Wednesday April 1st
It was an average day. I went to morning lecture with Amanda and Rachel. We were sitting through class when I recieved a text from Jason in Brisbane. (from Saskatchewan). He was asking me if the government had contacted any of us. I was unsure why he would ask this because of course they have not. When I enquired, he had told me that they had called him and were saying that due to the recession, they were sending forign workers and students home because they needed to save funds for Aussies to make it through hard times. Immediatly I was worried, thinking they might contact me as well and send me home. This would not be ideal since I have been trying to complete my RN for a long time and am finally doing it! He said they had called him and were allowing him to stay, but that it is a case by case issue. While being the good student I am and giving the instructor my full attention, I showed the other girls my texts. They started freaking out as well. As I sat there... listening to my lecture.... ;) I realized the date!!! HE GOT ME WITH AN APRIL FOOLS DAY GIG!! How could of I fallen for this! I just pulled a gag on the girls!! UGH! I messaged him back giving him crap and thanking him for totally distracting me during class!! The gag I pulled on the girls was alright. It was just on the spot last minute thinking. What I did was, I asked them what they thought of the assignment that was due at 1000 am that morning. They all looked a little confused. I went on- you know, the one due today that was for nursing alterations?? Still confused and started asking questions. I played it up a little bit. When they were good and freaked out, I gave in and hit them with the- Happy April Fools Day Fools!!! ahhhaha I guess you could say, what goes around comes around! :S
I went home and lyed by the pool for awhile, it was a scorching hot day! My tan is coming along nicely!
Mat our room mate is moving out! He cannot take the noise of the busy house any more. Thats just fine, Im tired of cleaning up after him and feeling like an old maid when I ask him if something is his. I was pretty upset though because he did not have the courage to tell me this information himself. He told Shonleigh and asked her not to say anything at all. He was afraid I would get angry, which is odd because he has never seen me angry. I am assuming he takes it as me being angry when I ask him about cleaning the house. He was just going to move out with out me knowing... some how?!?! Shonleigh told him he had to tell me and that I would notice his absence! He asked Shon if she would tell me. We were sitting down stairs and he left. Shon decided to tell me this news. I was ok with him moving out. It really didnt bother me. I was tired of Shon and I having to watch what we say and being cautious with our actions around him. Like I have said, Shon and I like a noisy atmosphere. He does not. We dont have people over nearly as much as we did before and it is alot more calm here now. I was hurt becuase by him not telling me and telling Shon, it singles me out as the problem. I dont know how this happened! Im thinking it is because he is 18 and never has lived on his own before. He is not used to cleaning up after himself. ( also, his beliefs are almost opposite of mine! ) This all made me very frustrated!
A little later, Ben came over. He had made a slide show of all of us. I stayed to watch it with him. It was really cute. He just felt like doing it out of nowhere! While we were watching that, Yates came over. We decided to go and play some tennis. While us four were playing, Brock and Mat Chalkley showed up. Tennis was such a fun time. Probably the best tennis I have played, not based on talent of course. Im thinking I did so well because I was taking my frustration out on the ball. I had some pretty good hits. From my side of the court, I hit the ball and it hit right into the basketball net on the other side! Everyone was cheering as it was such a nice shot!! Then Yates decided to hit a ball over the fence into the private property- Do Not Enter yard. Well no chance getting that ball back. This isnt good since Jason lent me these balls and raquets! Hmmm we may need to go on an adventure in just a little bit! First, we will finish playing Tennis!! :) As we lost more and more balls, we decided it was time to hunt them down and then go for a swim. Just my luck! Someone was in the private property- Do Not Enter yard! I asked them if they could find our ball. They said they couldnt find the one I was looking for, but instead threw over 4 older balls. I suppose it was a good trade in. One new for four older but still good balls! Jason should be reasonably happy with this. All of this made my mood brighten and I decided that I was not the problem, like Shon and everyone had told me, and that Matt will most likely have problems living with anyone here. Hes in Uni, this is the life style you should expect when living in dorm facilities! :) While on the court, Shonleigh informed me that our new room mate would be a girl from Korea.
