Friday July 31st
Up for my lab class. I got a call from Scotty on the Gold Coast. He wanted to know if we wanted to go down there this weekend instead of the next. Turns out he is moving to Canada for 18 months. He is absolutely in love with Canada. I asked him if he would ever move there permanently, and he considered it, but said Australia was home. I know the feeling.
Adog and I hopped on a bus after packing my bags from my still packed bags. We bused it to the train station at Landsborough and caught the next one. We were to get off at Bowen hills. It took about an hour and a half and we almost missed our stop. Eventually we made it to Beenleigh where Scotty had asked us to get off. He called asking when we were going tobe there and was shocked we were there already. He said he would be 15 mintues and told us to be safe since it was a shady area! Haha Great! We found a Woolworths and went inside before it closed. Bought some carrot cake and ate the whole thing between the two of us- scraping off most of the icing first since it was heaps sweet!
Finally they arrived. First thing I noticed was that Scotty chopped off all of his fro! He used to have a full thick blonde curly surfer dude due! It wasn’t too short now, but definitely different. The four of us cramped into his tiny ute. I was the smallest and had to sit on John Micheal. This did not feel good with my neck, but I made it work. My legs across everyone else. They took us to a drive in movie. We had missed the first showing, and it was still going. We decided to go grab a drink at a pub near by and come back for the second movie.
The food area was closed already. Adog and I were hungry and this made us sad. We all had a quick drink and piled back in the ute. This time, I was laying upside down like on a pillow, with my legs wrapped around Adogs head. Don’t worry, this is not habbit. We were only in the next lot over from the drive in.
As we entered the lot, there was no worker in the booth. We drove right through. As we drove looking for our friends, we ( they- I was upside down), saw a flash light chasing us. Scotty kept dodging it and we parked by our friends. Then the flashlight found us. She came to the window and was not happy she had to chase us. She informed us that we had to go pay. I thought that we would go and pay, however, Scotty blurted out that we had already paid. Obviously we all knew that we had not. She then did the obvious and asked to see our tickets. Scotty said “sure!” and looked at all of us. We were a bit puzzled and began to search our purses and pockets. Really Scotty?? Haha Geez! She told us that if we didn’t find our tickets, we would have to leave. So we left.
We drove out of the lot, and looped right back in again! Haha Oh dear god! We then drove around again, and then again were chased by a flash light. We stopped at the Candy bar. The flash light caught up with us again. This time we had piled out. She was furious. I don’t blame her. She asked to see our tickets. Amanda even pretended to have found one in her purse- oh but it was a bus transfer. Darn, she really thought that was it. It was in there some where! Aahhaha Scotty paid the lady, and I am sure she charged us more then the actual price. Scotty paid. He wouldn’t let us pay! He said it was his treat and we were his guests. I would have charged us more too!
We watched Ice Age 3? in the back of the ute on a mattress with pillows and a blanket. How cozy! Adog seen about 6 shooting stars. I hadn’t seen any. I was getting pretty jealous and then- sigh- there was one. What!?!?! No one saw that one? They all thought I lied because I wanted to see one so badly! I promise you, I saw it!
After the movie, we went back to John Micheals parents house. We went to sleep after talking for a couple of hours-all four of us in two rooms.
Saturday August 1st
We woke up and readied. Went to the Harbor mall and bought some Boost Juice and banana bread for breaky. At about noon, we went for some drinks with Scotty to meet his friend Justin, who goes by Robo, and his other friend Jayden. Robo is who Scotty is coming to Canada with. We must have spent hours there. We went back to JM’s place so the boys could book their tickets. Us girls got ready for the night. When I was ready, we were waiting for the boys. This took some time and I began to read a book. It was about all these fruits and vegetables and theirs nutritious values. It was soo interesting.
