Feb 25th/26th
Wednesday classes went well. Nothing too exciting there. I met with my patho group and I really like it. We are all smart and on the same page as to what to do. Should be pretty straight forward. I had a large break between classes. As I was walking to my last lecture, Ron was walking out of his house. Ron is Nicko's flat mate. I asked him what was up and he informed me he was going camping. When I inquired I was told he was just going for the night by himself. I then told him that I always have thursdays off and that he should let me know next time. He then asked me if I wanted to go when I was out of class.... HELL YES!!
Came home from class and packed my bag. It felt nice to go somewhere and only take a small bag instead of luggage that I have been lugging around for 2months! Ron's mate offered me her Swag. Yes, I actually did say Swag! Now what a Swag is is a water proof sleeping bag/ mattress. It is really cool. Army green and you tuck a balnket inside. Its soo sweet! We need these in Canada! I was soo toasty warm.
Ron's mate Johnny decided to join us as well. We took his car and drove about two hours inland. Destination Somerset Dam. ( does Dam have an "N" on the end if it isnt used as a swear?? hmmm) It was dark by time we arrived. We didnt have any food or anything. I was wondering how organized these boys would be. We met up with Troy and Alex who were Ron's and Johnny's bosses. They are still Nicko's bosses. Well actually, Alex is head chef at the Kawana hotel. Anyways, met them and started drinking a bit. Alex made the best porkchops I have ever had. They were soo juicy and succulent! Hmm I will be craving those the rest of my life! YUM!!
We ended up playing drinking games and having a great time. Alex had started the night a little too early and retired quickly. I taught the boys some drinking games from Canada, and slaps was a big hit!! We also played poker. I was doing well, but it was getting late so we just went all in. I dont know why we do that. Its not as fun. Its not like you use skill when you do that. No real victory for the winner! haha I didnt win if you cant tell! :)
Troy then went to bed. The last three of us stayed up playing slaps. I was soo tired I finally went to bed. In the morning, we found Ron sleeping on the inflatable couch hugging the axe!! Bahahaahaha, so funny!! As soon as I get a copy of that picture, I will post it!
I remember spending a good portion of the night taking pictures of this spider! It had a huge web. Crazy!! The spider I saw this morning had bright orange and yellow legs. I didnt have a camera on me, but you should have seen it! Maybe I will see another one on my next adventure!
We went swimming in the lake after we woke up. It was refreshing. The coldest water I have experienced so far, but nothing compared to home. There is a rope swing here as well, but it didnt look too safe, so I decided not to swing. The boys were barely clearing the rocks! Thank god nothing happened! ( see mom, I make good decisions sometimes :)
Went looking for some fire wood and had an awesome breakfast. Having a nap on the hammock when Ron see's a Koala! It was really high up in the gum tree. It was soo cute. I really wish I could have seen in closer. All they do day in and day out is sleep on a tree branch. Troy was saying that the gum leaves give them a high. Well no wonder they sleep all the time! Im surprised they dont go looking for munchies! These gum trees are really something else. I will have to post some pictures. I guess its not all that common to see Koala bears in the wild. I think Amanda and Rachel are a little jealous! They had class today and so they couldnt come.
I also drove a car today! Just to and from the bathrooms at the camp ground, but WOW is it weird! Even the signal lights (which are called indicators here) are on the oppisite side. I kept going to put the car in drive or reverse but I have to use my left hand!! Its really weird!! I cant wait to get used to it. Then I can come home and have to learn all over again! hahha
Ron says that we were technically in the out back. I thought it would be red earth and not much vegitation. It wasnt like that at all. So Im not sure if I would personally consider it as such.
Had a really good over night trip. Back home now. Its Wombai night again, every thursday. Its the Uni night to go out. Cheap drinks and transport. I decided not to go. I want to save my money for better things. Take it easy tonight.
Really happy everyone is enjoying my blog so much. I like the feed back. Cheers!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pets and Nightmares!