We went for a swim. I headed into the house for a shower. I made dinner and then readied for Justins arrival.
I couldnt sleep at all! I didnt even try as I had soo much anxiety! Its amazing how much anxiety you can get from someone you talk to all the time! I was just excited! I was busy on the computer doing some assignments when my family came online on skype! It was such a crazy compilation of family! Almost too much. We had Dad visiting Melissa (sister) and her kids (Ethan And Ryliegh) in Red Deer, Amanda ( sister) with Julie (niece) and step dad Kevin in Lamont on the farm, there was Mark ( bro in law) who was at work in Edmonton, and we had his father Dave who was in Scottland! It was really hard to talk as my nephew loves talking on skype, or making loud noises so its hard to hear everyone else. I liked it though! It was good to hear all of them!
I later talked to my dad and decided since it was still April Fools Day there I would play my own joke. I casually mentioned that I missed my period. I thought he had died!! He didnt move at all. The room was suddenly cold and I felt frightened! I quickly and feably said in the smallest voice ever " happy april fools day daddy...?" He moved a little bit- good he didnt actually die!! SIGH!! Maybe not a good joke to play! How on earth did Melissa or Mandy ever have kids??? hahahaha
As the morning neared, I started readying myself for the trip into Brisbane! Justin and I had talked about our meeting at the airport. We both joked that he would come running and I would catch him in my arms! ( for those of you who dont know us, we are weird, and we joke that he is the girl. This information will come in handy when I talk about his visit in later blog entries!!)
Thursday April 2nd
Didnt sleep a wink! When I was ready- well actually, I couldnt decide on what to wear, so I should really say- when it was time to leave, I headed over to Jess's house. We hopped in the car and I payed for petro- they dont call it gas ever. They say that gas is a vapour and that it doesnt make sense, but they dont seem to have anything to say after I offer them "gasoline" as an alternative..! lol
We talked the entire way to Brissy. She is in the same boat as I am. She has a man from up north who is head over heals for her and they are in a long distance relationship. He is from Townsville. I have mentioned him before. His name is Christopher but we call him My Space or Townsville. We were on time, but then I recieved a text from Justin saying he landed!! WHAT!?!?! We were still 20 minutes out! Traffic was slow!! Oh No!
To our luck, Justin didnt get out until 5 min after we arrived. Turns out he had to get his luggage, but then was also searched. This was because when they asked him if he had any food on him, he had said no, forgetting he brought me a bunch of Kraft Dinner. :) Thanks Sugar! haha
He didnt run into my arms like a bride and groom, he was weary from traveling- I remember since it was not too long ago it was me walking through that door! We hopped into the car and were on our way home! I was lucky that I did not have any class that day! Justin was unlucky- it started raining!
We got home and Justin met Shonleigh. It was still very early in the morning- his plane arrived 20 min early- 550am! We went into my room and had a nap. When we woke up, I took Justin for a walk by the Uni. I thought it would be good to show him the kangaroos. We couldnt see any. Well thats not true. I could see them with my super 20/15 laser eye surgery vision, but Justin could not. He refuses to wear glasses! haha
While walking, it started puring on us. we took a long way to Subway. We walked home and ate. We watched some movies on my computer and ended up falling asleep for most of the day. We were both soo tired. I had not slept all night and was content feeling relieved of my temporary anxiety. We only woke up to say farewell to Shonleigh who was headed to Brissy for her friends funeral. She would stay there until the 8th and then Fly to New Zealand for holidays. :( Justin barely got to meet her!
We woke up late and hungry. Justin was non stop talking about STEAK!! We cabbed it to The Hogs Breath. The only place I could think of for steak. Once there, we found out it was closed. It was only about 9pm. How could this be?? Right, we are in Australia where things are not convientent! haha Luckily, Jess and Xanthy were over by the beach talking with some friends over lattes. We met up with them and hitched a ride back hitting up a McD's. ( they call it Mackers here)
We returned home and ate our Mackers and fell asleep watching a movie! Yay he is here!!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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