After getting Mr. Add himself finally showered and in the car, we made our way to a small town that I cannot recall the name of. We ate at this restaurant and had some drinks. Scotty was passing me a coaster and when he tossed it, it hit me square in the eye. Then Adog was applying ketchup on her fries and it squirted on my jacket! Hmmm great start to the night! :P
We made our way to this bogen bar where a tribute band was playing. We only had three tickets as we didn’t know the other two boys were going to come with us. We couldn’t get in at first. Then all the sudden, the female butch bouncer recognized Scotty from somewhere. He made it seem like he knew her and she let the other guys in after paying some fee. When we got it, he informed us that he had no idea who she was! Hahaha
As we made our way in, we realized we were in a bogen bar. There were all sorts of people here. I took some pictures of them secretly with Adogs camera. I had her pretend to take a picture of me, but really take a picture of some bogens behind me. A guy was on to us and gave us the finger- its actually a pretty funny picture! Lol
We joined the crowd just in time for the end of the Doors. The lead singer of the tribute band started freaking out and yelling “ Now is for the time of the show, the moment I know you guys have all been waiting for! “ and he started to undo his tight leather pants! I couldn’t believe it! I was shocked. I turned to Adog and asked if that was real, then the man on stage informed us not to believe everything as these performers were merely acting the way the real band had. Very exciting and thrilling! Too bad he was dragged off stage!! Lol JK! EWW!
There was an intermission. The next band to come on was Guns and Roses. While they were starting, I noticed some promotion girls going around and taking pictures of people who were drinking Jim Beams and giving them a prize and the Polaroid. I sneaked Scotty’s Jim Beam and wondered over to them. They were dressed in little out fits. I asked them to take a naughty picture with me so I could send it to my bf back home. They thought this was the sweetest thing and even signed the Polaroid for me. Actually, there were two Polaroid pictures that I had gotten! They also gave me a couple prizes. Adog got a ipod speaker the size of a piece of large lego! It works really well too! It is the coolest thing.
We went back to enjoy the show. It was pretty good. Adog and I were not drinking. I think the night was just getting to Adog. Everything was catching up to her and she was missing home. She too had gone to Canada over the break. I kept asking if she was ok, and at one point she went into the bathroom. I followed. Here she broke down and cried. She was homesick and missed her family and John. She was having an alright time, but could not snap out of it. I think she was PMSing. I tried comforting her and we went back out. We danced a little and finally, some time after Deep Purple and ACDC we left.
Robo drove us there and was driving us back. We had the music going and were having a pretty good time when all the sudden there were flashing lights behind us. We thought we would be fine as Robo had not been drinking much- and he is a big big boy, so the amount he did drink would not have affected him at all. Robo was panicked for some reason. We found out soon that he did not have any registration on his car because he barely drove it and didn’t renew it since he was leaving in two weeks for Canada.
The police came to the window and gave him a breath test. It was fine. They still had to take his plates from him. They wouldn’t let us drive anywhere. Robo got his court date placed early the next week so as to not conflict with his moving to Canada. While all this was going on, I got outside to stretch my legs. I went over to the cop car and started chatting with the other cop. He seemed to be a really nice cop, and the other seemed to be more stern. We talked about snowboarding, how cold it is in Canada, and this and that. I think he would have come around to letting me sit in the back of the cruiser, but I think the other cop would have given him sh*t!
Eventually, the cops left. We were waiting on a cab and a toe truck. The toe truck came first. He was a super nice guy. The toe truck was not like the ones we have back home. It was a huge truck that lowered its back side and we drove up. Then it lifted even. He took some pics of us inside too! We were pretty high off the ground. He let Adog, Robo and I stay inside while all this happened. He even let us stay inside until we got to the convience store where we were to wait for a cab. I had Robo listening to some country music on the way. No body likes country music in Aus. This is disappointing. I told Robo that this is what he would become used to in Edmonton. Haha he didn’t seem to mind it too much.
We got to our stop and we got out thanking the driver. Robo went with the toe man all the way to Brisbane. This was not before he took off the socks on his feet and the shoes and passed them to Scotty. They belonged to John Micheal’s dad and he had promised to give them back! He wouldn’t have had to borrow them, but no flip flops allowed to the clubs! Hahaha How brutal!
We then went into the store to get some snacks. He kicked us out because he had to do some work in the back room. It was cold and I was not pleased by this. We then watched Scotty running after taxi’s in the near by intersection. It was kind of funny ! lol They were not stopping for him, so I went with him. Two were coming. One of them stopped and we got in. Then we picked up the other two. We got back to JM’s and went to bed! What a crazy night!