Grant, Shonleighs friend, has a pet scorpion! It had babies!! He is giving us a couple to have as pets!! I think we might get one for each of us in this unit. Matt says he wanted one too, which is good cuz then he can feed them! hahahha I cant wait.
The ants!! I talked to my land lord gal, and she says "welcome to Australia!" yay : Thrilled! She says they come out with the humidity. It is the wet season ( one month- Feb) so they come out more. They are not in my room as much. THANK GOD! However, yesterday, I went to empty the garbage and at the bottom of the bucket was at least 50!! It was soo gross. I screamed and tied the bag STAT! I then drowned the ants and dumped them. I then washed the garbage throughly! Im hoping that was the main cause of the ants!
With all the ants and scorpions, I have not been sleeping well at night. One night I had dreams of ants climbing all over my stuff! I tossed and turned all night! The next night it was all about hearding my cageless scorpions who were angry back downstairs!! Last night, I thought I would sleep well. Unfortunatly, someone called me at 0340, and then again at 0540. I answer the phone- hello. -Hi, can you hear me? - yes can you hear me? -hello?? are you there?? -hello hello
??? then nothing. Both times that is how it went. I could hear him. I was half asleep and not sure who it was. Must have been from Canada though. Was it you?? haha
The ants!! I talked to my land lord gal, and she says "welcome to Australia!" yay : Thrilled! She says they come out with the humidity. It is the wet season ( one month- Feb) so they come out more. They are not in my room as much. THANK GOD! However, yesterday, I went to empty the garbage and at the bottom of the bucket was at least 50!! It was soo gross. I screamed and tied the bag STAT! I then drowned the ants and dumped them. I then washed the garbage throughly! Im hoping that was the main cause of the ants!
With all the ants and scorpions, I have not been sleeping well at night. One night I had dreams of ants climbing all over my stuff! I tossed and turned all night! The next night it was all about hearding my cageless scorpions who were angry back downstairs!! Last night, I thought I would sleep well. Unfortunatly, someone called me at 0340, and then again at 0540. I answer the phone- hello. -Hi, can you hear me? - yes can you hear me? -hello?? are you there?? -hello hello
??? then nothing. Both times that is how it went. I could hear him. I was half asleep and not sure who it was. Must have been from Canada though. Was it you?? haha
Perfect Day
Feb 24th
This is definitly going into the memory vault of great days! Woke up 0600 to go surfing with Matt. Hit the beach and met his friend Em, cute little blonde. Total surfer babe. Matt was nice enough to lend me is beginner board. He gave me a beach lesson first and then we hit the waves. It went really well. He said I was doing well and even Em said I had the balance. I did get up on my knees a few times, but it will just take time and practice. It is difficult, especially since I am not used to all the salt in the water. It stings the eyes and goes up your nose, not to mention the horrible taste it has! Yugh! After about 1 1/2 hours of this tedious wonderful sport, I was done. I had hit my elbow on the fin, and could tell I was getting lazy and tired. I told Matt to go hard but that I needed to go lay on the beach. I had a nap laying on the surf board waiting. I even did something sooo Australian afterwards. We went to a surf store because Matt needed a few things, and I went in with no shoes or shirt!!!! just my togs ( Bikini) and shorts!!
next, I came home and ate. had a shower and readied myself to meet up with my fellow Canadians. We went to go buy text books. We were going to split the cost of them and share them betweent he three of us. They were not organized and were not sure what books to get because they did not know what classes they were in. So we didnt get any and I came home. Next was to go shopping with Nicko. I needed his help to buy a camera. In the unit here, no one locks there doors. I went to Nicko's house and on the floor was a note saying "Canadians, we will still go for a hike, and Arby, dont worry we will still have time to shop". Turns out he needed to accompany his friend to the hospital. His friend broke his hand in a motorcycle accident and his hand is screwed for life pretty much now. Its really sad. He has to learn to use his left hand now.
Went shopping and decided, I need a job before I buy one and Mandy to tell me what I need in a camera... (hint hint Mandy!!) So we came back home waiting for the girls to get home.
