Friday April 3rd
I had to go to a lab class! I tried getting Justin a lab coat, but it turns out that Rachel still doesnt have one for some reason. Im not sure how she is getting away with this... hmm. Amanda and I share one since we have labs at different times. Justin would have been unnoticed had he been able to get a coat. The class is very big. Off I went to class from noon to 2pm.
Class went well. I found a group of girls who are pretty cool. Amy is in another one of my classes and we all work well together. We finished the lab a little early and I rushed home to see the boy who was waiting for me!
No body was around or they were all busy, so we decided to go to the plaza to do some shopping. Justin didnt pack too much just for this reason. We bused it over and walked around a good while. We made some purchases and found a place to grab some grub. Justin finally got his steak dinner- for a good price too. I had one as well. It started off with a beer with dinner, but as we got talking, it turned into another then another. We were just having such a good time catching up, (even though we talk all the time- its different when you are in person!!). As the evening went on, Amanda and Woolley joined us. When Wooley is there, you need to assume My Space is on the phone with her! ( I even tagged him on Facebook in the photo of us sitting here! lol Im funny)
Amanda had some drinks too, but not Jess since she was driving. Time to take the party home. We stopped at the Bottlo- liquor store, and picked up some liquid courage. We drank at home for awhile and took some pictures and then proceeded to go to Fridays. ( I dont know how, but while I was getting ready, Amanda and Justin seemed to have drank most of the 2-6 of vodka, I helped them finish it off! ) Just before heading out the door, Justin was a little sick. I think this was because Amanda persuaded him to do some shots of vodka! Not to mention the amount they had drank!! hahha ( I didnt have nearly as much as them, and I was sure feeling it!! )
We went to Fridays and had a good time. Justin seemed to have a good time with Jack and hung out with him alot. I was giving the boys space and hanging out with Amanda mostly. Rachel was working and gave us some shots. I also saw my friend Jono who works there and he snuck us girls upstairs, we thought we were beating the boys, but they somehow got in with out paying the extra $10!! haha It was funny!
When we were ready to leave, we all jumped in a cab. By all I mean Justin, Amanda, and I. Amanda realized she forgot her purse- with my small clutch inside her purse- and ran back in. She never returned and we ended up leaving without her.
Saturday April 4th
In the morning, she came over- thank god she was ok!! She said that when she went into the club to find her purse, a good song had come on and she was distracted. She started dancing and met some friends. One of them later gave her a ride home. She said she had forgotten about us completly! lol It was fun to compare stories in the morning.
We came to the conclusion that we had left our purses at the bar completly. Amanda went in to grab them, but never ended up actually getting them. haha We called my mobile and found out they were at the bar. We slowly took our time getting ready to go. When we were about to catch the bus, Yates and Chakley showed up. They came over to play some tennis. Justin seemed to get along with them really well and they offered to drive us there.
We got there and decided- why not have a drink or two!! So the crew of us spent the afternoon downing some Aussie goodness. It was actually a very hot afternoon, and I was happy for Justin since the rain had finally stopped! We entered into this raffle and won two prizes. One was a case of beer- right on!! The other was a $30 gift voucher for a lunch or dinner at the Warf. Very cool.
After some good drinks and chatter, Yates went home. Mat took us into a tattoo parlour because Amanda was soo keen to get some ink done. After being slightly intoxicated, Justin and I also made appointments. Justin to get a tat of his last name with his sons birthdays, and me... well I had no idea what I was going to get. I had a couple of weeks to figure that out! Amanda wanted some japanese caligraphy that meant- live every moment. Its that famous saying- carpardium?? Really cool design though. Mat didnt want a tat, and so we left.
Chakley was nice enough to take us to the driving range. There was a big old bus you could hit, OR you could aim for the Kangaroos that were eating the grass!!! Ya thats right! Kangaroos as targets! Real live ones! How exciting! Im not very good at golf, I know this comes as a complete surprise, but it is true folks! However, Amanda is the next Tiger Woods! As soon as Justin said "$100 to the person who can nail a Roo", Amanda nailed a Roo!!! ahhaah It was ok. I think they are used to it. It was so crazy though as they were quite far away and we had all been trying for some time.