Sunday August 2nd
I was very sleepy. We got up and ready and met some of Scott’s new friends who were also Canadian. Graham and Cheryl, who just moved here for Uni. They are from Toronto. We went for lunch at a near by country club sort of thing. There were sharks swimming in the tank. They were the size of a two year old! How cool! The place was actually called Sharks.
After breaky or lunch, we went back and grabbed some snorkel gear and surf boards. We all met up at the spit and us girls went snorkeling accompanied by Scotty. The boys all went down to the beach to teach Graham how to surf. We were parked along the rock bed and went in from there. The water was a bit chilly, and it was hard to sneak across all the rocks as they were half submerged and slippery. Finally we got into the water, and I was the only one who was injured from the sharp spots on the rocks. I had cut my fingers in three places. Its funny how I always seem to forget how salty the ocean really is! Gross!!! While we were in the water, Adog had her camera with her. It is one of those water proof cameras. Unfortunatly, for some reason, it was not working. Uh oh! So no pictures were taken. L We were in the water for about 30 minutes or so. It was kind of neat watching the blood flow into the water from my finger. It made me imagine a shark getting a sniff and coming to see more. Luckily, this did not happen! haha Cheryl and Scotty went in a little bit earlier then Adog and I. When we were down there, we saw a school of squid ( yum), and soo many many different kinds of fish. At one point Scotty had even picked up and sea cucumber and made it… spew its white fluid substance all over. Scotty told us a story of how when he was younger, his mate made one … spew all over Scotty’s hair and it had turned into some kind of concrete like mixture. He had to cut his hair off to fix it! How crazy is that?? While we were down there, we also found a lot of hooks. There are many fisher man around. Adog and I have been wanting to go fishing for some time. One of these days we will. Adog was getting cold, and so we decided to head in. While I was getting out, the waves were pushing and pulling me. This made it difficult to climb onto the rocks. I was trying to hover above them when a wave pulled me back and the water level decreased. This brought me right hard into a rock where I cut my hand, and a spot on my knee. I was alright, but it was messy. Im not sure whos towel I was using, and I tried not to get my DNA on it, but could not help it. Sorry! J When I got back up on shore, there was a group of guys walking by. Alex! We stopped them and chatted with them for a bit. Then the other boys came back. I guess Graham did ok, but it was his first time. This probably meant he was not very good at all. Haha It is tough!
Alex and his friends left, and we all went to another part of the spit. We were just by a spot where they happened to be filming a Narnia movie!!! Too bad the camera was not working. The boys took the canoe into the water and they were spear fishing. There was a sign right above where us girls were sitting that said no spear fishing, but Scotty assured us that was for when there were lots of swimmers in the area, which there was not. Besides, we were right across from his island… it was his jurisdiction. As we were sitting and watching, Alex and his friends came by. We chatted for a while and they left. Eventually, the boys came back with one pueny little fish! This I had lots of fun with. Graham took some pictures on his phone of me pretending to kiss it, eat it, and so forth! Its what I do. I find some kind of creature.. I get a a photo pretending to kiss it! It was the same for a crab in Meixco, a frog in Canada, a crae fish in Aus, and much much more! After I was done playing with the fish, I found out the boys were not going to keep it. It was dead, and I felt bad for it. I gave it a new home up on the NO SPEAR FISHING sign! Haha
After this, we went back to Cheryl and Grahams place. It’s a very nice place. We went down and sat in the hot tub for a while, and the sauna as well. It got too hot for me, and so I swam a couple of laps.After some time, we went upstairs. We had showers and Scotty went home to fetch our stuff so we could wear some dry and clean clothes. He returned with pizza and beer. We spent the evening trying to learn how to play yukur and then asshole. It was a pretty fun night, but there were too many of us. Once some of the group went home, Cheryl, Graham, Scotty, Adog and I were left. We put a movie on that no body finished. Adog and I went into the spare bedroom, Cheryl and Graham into their room, and Scotty went home. He said he would be back for us in the morning. It was team Canada left in the apartment. J
Monday August 3rd
Woke up thinking we were the only ones home. We tidied the place up and Scotty came over. He woke up Cheryl and Graham, who we thought had gone to uni. Haha I had even written them a good bye thank you note! We said our thanks and good byes in person and then made our way out for some grub. It was a little later in the day since we were soo tired and slept in a bit. We ate at a sushi train since Adog had never been to one. I apyed for Scotty’s meal to thank him for all his hospitality, but afterwards at the petrol station, he wouldn’t let me not take his money! He said he was old enough to take care of his own bill! He is a very nice and generous guy! Usually he wont even let us pay for our meals!!