Finally time to hit the road. Bec joined us as well. We drove to Mt. Tibrogargan. It seems to just appear out of no where. It is part of the Glasshouse Mountains. Nikco who is a climber said it was a grade 1 climb and should be easy as pie. We hiked up to the base of the mountain. Nothing to it. Then we came across rock that looked like Flin Flon. No problem. Im up. Then we get to a steeper part. Nicko is up it, i attempt. Get really scared. I have to pause. Im second guessing this part. Bec has already stopped before the base of the mountain. Maybe this isnt a good idea. What if we cant get back down after this? Nicko said that last part was the hardest, but this feels harder!! Amanda and Racheal are unsure as well. What if we get up, but it takes us so long that when we come back down its dark and we cant get down and then the spiders and snakes eat us!?!?!?? What was Nicko thinking?!!?! The girls have made up their minds they are not going any further. Its settled we will go back down. Oh wait a minute. If I can grab the rock there and just... oh here we go. All the sudden I am above Nicko and feeling fine. The girls are reconsidering the climb but are still hesitant and scared. We some how keep going up despite this being the scariest climb any of us have ever done!! Then Amanda passes me, after having alot of trouble with one part. Then we all seem to be in good spirits and able to do it even though it is scary. At one piont, Nicko even had to grab my hand and pull me a little bit up. That was the scariest for me! Putting all my trust into him with my life while he pulled me up a tiny cliff!!!! You may not have approved mom. No saftey features at all!! hahaha
I ended up being first to the top of the mountain! What an amazing feeling that was! I think us three girls were all feeling the same euphoric sensation. We had to have been because we turned towards the veiw and decided to take our bikini tops off and hold them in the air, while lucky Nicko took a picture of our bare backs from behind with all the veiw in front of us! Amazing picture! Will be posted soon!
We also saw alot of HUGE spiders! I was the bravest and got a picture of one right beside my head!! Will also be posted soon! Nicko was saying that the female is the large one while the male is the small one. HAHA There were lots of them. He also gave us some history on Mt tibrogargan and other surrounding mountains.
We then drove to an out look to take a picture of all the mountains together. It was getting pretty dark by this time. We then drove to a close by water fall. I am not sure what it was called. I think Gardener Falls. No one was there. Nicko says it is usually full during the day. It was a short hike to the falls. Too dark for any pictures though. We will have to go back during the day some time. Nicko was first to jump in. It is a cliff you jump off of right beside the falls. The pool is very deep and refreshing. I was next. It was soo scary! It took some- Arby, get your ass in there- talk to myself to actually get me to jump! Then in came Racheal! It was soo nice! Amanda had her glasses on and would be blind, so she didnt come in. Bec had a bad headache so she didnt join us either. I was telling Racheal and Nicko that we should be naked. I told them nakedness makes everything better! hahah They agreed! :) ( definitly your daughter mom!!)
There was a rope swing too. I went to climb out to take a swing. I was standing in the water on a rock and I felt something on my toe. I tried to kick it off thinking it was nothing. It released and then it came back on! By this time I really freaked out and jumped in any way I could! I ended up doing a belly flop!!! Ouch!! Nicko laughed! I didnt end up going on the rope swing! Maybe next time haha!
I dont know if it is just me... ok yes I do. It is just me. I have such a hard time peeing in a lake or pool or anything if I am treading water. Even when I am hanging on to something it is difficult, but not as much so. I had to pee and could do it. Finally just before my toe was attacked, I was able to. I had to really relax. I hate that!! Maybe thats why something attacked my toe... hmmm essense of Arby... yummmy!! hhahaha
Walking back to the car, we were all talking. Then something moved in the bush and it was pretty loud!! us three Canadian girls screamed sooo loud and not the kind of loud yelp, but screamed and froze and freaked right the hell out! It lasted a good long 8 seconds! When we had stopped, Nicko " its just a bat"... I swear during the 8 seconds, I had imagined a man charging towards us with a knife or chainsaw! He was even wearing a mask!! Wow the dark and imagination can really make someone go crazy!!