We then went back home and got ready to go out. Mat, Yates, Jack and a bunch of friends joined us at Fridays/ Warf. Rachel was working again and gave us some drinks. We had quite the rowdy night and Justin and I took a cab home.
Sunday April 5th
Since we did not leave with Amanda once again, she came over in the morning. I was relieved to hear that she again had my purse inside her purse. She had come home via some guys that we know who also live here in the Village. YAY!!
Justin had trouble remembering Amanda's name and kept calling her Amy. I kept on correcting him, which then made him forget it altogether. He started calling her A-Dog. This is now her new nickname. Although she listens to Amanda, Amy, and A-Dog. We like to mix it up a little. :)
We readied ourselves for the day and A-dog was over. We were looking through magazines and brochers about the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef and enjoying some of the free beer and wine we had. A-dog had checked the weather and the next couple of days were suppose to be very rainy up north and here. It was off and on rain during this time, and we didnt want to stay if it was going to rain. We thought it would be best to rent a vehicle and drive somewhere hoping for nice weather. Thank god A-dog was there, Justin and I could not get it together and call places to see what we wanted. It was good that she took over. We were looking at numbers in the phone book and A-dog was calling them. She was on the phone for some time, and when she came back into the room she had said "this lady Janice is a B*tch and we dont want to rent from her!!" So we wrote this in the phone book and drew an arrow pointing to that number. We finally found a place that seemed promising.
Just before going to catch the bus to go, we were in my back yard and there was a big catarpillar. Justin is a male. He likes to kill things like bugs. So he takes a clothes pin and we took a bunch of pictures of him pretending to lick it! I snapped a picture of him doing this, and right after A-dog pushed it into his mouth and made him lick it for real!! hahahahahha It was sooo funny! He was soo grossed out. It was a very good moment! hahaha GO A-Dog!!
We bused it to Maroochydore and walked to the car rental place. It was Budget. We found out that they didnt have what we were looking for. We meaning Justin who was soo keen on renting a Ute. Its this Alcamino looking like truck. He froths them hard. ( to froth is to like. Aussie slang) He wanted so badly to rent something that they didnt have back in Canada. To his dismay, there was nothing we could rent that would be available the next day that was Australian. We walked to the next car rental place and talked to a lady. We asked about renting a car for a road trip and then sahe asked us " up to Airlie beach??" We were shocked she knew where we wanted to go. Then she said we had talked on the phone earlier. A-Dog took one glance at her name tag and her expression changed from one of surprise to recognition to confidence as she turned to us and said " Janice, yeeees, I remember...." This was the lady who was a b*tch! Just how Adog had said it was hilarious! I wish I could put a little voice caption on this. It was stealth. We walked out and decided to just rent from budget the next day.
By this time we were getting kind of hungry. We walked along the beach of the Maroochy river. We even climbed up on this child jungle gym kind of thing. It was off and on rain as I had said, but the weather was not that bad. It is still warm here even when it rains. I was wearing a skirt and while up on this jungle gym, we asked a lady to take pictures of us. While posing for these pictures, I didnt notice the little boy who climbed up below me. Only when I went to go down did I notice the show I was giving him! I quickly got down and we found a place to eat.
It was a nice little resturant. We sat down and Justin was once again happy to have some steak! I myself had Lamb. YUM! We asked for the wine list and learned that this place was new and did not yet have the liquor permitt. This meant they did not sale it. They said it was fine if we wanted to bring our own. Justin quickly got up and ran to the Bottle-O to pick up some wine. He hurried back and the waiter poured it for us as if it were from their own kitchen! Justin bought white wine, which makes me super happy. I have Stacey back home hooked on sweet whites as well as my mom and Mandy, and now Justin and Adog to boot! Look at me go!! Woot Woot!
After our delicious meals, we went to go check out some pubs. We came across some gelato on the way. The man who worked here must have been from themiddle east and was very nice. We asked him if he could take a picture of us. He did more than that. He asked us if we wanted a picture behind the counter of the icecream shop. It was fun! I guess he could tell we were here to have a good time. He just made our night a tad bit more interesting.