After our meals, we went for a short surf. The water was alright when you were in it, but the waves were pretty scary. It has been awhile since I was in waves like this. ( listen to me sounding like a wimp- its only been a month and a half!!! ) I think what was scaring me soo much, was the fact that this beach looked empty and the ocean appeared to be bigger then Mooloolaba- where I was used to going. It felt like you could just be taken soo easily. I was in no mood to gamble in this unknown territory. Scotty said there was no current or and rip tides, and that I would be safe, but I decided to play it safe my way anyways. I sat on the beach and watched. My two attempts were enough.
We went back to JM’s place to collect the rest of our stuff. Scotty also said we could borrow the snorkel gear and a surf board while he was in Canada, this was awesome! This means we have a surf board for the remainder time we are here pretty much! Now we have to make sure we are good by the time he returns in 18 months!
He dropped us off at the train station and said he was going to actually really miss us. We gave hugs and he left. We bought our tickets and waited for our train. While we sat and waited, Adog and I decided that we wanted to become vegans. This meant we would have to finish all the meat and animal products that we just bought on our last grocery shopping trip! This allowed us to ease into it. We wanted to learn all the benefits of other foods, learning the nutritious value of fruits, veggies, nuts, and all sorts of other foods. It was a challenge and exciting. This would also be a good healthy diet for me, since I don’t fit some of my clothes anymore. My trip to Canada made me depart with some excess cargo on my rear! ( I know I don’t look big, but when you get to the point where you cannot wear some- most of your pants- you need to do something about it!!!)
On the way home, we stopped at central station in Brissy. What a cool place. I had never been to a “main” station like this before. It had a Mcdicks and everything. It was a pretty neat place.On our way we continues. We even had had a nap on one of the trains, leaning over the surf board that was on our laps. A girl took a pic on her phone and said she would email it to me.. but I never did receive it. By the time we made it to Landsborough, it had been about 3.5 hours of travel. Before getting off the train, we noticed a smell. It was horrible. The unkempt man besides us moved to the back of the train, where a girl sat alone. She looked young vulnerable and innocent. He was creeping on her in a bad way. Everyone on the train was noticing. She looked extremely uncomfortable. A man from the other side casually moved closer, I think, just in case something happened. After a while, the man stopped talking, and she used the opportunity to move closer to Adog and I. I began chatting with her. She was on her way to her aunties house. Moving away from home. I guess her mom was non compliant with her daughters choice of boyfriend. He was an aboriginal. They decided to move to Perth together to start new. They had been dating for 6 months and she was 17. I’m curious to know how this all turns out for her… hmm.
We got off the train and there were two buses waiting. Neither was our bus. We checked the schedule to see when it came. It said it would be there in 5 minutes. Perfect- it is also the last bus of the day!!! One of the bus drivers saw us and asked what we were doing. I replied and said we were waiting for the 615. He said it was right behind us. I informed him that that bus said 618! He said it was wrong and we had better catch it as it was about to leave. We were shocked and hurried to our bus. When we got on, the driver saw that the other bus driver had noticed something, which made him realize he had the wrong number on. He changed it with a no big deal expression! We could have easily missed our LAST bus, and it was no biggy! Ugh! Sometimes the laid back style of Aussies cause problems. I was on the bus the other day, and he drove straight on by a girl at a bus stop. It was like he forgot entirely that there was a stop there. How does that happen?? Anyways, we got home and it was a nice feeling! I have barely been home since my return from Canada, and my suit cases needed a good un-packing! Haha
I also had not talked to Justin for the last couple of days. I was waiting for tonight, when he would be at work, and we could talk via email. I stay up late for his early morning at work. I wrote an email and got no response. I was a little upset about it and went to bed. I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t responding.