Got home and did a little research since I had to meet with my Pathopysiology group the next day. Ron invited me over for a movie with him, Nicko, and Bec. I went over and watched Hulk. It was really good. Also saw a little bit of a Bristish show called Boosh. It was pretty funny.
Perfect end to a perfect day!
This is definitly going into the memory vault of great days! Woke up 0600 to go surfing with Matt. Hit the beach and met his friend Em, cute little blonde. Total surfer babe. Matt was nice enough to lend me is beginner board. He gave me a beach lesson first and then we hit the waves. It went really well. He said I was doing well and even Em said I had the balance. I did get up on my knees a few times, but it will just take time and practice. It is difficult, especially since I am not used to all the salt in the water. It stings the eyes and goes up your nose, not to mention the horrible taste it has! Yugh! After about 1 1/2 hours of this tedious wonderful sport, I was done. I had hit my elbow on the fin, and could tell I was getting lazy and tired. I told Matt to go hard but that I needed to go lay on the beach. I had a nap laying on the surf board waiting. I even did something sooo Australian afterwards. We went to a surf store because Matt needed a few things, and I went in with no shoes or shirt!!!! just my togs ( Bikini) and shorts!!
next, I came home and ate. had a shower and readied myself to meet up with my fellow Canadians. We went to go buy text books. We were going to split the cost of them and share them betweent he three of us. They were not organized and were not sure what books to get because they did not know what classes they were in. So we didnt get any and I came home. Next was to go shopping with Nicko. I needed his help to buy a camera. In the unit here, no one locks there doors. I went to Nicko's house and on the floor was a note saying "Canadians, we will still go for a hike, and Arby, dont worry we will still have time to shop". Turns out he needed to accompany his friend to the hospital. His friend broke his hand in a motorcycle accident and his hand is screwed for life pretty much now. Its really sad. He has to learn to use his left hand now.
Went shopping and decided, I need a job before I buy one and Mandy to tell me what I need in a camera... (hint hint Mandy!!) So we came back home waiting for the girls to get home.
Finally time to hit the road. Bec joined us as well. We drove to Mt. Tibrogargan. It seems to just appear out of no where. It is part of the Glasshouse Mountains. Nikco who is a climber said it was a grade 1 climb and should be easy as pie. We hiked up to the base of the mountain. Nothing to it. Then we came across rock that looked like Flin Flon. No problem. Im up. Then we get to a steeper part. Nicko is up it, i attempt. Get really scared. I have to pause. Im second guessing this part. Bec has already stopped before the base of the mountain. Maybe this isnt a good idea. What if we cant get back down after this? Nicko said that last part was the hardest, but this feels harder!! Amanda and Racheal are unsure as well. What if we get up, but it takes us so long that when we come back down its dark and we cant get down and then the spiders and snakes eat us!?!?!?? What was Nicko thinking?!!?! The girls have made up their minds they are not going any further. Its settled we will go back down. Oh wait a minute. If I can grab the rock there and just... oh here we go. All the sudden I am above Nicko and feeling fine. The girls are reconsidering the climb but are still hesitant and scared. We some how keep going up despite this being the scariest climb any of us have ever done!! Then Amanda passes me, after having alot of trouble with one part. Then we all seem to be in good spirits and able to do it even though it is scary. At one piont, Nicko even had to grab my hand and pull me a little bit up. That was the scariest for me! Putting all my trust into him with my life while he pulled me up a tiny cliff!!!! You may not have approved mom. No saftey features at all!! hahaha
I ended up being first to the top of the mountain! What an amazing feeling that was! I think us three girls were all feeling the same euphoric sensation. We had to have been because we turned towards the veiw and decided to take our bikini tops off and hold them in the air, while lucky Nicko took a picture of our bare backs from behind with all the veiw in front of us! Amazing picture! Will be posted soon!
We also saw alot of HUGE spiders! I was the bravest and got a picture of one right beside my head!! Will also be posted soon! Nicko was saying that the female is the large one while the male is the small one. HAHA There were lots of them. He also gave us some history on Mt tibrogargan and other surrounding mountains.
