Sunday April 12th
Packed up and hit the road pretty early. Stopping once again at subway for some brekky. ( they actually spell brekky like this... Im not completly crazy. ) Joel started us out on the road. Justin, Adog and I in the back. We were going to drive the whole way back in one go! We wanted to save money.
Not too much happened on the way home. It was actually a nice day. This kind of made us all bitter. We were hoping for a rain day to travel since it had rained our whole time in the Whitsundays. We had planned to go scuba diving, snorkeling, really anything adventurus while being here, but the rain turned us to booze! hahaha On Good Friday, we even had a hard time getting that. Lets just say, the Whitsundays were not what we were hoping for. Next time I go, I will make sure it is hot. I was joking with Justin and calling him Eyor from Winnie the Pooh because there is a rain cloud following him! ahha
We stopped for lunch in Rockhampton which is also the beef capital of Aus. Justin did get rather excited for this and all the sitings of cows! He also really liked the road trains- the semi's that can haul huge loads. They dont have these back home. Every time he would get excited about one of these and point them out, I would make fun of him. It was the same when I would point out a hill side or field made of the redest earth I have ever seen- he would make fun of me!
On the way, we stopped at this beach along the coast. There are some houses here and there was a few people unloading boats. We all had our swim suits on and decided since it was nice to have a look. Everyones feet were soo sore but mine from when they went swimmin the other day. Justins were the worst. They had been drunk and were walking on sharp oysters. Their feet all looked really bad and we bagan to call them hooker feet. Anyways, they were all complaining of their hooker feet and the sand getting into them. the beach was pretty nice, but there was too many oysters along the rocks to actually go swimming. Also, before going for the walk along shore, this man had warned me of crocodiles! I dont know if he was serious, but I wasnt about to test it!
We looked around and took some good photos, like the ones of us all jumping up in the air. I found a little fish and, just like a boy, Justin wanted to kill it! I dont get it myself! He nailed it with a rock and we thought it was dead. Until he held it in his mouth for a picture. Just before ADog snapped the shot, the fish flipped in Justins mouth and it went flying! ahhaha We all laughed, but Justin was quite grossed out! ahah Serves him right for wanting to kill it!
Rachel was next to drive. As we pulled out, she had been looking the wrong way and was creping slowly, almost about to rev up and go. Thank god she wasnt going any faster!! Because she was looking the wrong way, a truck passed us and it shook the whole car!! If we had been an inch further, it would have crashed into us hard! We were all really scared after this and all watched the road. Rachel kept driving. She seemed to be pretty scared I think. Joel said he needed to use the washroom at the next gas station, but really, I think he wanted to switch it up. I think Rachel was uncomfortable as well. Justin took over, and I was his first mate again.
We drove all the way to a town 15min or so from home and Joel took over. We got home and didnt bother unpacking everything til the next day. We were all soo exhausted and just went to bed. It was sooo nice to have Justin to myself and not have to share a bed or room with anyone else but him!
One little surprise when I got home was that Shonleighs light was on in her bedroom. She was in New Zealand! I opened the door to find her friend Kurtis wearing nothing but a shirt. While Justin made some KD, I closed the door and told Kurtis to put some pants on. He did and we talked for a bit. Shon had told him he could stay over for the night. I just didnt expect it and wasnt warned! I introduced Justin and Kurtis and everyone went to bed.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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