Up for my lab class. I got a call from Scotty on the Gold Coast. He wanted to know if we wanted to go down there this weekend instead of the next. Turns out he is moving to Canada for 18 months. He is absolutely in love with Canada. I asked him if he would ever move there permanently, and he considered it, but said Australia was home. I know the feeling.
Adog and I hopped on a bus after packing my bags from my still packed bags. We bused it to the train station at Landsborough and caught the next one. We were to get off at Bowen hills. It took about an hour and a half and we almost missed our stop. Eventually we made it to Beenleigh where Scotty had asked us to get off. He called asking when we were going tobe there and was shocked we were there already. He said he would be 15 mintues and told us to be safe since it was a shady area! Haha Great! We found a Woolworths and went inside before it closed. Bought some carrot cake and ate the whole thing between the two of us- scraping off most of the icing first since it was heaps sweet!
Finally they arrived. First thing I noticed was that Scotty chopped off all of his fro! He used to have a full thick blonde curly surfer dude due! It wasn’t too short now, but definitely different. The four of us cramped into his tiny ute. I was the smallest and had to sit on John Micheal. This did not feel good with my neck, but I made it work. My legs across everyone else. They took us to a drive in movie. We had missed the first showing, and it was still going. We decided to go grab a drink at a pub near by and come back for the second movie.
The food area was closed already. Adog and I were hungry and this made us sad. We all had a quick drink and piled back in the ute. This time, I was laying upside down like on a pillow, with my legs wrapped around Adogs head. Don’t worry, this is not habbit. We were only in the next lot over from the drive in.
As we entered the lot, there was no worker in the booth. We drove right through. As we drove looking for our friends, we ( they- I was upside down), saw a flash light chasing us. Scotty kept dodging it and we parked by our friends. Then the flashlight found us. She came to the window and was not happy she had to chase us. She informed us that we had to go pay. I thought that we would go and pay, however, Scotty blurted out that we had already paid. Obviously we all knew that we had not. She then did the obvious and asked to see our tickets. Scotty said “sure!” and looked at all of us. We were a bit puzzled and began to search our purses and pockets. Really Scotty?? Haha Geez! She told us that if we didn’t find our tickets, we would have to leave. So we left.
We drove out of the lot, and looped right back in again! Haha Oh dear god! We then drove around again, and then again were chased by a flash light. We stopped at the Candy bar. The flash light caught up with us again. This time we had piled out. She was furious. I don’t blame her. She asked to see our tickets. Amanda even pretended to have found one in her purse- oh but it was a bus transfer. Darn, she really thought that was it. It was in there some where! Aahhaha Scotty paid the lady, and I am sure she charged us more then the actual price. Scotty paid. He wouldn’t let us pay! He said it was his treat and we were his guests. I would have charged us more too!
We watched Ice Age 3? in the back of the ute on a mattress with pillows and a blanket. How cozy! Adog seen about 6 shooting stars. I hadn’t seen any. I was getting pretty jealous and then- sigh- there was one. What!?!?! No one saw that one? They all thought I lied because I wanted to see one so badly! I promise you, I saw it!
After the movie, we went back to John Micheals parents house. We went to sleep after talking for a couple of hours-all four of us in two rooms.
Saturday August 1st
We woke up and readied. Went to the Harbor mall and bought some Boost Juice and banana bread for breaky. At about noon, we went for some drinks with Scotty to meet his friend Justin, who goes by Robo, and his other friend Jayden. Robo is who Scotty is coming to Canada with. We must have spent hours there. We went back to JM’s place so the boys could book their tickets. Us girls got ready for the night. When I was ready, we were waiting for the boys. This took some time and I began to read a book. It was about all these fruits and vegetables and theirs nutritious values. It was soo interesting.