We then drove to an out look to take a picture of all the mountains together. It was getting pretty dark by this time. We then drove to a close by water fall. I am not sure what it was called. I think Gardener Falls. No one was there. Nicko says it is usually full during the day. It was a short hike to the falls. Too dark for any pictures though. We will have to go back during the day some time. Nicko was first to jump in. It is a cliff you jump off of right beside the falls. The pool is very deep and refreshing. I was next. It was soo scary! It took some- Arby, get your ass in there- talk to myself to actually get me to jump! Then in came Racheal! It was soo nice! Amanda had her glasses on and would be blind, so she didnt come in. Bec had a bad headache so she didnt join us either. I was telling Racheal and Nicko that we should be naked. I told them nakedness makes everything better! hahah They agreed! :) ( definitly your daughter mom!!)
There was a rope swing too. I went to climb out to take a swing. I was standing in the water on a rock and I felt something on my toe. I tried to kick it off thinking it was nothing. It released and then it came back on! By this time I really freaked out and jumped in any way I could! I ended up doing a belly flop!!! Ouch!! Nicko laughed! I didnt end up going on the rope swing! Maybe next time haha!
I dont know if it is just me... ok yes I do. It is just me. I have such a hard time peeing in a lake or pool or anything if I am treading water. Even when I am hanging on to something it is difficult, but not as much so. I had to pee and could do it. Finally just before my toe was attacked, I was able to. I had to really relax. I hate that!! Maybe thats why something attacked my toe... hmmm essense of Arby... yummmy!! hhahaha
Walking back to the car, we were all talking. Then something moved in the bush and it was pretty loud!! us three Canadian girls screamed sooo loud and not the kind of loud yelp, but screamed and froze and freaked right the hell out! It lasted a good long 8 seconds! When we had stopped, Nicko " its just a bat"... I swear during the 8 seconds, I had imagined a man charging towards us with a knife or chainsaw! He was even wearing a mask!! Wow the dark and imagination can really make someone go crazy!!
Got home and did a little research since I had to meet with my Pathopysiology group the next day. Ron invited me over for a movie with him, Nicko, and Bec. I went over and watched Hulk. It was really good. Also saw a little bit of a Bristish show called Boosh. It was pretty funny.
Perfect end to a perfect day!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I had my first day of classes today at Uni. They went well. I had three classes. I was going to post my schedule up here, but it changes from week to week. Some classes I have on odd weeks and some on evens. I dont think school is as strict or difficult here in Aussie. I think things are more relaxed. Dont worry, I will still study hard and play later. (although I am going surfing for my first time in the morning... haha) No class tomorrow.
Didnt really do anything exciting today. My friend Nicko who is the bartender was trying to teach me some "flare", but now my knuckles hurt. Flare is whenthey spin the bottles of alcohol! I had one close, but I still need work. I have an empty Malibu bottle to practice with.
I also have my web camera working now, so skype away!! :)
Didnt really do anything exciting today. My friend Nicko who is the bartender was trying to teach me some "flare", but now my knuckles hurt. Flare is whenthey spin the bottles of alcohol! I had one close, but I still need work. I have an empty Malibu bottle to practice with.
I also have my web camera working now, so skype away!! :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Here and there
Sunday the 22nd
Woke up and went out by the pool. Nicko and his friend Em, Shonleigh and her friends kevin and Grant, Amanda, and Racheal were there as well. After swimming, we diecided to go into Maroochy to get a few things from the Plaza.
We all split up and were to meet at 4pm. I got a few things to better organize my desk. I bought a new pair of sunnys too. (what they call sunglasses)
Came home and decided to really give my room that organized- Im a successful student- look. It took me awhile, but I think I may have done it. Amanda called and we went for a run. Best one yet. We went for 23 min and then walked 5. We went on these trails that were not lit up and it was scary. Not because there might be some creep trying to grab us, but because we couldnt see the sidewalk and kept thinking bugs, spiders, snakes etc were going to get us. I swear at one piont we did hear and see something scurry across the path. We will stay on lit paths for now on!!