We left gelato world and came across a sports pub. Justin was amazed by the urinals. It was peeing on a wall and you pulled a string to have water cover and wash the entire wall. It was so interesting that Justin made us girls go in there and take a picture of him pretending to use it! haha
We stayed her until it closed at 10pm. After this, we decided to find another pub. Right outside the door of this last place just happened to be a father and son walking by for a night stroll. We asked them if they knew where another pub was. Before we knew it, we were all very talkitive and engaged in conversation about this and that. After about 20 min of talking, we asked if they wanted to join us in our search for a pub.
We arrived at The Pig n Whistle and ordered a couple of rounds. With this certain kind of beer, we recieved a scratch card and had a chance to win a prize. We talked the bartender in to giving us a hat each and a sachel-bag. It was a very nice bag too. We had a really good time talking with Robert the father and John his son. They had some very interesting stories and we all had a really good time. It was now closing time here and we parted ways. We were walking to catch a cab and I hopped in a shopping cart. Justin pushed me around in it and ADog snapped some photos.
We hopped in the cab and made our way home. When we arrived home, I met my new room mate Brenda. She is Korean and very nice. We didnt talk too much as we were all tired. Justin and I went to bed and ADog went home.
Monday April 6th
Justin and I woke up early and spent the day being silly. This is not uncommon for us. We were being goofy trying on clothes and taking pictures. This is where the picture of us in cowboy hats came from. Justin was wearing my shorts, sunnys, lab coat, and Shonleighs pink cowboy hat!! haha Good times!
Justin and I went to the plaza to eat and shop. We had some wine with our meals and went shopping a little. Before we did any shopping, Justin thought it would be funny to get his navel pierced. As we were going up the escalator, Justin saw jack standing there. He was doing some shopping himself and was about to go home. He changed his mind after seeing Justin and hearing what he was about to get done. We walked into the shope and Justin talked to the lady about what he wanted. He made an appointment for 45 min later. While we waited, we found a little cafe/ bar by the river. ( the river runs through the mall) We had some wine and joked about this and that. Jack and Justin were getting along really well. In fact, he was getting along with everyone really well. This made me happy.
When we got back to the piercing parlor, Justin asked the lady " is this Gay?? ". She didnt know what to say. She just said "no" in an un-sure tone. If you dont know Justin, this may all seem really odd to you. Jack and I were not allowed in the room, but Jack was allowed to pick the jewelery for Justin. As Jack and I waited outside, I applied some pink and purple eye shadow to Jacks eyes. When Justin came out, he was soo happy to have actually gone through with this. he said he got one to match mine! haha Thats where the idea came from in the first place. :P It was soo funny! We spent alot of time laughing about this!
Jack drove us home, making a stop at the bottle-O. When we got back to my house, Joel and Rachel and ADog came over. Jack had to go home for a bit. Brenda was home and we all talked about what we wanted for our tattoos. Brenda drew some symbols in korean for us. She had written Arby and other names. It was soo cool. She even had a beer with us. I already liked her more than Mat, our former roomie! I had Brenda write on me with a sharpie to see what it would look like. ADog got Brenda to write "Big Cock" on her stomach. Brenda did not know what she was writing, but we all though it was funny. I then had her write "tight vag" on my stocmach. In korean symbols of course. Then there was Justin! He had Brenda wrtie "moose knuckle" on his tummy! It went well with his new pink belly ring!
We all got ready and moved the party to Jacks house. The boys were playing video games and we made some pizza. We drank some wine and went to my house. Jack and Justin left at some point before us girls were ready. We tried to catch up with them, but it was raining and we missed them. They had taken the bus and we were going to as well. The bus wasnt coming and we were soaked. We came back home and I went to bed after some time. I was disapointed that I didnt get to see Justin too much. Him and Jack seemed to be getting along really well. Maybe he just needed a guys night.