After getting Mr. Add himself finally showered and in the car, we made our way to a small town that I cannot recall the name of. We ate at this restaurant and had some drinks. Scotty was passing me a coaster and when he tossed it, it hit me square in the eye. Then Adog was applying ketchup on her fries and it squirted on my jacket! Hmmm great start to the night! :P
We made our way to this bogen bar where a tribute band was playing. We only had three tickets as we didn’t know the other two boys were going to come with us. We couldn’t get in at first. Then all the sudden, the female butch bouncer recognized Scotty from somewhere. He made it seem like he knew her and she let the other guys in after paying some fee. When we got it, he informed us that he had no idea who she was! Hahaha
As we made our way in, we realized we were in a bogen bar. There were all sorts of people here. I took some pictures of them secretly with Adogs camera. I had her pretend to take a picture of me, but really take a picture of some bogens behind me. A guy was on to us and gave us the finger- its actually a pretty funny picture! Lol
We joined the crowd just in time for the end of the Doors. The lead singer of the tribute band started freaking out and yelling “ Now is for the time of the show, the moment I know you guys have all been waiting for! “ and he started to undo his tight leather pants! I couldn’t believe it! I was shocked. I turned to Adog and asked if that was real, then the man on stage informed us not to believe everything as these performers were merely acting the way the real band had. Very exciting and thrilling! Too bad he was dragged off stage!! Lol JK! EWW!
There was an intermission. The next band to come on was Guns and Roses. While they were starting, I noticed some promotion girls going around and taking pictures of people who were drinking Jim Beams and giving them a prize and the Polaroid. I sneaked Scotty’s Jim Beam and wondered over to them. They were dressed in little out fits. I asked them to take a naughty picture with me so I could send it to my bf back home. They thought this was the sweetest thing and even signed the Polaroid for me. Actually, there were two Polaroid pictures that I had gotten! They also gave me a couple prizes. Adog got a ipod speaker the size of a piece of large lego! It works really well too! It is the coolest thing.
We went back to enjoy the show. It was pretty good. Adog and I were not drinking. I think the night was just getting to Adog. Everything was catching up to her and she was missing home. She too had gone to Canada over the break. I kept asking if she was ok, and at one point she went into the bathroom. I followed. Here she broke down and cried. She was homesick and missed her family and John. She was having an alright time, but could not snap out of it. I think she was PMSing. I tried comforting her and we went back out. We danced a little and finally, some time after Deep Purple and ACDC we left.
Robo drove us there and was driving us back. We had the music going and were having a pretty good time when all the sudden there were flashing lights behind us. We thought we would be fine as Robo had not been drinking much- and he is a big big boy, so the amount he did drink would not have affected him at all. Robo was panicked for some reason. We found out soon that he did not have any registration on his car because he barely drove it and didn’t renew it since he was leaving in two weeks for Canada.
The police came to the window and gave him a breath test. It was fine. They still had to take his plates from him. They wouldn’t let us drive anywhere. Robo got his court date placed early the next week so as to not conflict with his moving to Canada. While all this was going on, I got outside to stretch my legs. I went over to the cop car and started chatting with the other cop. He seemed to be a really nice cop, and the other seemed to be more stern. We talked about snowboarding, how cold it is in Canada, and this and that. I think he would have come around to letting me sit in the back of the cruiser, but I think the other cop would have given him sh*t!
Eventually, the cops left. We were waiting on a cab and a toe truck. The toe truck came first. He was a super nice guy. The toe truck was not like the ones we have back home. It was a huge truck that lowered its back side and we drove up. Then it lifted even. He took some pics of us inside too! We were pretty high off the ground. He let Adog, Robo and I stay inside while all this happened. He even let us stay inside until we got to the convience store where we were to wait for a cab. I had Robo listening to some country music on the way. No body likes country music in Aus. This is disappointing. I told Robo that this is what he would become used to in Edmonton. Haha he didn’t seem to mind it too much.
We got to our stop and we got out thanking the driver. Robo went with the toe man all the way to Brisbane. This was not before he took off the socks on his feet and the shoes and passed them to Scotty. They belonged to John Micheal’s dad and he had promised to give them back! He wouldn’t have had to borrow them, but no flip flops allowed to the clubs! Hahaha How brutal!
We then went into the store to get some snacks. He kicked us out because he had to do some work in the back room. It was cold and I was not pleased by this. We then watched Scotty running after taxi’s in the near by intersection. It was kind of funny ! lol They were not stopping for him, so I went with him. Two were coming. One of them stopped and we got in. Then we picked up the other two. We got back to JM’s and went to bed! What a crazy night!
