, but Justin and I had a fight this night. I ended up leaving the group completly because I was upset. I hid in a boat yard when I heard the girls calling my name. Really nice baots too. After a while and I knew they were gone did I come out. I didnt have anything on me. I went to Mama Africas, a night club I thought they might be at. I didnt have ID but some how convinced them to let me in. I didnt have any problems. They didnt ask me any questions. Sooo weird. Especially since there is a cover charge. I walked in and went to the washroom. Surprisingly, Adog and Rachel happened to be in there! They told me they left the door unlocked at the hotel for me. I left to go back. I didnt want to talk about anything with them.
As I was walking back, I met two girls walking outside. I got talking with them and told them my story and they joined me back at my hotel. I quickly fixed myself back up, as I had grass stuck to my clothes. haha Grabbed my clutch that had a key in it and locked the door- that I found wide open!! I went with the girls to Evolution- not a very fun crowd, but I didnt want to go to Mama Africas at all. Eventually, my two new friends got bored and they convinced me to join them at mamas. When we got it, I spotted my crew. I didnt want to talk to them or have them see me so I kept a low profile. haha I was very stealth. Eventually Joel did see me just as they were leaving. I hid and finally they left. My new friends and I went back to Evolution. I was getting bored. I thought Id better go back and deal with things. So off I went.
I called the girls and turns out they were all swimming in the ocean. I met up with Rachel and Adog and we went back to the hotel. Nobody had a key at all, so the boys had to climb up and break in. This was no easy task. I had a key with me and we just walked in. haha We got ready for bed and I made one for myself on the floor. The girls were still in the bathroom when drunk Justin confronted me again and I just layed still listening. He was still pretty upset. Eventually the girls took me outside and we talked about it. When I came back in I went back to my floor bed. After 5 minutes, Justin came towards me. I thought he was going to lecture me again, but instead he was shockingly sweet and told me that he would sleep on the floor. I learned later in the morning that he didnt want me to have to sleep on the floor because he knew how much I hated ants and they had been crawling there earlier. I didnt argue and I went on the bed.
ADog joined me and we were just about asleep when Melissa my sister called me. I went onto the patio and talked for a good while. It was such a relief to hear someone from home! I even got to talk to my Ryliegh! ( 2 yr old niece). I went back to bed and tossed and turned all night.
Saturday April 11th
Early in the morning, Justin got up and went for a drive. I couldnt sleep either, so I washed and went for a walk as well. I found a place to grab a bite and then went for a stroll to the beach. When I got back to the hotel, everyone was still asleep. I was going to go for a nap when I noticed Justin was back. I asked him if he wanted to go for a drive and talk. He agreed. We drove for a good 20 minutes. No talking. He parked at a park and we talked things out. He was upset for a couple of good reasons. Mostly insecurities. I was really scared to get into a long distance relationship. He needed more then the flaky relationship we had at the moment. We talked it though and decided we would take things a little more serious! He apologized for how he acted and we met up with the others.
Us girls went for a walk down to the market they had set up. The weather was nice, but overcast. Rachel bought me a new ball for my earing. As we were finishing up, it poured down on us. Most of the market wrapped up because the mrechandise was becoming ruined. When I got all changed up in the hotel, We watched tv for a bit and then Justin and I took off going for a drive. It was really the only way we could get alone time.
We returned after a good while and ADog joined us in the hot tub. While in the hot tub, we met a fellow name Mark. Turns out he is from Mooloolaba. We stayed and chatted for sometime and then returned to the room. We readied and went to a resturant reccomended by our new friend.
At the resturant we ordered a meal that had both crocodile and kangaroo. It was big enough for three of us. We shared it and it was sooo good. We all liked the croc alot more. ADog and I loved the sauce alot. After dinner, the entertainment started. We were going to go take it easy in our room, but the entertainer was really good and singing good songs. Out came the wine!
We were having a good time and thinking about going home, when this crazy guy started talking to us. He was very ADD and full of life. Possibly on something. Turns out he is american and is working in Townsville Aus as a doctor. He sat with us and his gf joined. She is a nurse from Townsville and the 5 of us had such a good time. This guy was Justins twin I swear. Personality- not appearance! Crazy nurse ordered more wine and we headed to a club. It was called Paddys Shananigans. It smelled bad of aussie BO!! We had such a "loose" time as the aussie's say. This, I believe, means crazy time! I think the bouncers even gave us a warning to behave... oops! It may have been because of the naughty pictures we were taking.
We went home eventually and had a good sleep. Much better day and night then the previous!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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