Tuesday April 7th
Joel drove us to the car rental shop for 11am. We successfully rented an Extrail. Before we left for home we happened by this shop called Happy High Herbs. We thought we would see what it was all about. When we went in, it was a very hippie like store. They had alternatives to most illegal drugs. I felt like a criminal looking through all the products in the store. I didnt want to ask many questions either. After a while, the guy asked us if we had any questions. I replied with "many!!" hahaha We talked it over and came to the conclusion that if this stuff was completly leagal, then it must not be any worse then alcohol. We purchased a couple things he recommended.
When we got into the car, I was soo nervous for Justin to drive as everything is opposite! My anxiety left very quickly as Justin did not have any problems. He was pretty confident about it. he has been driving for almost half his life!! The only problem now was me navigating our way home!! ahhahah The roads all look the same to me! I got us as far as Mooloolaba where we had lunch. At this time, Joel called me and met up with us. We followed him on his bike to his mates place where he was leaving it while we all went to the Whitsundays. He drove us back home.
When I got home, Adog had called me and said that it was already too late and that we should just go tomorrow. She made it seem like everyone was keen to leave the next day. I was a bit bummed out by this, but oh well. Everyone came over and we were all just sitting there. We were trying to make a game plan on what we could do. After much discussion, we ended up leaving to Noosa. ( A really gorgeous place on the way to our final destination).
We packed up quickly and all of us hopped into the car. % of us fit snugly. Boys in the front and us girls in the back. ( how did that happen??) On the way there, we stopped by this cable park. What it is is a small dug out lake that has a cable system circling just inside the perameter. A person on a wake board holds one of these ropes attached to the cable and they are taken all around the dug out and can try going on jumps that are built in the water. It is a very cool set up and Joel says he will take us there one day as both ADog and I like to wake board!
After about an hour or so driving, we made it to Noosa! We did some shopping around and found a hotel. We got it for cheaper as the boys said it was for two instead of five. After dropping our stuff off, us girls went to the beach. The boys rented scooters. The rules for the boys were that they were not allowed to take them on the beach and they had to bring them back full of fuel. Apparently they went straight to the beach and were having a blast doing doughnuts in the sand! They had them for two hours and took them to a gas station where they hosed the sand off and did not re-fill the fuel tanks! When they took them back, the lady was suspicious of them. off they went to meet us with no questions asked! They had a good laugh about it all and Justin couldnt stop laughing about all the fun they had! Meanwhile, us girls had been shopping around. When we had first split from the guys, we had the car keys. Adog and Rachel were both keen to take a small drive just for fun and to see the differences. Rachel drove first and parked. Then we did our shopping up the strip. Noosa is one of the best places to shop. They have lots of really cool stores. I had found for half price, an Aussie bikini! Exactly what I was looking for! After some shopping we mozied over to the beach for a quick swim. When we went back to the car to get the boys, we found a parking ticket on the windshield. :( We didnt realize we had to pay. There goes $40 bucks. (split three ways of course). ADog drove on the way back to mee the boys.
We went to the hotel and prepared ourselves to go out for dinner and the local night life. Noosa always has good night life I hear, because it is a backpackers paradise. We were getting ready and drinking a bit when Justin and I decided we would take the products purchased from Happy High Herbs. We drank the small BUZZ juice, that tasted just horrible! It was a very small but very concentrated amount. It tasted like Bee pee or something! If ever you try Bee pee let me know, because this is what I think it would taste like. There was also a pill the guy said to take with this. It was suppose to give you a euphoric feeling. ( I still feel like a criminal for talking about this, but its completly legal!!!) We all were drinking and dancing in the room. It finally started to take effect and it was really cool. My body tingled, and I was very happy about it. I was still in control over everything! It just all felt better. I remember my hair was the coolest feeling ever. Almost like I could feel it growing and it gave my scalp the butterflies non stop. Justin said he was feeling really good too. We stayed and danced and took pictures for awhile.