Sunday August 2nd
I was very sleepy. We got up and ready and met some of Scott’s new friends who were also Canadian. Graham and Cheryl, who just moved here for Uni. They are from Toronto. We went for lunch at a near by country club sort of thing. There were sharks swimming in the tank. They were the size of a two year old! How cool! The place was actually called Sharks.
After breaky or lunch, we went back and grabbed some snorkel gear and surf boards. We all met up at the spit and us girls went snorkeling accompanied by Scotty. The boys all went down to the beach to teach Graham how to surf. We were parked along the rock bed and went in from there. The water was a bit chilly, and it was hard to sneak across all the rocks as they were half submerged and slippery. Finally we got into the water, and I was the only one who was injured from the sharp spots on the rocks. I had cut my fingers in three places. Its funny how I always seem to forget how salty the ocean really is! Gross!!! While we were in the water, Adog had her camera with her. It is one of those water proof cameras. Unfortunatly, for some reason, it was not working. Uh oh! So no pictures were taken. L We were in the water for about 30 minutes or so. It was kind of neat watching the blood flow into the water from my finger. It made me imagine a shark getting a sniff and coming to see more. Luckily, this did not happen! haha Cheryl and Scotty went in a little bit earlier then Adog and I. When we were down there, we saw a school of squid ( yum), and soo many many different kinds of fish. At one point Scotty had even picked up and sea cucumber and made it… spew its white fluid substance all over. Scotty told us a story of how when he was younger, his mate made one … spew all over Scotty’s hair and it had turned into some kind of concrete like mixture. He had to cut his hair off to fix it! How crazy is that?? While we were down there, we also found a lot of hooks. There are many fisher man around. Adog and I have been wanting to go fishing for some time. One of these days we will. Adog was getting cold, and so we decided to head in. While I was getting out, the waves were pushing and pulling me. This made it difficult to climb onto the rocks. I was trying to hover above them when a wave pulled me back and the water level decreased. This brought me right hard into a rock where I cut my hand, and a spot on my knee. I was alright, but it was messy. Im not sure whos towel I was using, and I tried not to get my DNA on it, but could not help it. Sorry! J When I got back up on shore, there was a group of guys walking by. Alex! We stopped them and chatted with them for a bit. Then the other boys came back. I guess Graham did ok, but it was his first time. This probably meant he was not very good at all. Haha It is tough!
Alex and his friends left, and we all went to another part of the spit. We were just by a spot where they happened to be filming a Narnia movie!!! Too bad the camera was not working. The boys took the canoe into the water and they were spear fishing. There was a sign right above where us girls were sitting that said no spear fishing, but Scotty assured us that was for when there were lots of swimmers in the area, which there was not. Besides, we were right across from his island… it was his jurisdiction. As we were sitting and watching, Alex and his friends came by. We chatted for a while and they left. Eventually, the boys came back with one pueny little fish! This I had lots of fun with. Graham took some pictures on his phone of me pretending to kiss it, eat it, and so forth! Its what I do. I find some kind of creature.. I get a a photo pretending to kiss it! It was the same for a crab in Meixco, a frog in Canada, a crae fish in Aus, and much much more! After I was done playing with the fish, I found out the boys were not going to keep it. It was dead, and I felt bad for it. I gave it a new home up on the NO SPEAR FISHING sign! Haha
After this, we went back to Cheryl and Grahams place. It’s a very nice place. We went down and sat in the hot tub for a while, and the sauna as well. It got too hot for me, and so I swam a couple of laps.After some time, we went upstairs. We had showers and Scotty went home to fetch our stuff so we could wear some dry and clean clothes. He returned with pizza and beer. We spent the evening trying to learn how to play yukur and then asshole. It was a pretty fun night, but there were too many of us. Once some of the group went home, Cheryl, Graham, Scotty, Adog and I were left. We put a movie on that no body finished. Adog and I went into the spare bedroom, Cheryl and Graham into their room, and Scotty went home. He said he would be back for us in the morning. It was team Canada left in the apartment. J
Monday August 3rd
Woke up thinking we were the only ones home. We tidied the place up and Scotty came over. He woke up Cheryl and Graham, who we thought had gone to uni. Haha I had even written them a good bye thank you note! We said our thanks and good byes in person and then made our way out for some grub. It was a little later in the day since we were soo tired and slept in a bit. We ate at a sushi train since Adog had never been to one. I apyed for Scotty’s meal to thank him for all his hospitality, but afterwards at the petrol station, he wouldn’t let me not take his money! He said he was old enough to take care of his own bill! He is a very nice and generous guy! Usually he wont even let us pay for our meals!!
After our meals, we went for a short surf. The water was alright when you were in it, but the waves were pretty scary. It has been awhile since I was in waves like this. ( listen to me sounding like a wimp- its only been a month and a half!!! ) I think what was scaring me soo much, was the fact that this beach looked empty and the ocean appeared to be bigger then Mooloolaba- where I was used to going. It felt like you could just be taken soo easily. I was in no mood to gamble in this unknown territory. Scotty said there was no current or and rip tides, and that I would be safe, but I decided to play it safe my way anyways. I sat on the beach and watched. My two attempts were enough.
We went back to JM’s place to collect the rest of our stuff. Scotty also said we could borrow the snorkel gear and a surf board while he was in Canada, this was awesome! This means we have a surf board for the remainder time we are here pretty much! Now we have to make sure we are good by the time he returns in 18 months!
He dropped us off at the train station and said he was going to actually really miss us. We gave hugs and he left. We bought our tickets and waited for our train. While we sat and waited, Adog and I decided that we wanted to become vegans. This meant we would have to finish all the meat and animal products that we just bought on our last grocery shopping trip! This allowed us to ease into it. We wanted to learn all the benefits of other foods, learning the nutritious value of fruits, veggies, nuts, and all sorts of other foods. It was a challenge and exciting. This would also be a good healthy diet for me, since I don’t fit some of my clothes anymore. My trip to Canada made me depart with some excess cargo on my rear! ( I know I don’t look big, but when you get to the point where you cannot wear some- most of your pants- you need to do something about it!!!)
On the way home, we stopped at central station in Brissy. What a cool place. I had never been to a “main” station like this before. It had a Mcdicks and everything. It was a pretty neat place.On our way we continues. We even had had a nap on one of the trains, leaning over the surf board that was on our laps. A girl took a pic on her phone and said she would email it to me.. but I never did receive it. By the time we made it to Landsborough, it had been about 3.5 hours of travel. Before getting off the train, we noticed a smell. It was horrible. The unkempt man besides us moved to the back of the train, where a girl sat alone. She looked young vulnerable and innocent. He was creeping on her in a bad way. Everyone on the train was noticing. She looked extremely uncomfortable. A man from the other side casually moved closer, I think, just in case something happened. After a while, the man stopped talking, and she used the opportunity to move closer to Adog and I. I began chatting with her. She was on her way to her aunties house. Moving away from home. I guess her mom was non compliant with her daughters choice of boyfriend. He was an aboriginal. They decided to move to Perth together to start new. They had been dating for 6 months and she was 17. I’m curious to know how this all turns out for her… hmm.
We got off the train and there were two buses waiting. Neither was our bus. We checked the schedule to see when it came. It said it would be there in 5 minutes. Perfect- it is also the last bus of the day!!! One of the bus drivers saw us and asked what we were doing. I replied and said we were waiting for the 615. He said it was right behind us. I informed him that that bus said 618! He said it was wrong and we had better catch it as it was about to leave. We were shocked and hurried to our bus. When we got on, the driver saw that the other bus driver had noticed something, which made him realize he had the wrong number on. He changed it with a no big deal expression! We could have easily missed our LAST bus, and it was no biggy! Ugh! Sometimes the laid back style of Aussies cause problems. I was on the bus the other day, and he drove straight on by a girl at a bus stop. It was like he forgot entirely that there was a stop there. How does that happen?? Anyways, we got home and it was a nice feeling! I have barely been home since my return from Canada, and my suit cases needed a good un-packing! Haha
I also had not talked to Justin for the last couple of days. I was waiting for tonight, when he would be at work, and we could talk via email. I stay up late for his early morning at work. I wrote an email and got no response. I was a little upset about it and went to bed. I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t responding.
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