Eventually we went out for dinner at an irish pub. I didnt order anything. I should know better. I really should not have taken that Bee pee stuff. I am sensitive to tylenol. It makes me light headed. Why would I try something like this?? haha I dont regret it at all. I just know for the future. Now I can say I have tried it though. What happened was, I became very quiet. I just had nothing to say. It was the opposite effect. It was an upper, but now I was in downer mode! I didnt order anything or drink anything. Justin and I went home and layed down. He was fine. Like I said, I am sensitive to any drugs. I thought maybe this would be different and not as potent since it was legal. Silly me! The others joined us later and they were all pretty drunk. They all went out to the clubs and Justin and I stayed and went to bed. It was hard to sleep. We just layed there for a long while. Eventually, we all were in the room and went to sleep.
Wednesday April 8th
In the morning, I felt the after effects of the bee pee. I could taste it all day! I tried chewing gum and drinking lots of water to get it out of my system. It was awful tasting! Just because something is leagal, doesnt mean its good for you girls and boys!!! lol We hit up some brekky and were on our way to the Whitsundays.
Joel drove until we came to a gas station. Here we picked up some fruit and supplies. Joel found an ice cube in the ice freezer that looked like a penis. We had some fun with that for a bit. Adog was next to drive. She drove for about 30 min and pulled over when we passed a sugar cane crop. It is the coolest thing. I just wanted to run through it, but its not Canada, and you have to be careful of snakes and spiders among other things. There was no running through this crop! :( *misses Canada slightly*
After the sugar cane field and Joels little history and teachings behind it, Adog was done driving. I took over. I was a little nervous, but really there was nothing to it. I didnt have any problems. In fact, Justin said I was really good at knowing which side was what and where to turn. He said he kept thinking I was going the wrong way, but really, it was him making the mistake! Teehee!
As I drove, the others started to have some beers. I told them I was ok to drive and that I did not want to drink at all! I didnt really know what I was agreeing to! lol It was all good. I had such a good time. I was the party bus driver! We had our ipods going and ppl dj-ing! Justin was shot gun to me. As we proceeded to Rockhampton ( half way point, where we were to travel to today), we made random pit stops to pick some limes at lime orchards and bananas too. The limes went great for the others beers but the bananas were not even close to being ripe. When we stopped at the banana crop, there was a pasture of cows. It was fairly dark by this point and they were pretty drunk. The cows eyes were creepy to the max in the dark. They were just like in cartoon horrors! This is also where we found a small roo road kill. The girls posed beside it. YUM! lol
On our way again. I was becoming quite used to driving opposite and I was having a good time. I was watching my speed as I knew the cops were more strict here than at home. I was coming down this hill and coasting. I saw my speed go up as the gravity took over. I was letting it naturally slow down as I do back home when I saw police lights in my mirror!! OMG!! I have never been pulled over before! I pulled to the left and unrolled my window. They all hid their beers even though its legal. We just didnt need any more suspicions. He asked if I knew how fast I was going. I didnt. He said "119". He was not nice at all and took my information and my lisence. He came back in a couple of minutes and gave me a ticket. He didnt say anything more but " if you have questions, call this number" and he walked away and SPED off in his black alcamino undercover ute!! The ticket came to an overwhelming $200!!!! There is no way I can afford this! UGH!! I was quite upset after this and wanted to cry. I didnt want to drive either as I was shaky! Unfortunatly, I was the only sober one! :(
As we went on, my mood was better. They all made me feel better too. The party resumed and I learned how to use cruise control which was hard learning from a drunk Justin! hahaha We made many stops for pee breaks and dance parties. It helped keep me awake as well as Justin. He was the first one out. He passed out an hour and a half before Rockhampton. lol
Upon arrival to Rockhampton, we stopped at McDicks. Adog and I ate and Joel talked to a buddy of his. When we left to find a hotel it was late. Most places were closed and I think Joel was eager to get us in one so he could go out with his friend. I think he needed a bit of time away from Rachel. They are kind of an item. He found us this place that is at the back of a dodgy looking pub. It was $100 for four of us for one night. They didnt give a receipt or take a visa or anything. I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. Actually, I was hyped up on energy drinks and not tired at all. I was just not in the mood to drive anymore! lol
When we got in, Joel left to find his friend. Justin was drunk and when he got in the room asked " how many hookers died in here?? haha" Then we all went to bed.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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