So I have this problem. ANTS!! I have always noticed them on the counter downstairs, but thought, hey its Australia, this is probably normal. Even when the conters are clean, which is usual, they are there. They have also been in my room by my desk. I never have food in my room umless its on my plate and then I take it down right away. My room is clean, and these ants seem to be here always. ( excpet at night they are gone almost completley!! WTF?!?!?) Before going for the run, I had noticed them in my closet organizer! There was a large amount of these tiny little ants and they seemed to be all over my swim suits, socks and bras and panites. I immediatly washed everything!! I moved my organizer more to the middle of my closet rather then by the wall. they dont seem to be on it today, thank god, but are still all over my desk and window. Racheal and Shonleigh say they dont have ants in there room. I talked to Nicko and he knew they guy who lived in this room before me. He states that the guy may have been a bit sloppy and that there may be some scent of that left. I dont know quite what to do. I am soo disgusted. I think I will try a ziplock bag with a lemon in side. My old landlord from at home says this helps as I had an infestation there as well. What is it with me and Ants!!! ugh! Must be because I am the Fun Auntie!! :) Now I am itchy all the time, fearing there is a tiny little ant on me!!! Im lucky they dont go near my bed!!
Something I have noticed here. That saying " no shoes, no shirt, no service" does not apply here in Aus. I constantly see people walking in malls and around town with no shoes at all. Guys are often seen with no shirts on either. This must be why they have such tough feet. Weird!!
So my room mate Mat and I share a bathroom and toilet. About a week ago, he had one of mother natures finest and plugged out toilet with it! I went to go use it and noticed. I tried flushing and the water just slowly... extremely slowly, not the kind you can actually watch kind of slowly, it drains out. However, it doesnt feel the need to take the toilet paper or poo with it. I asked Mat about it and he says it will just unplug eventually. I have been using the down stairs toilet. Very annoying. On thursday, I over heard him telling someone about it and he said he had gone again in there while it was plugged. Well now it is severly gross. I dont even walk in there now. Yesterday, I tried to flush it again and it was just brown mud pie! It is disgusting! There is no more hint of white toilet paper at all. Some how, the toilet gods felt that I should be punished and have a toilet bowl filled with what can be described as fowl smelling chocolate pudding!! Im sure glad Im not a chocolate fan! Maybe that is why I am a successful nurse. Hmmm...
So the language here is ... different. I am starting to figure it out. They never pronounce the "R" on the end of a word. Instead it is an "A" ex: motor is now motah. They even barley pronounce it in other words like Arby. I am now Awbay. :) If this isnt confusing enough, they also add "R"s in words where there are none. ex: Yoga is now Yogar. Aussies also abbriviate everything. ex: sunglasses are now Sunnys, Air conditioning is now air con. I am sure by the time two years is done, I will have a full out accent. This is what happens when you are surrounded by locals. You start to think with an accent. Dont be fooled though. You are not an expert Aussie vocalist just because you "think" with an accent. They will still make fun of you when you begin to use there words! I am now aware that I sound rediculous when I say " G'day mate".
Woke up and went out by the pool. Nicko and his friend Em, Shonleigh and her friends kevin and Grant, Amanda, and Racheal were there as well. After swimming, we diecided to go into Maroochy to get a few things from the Plaza.
We all split up and were to meet at 4pm. I got a few things to better organize my desk. I bought a new pair of sunnys too. (what they call sunglasses)
Came home and decided to really give my room that organized- Im a successful student- look. It took me awhile, but I think I may have done it. Amanda called and we went for a run. Best one yet. We went for 23 min and then walked 5. We went on these trails that were not lit up and it was scary. Not because there might be some creep trying to grab us, but because we couldnt see the sidewalk and kept thinking bugs, spiders, snakes etc were going to get us. I swear at one piont we did hear and see something scurry across the path. We will stay on lit paths for now on!!
So I have this problem. ANTS!! I have always noticed them on the counter downstairs, but thought, hey its Australia, this is probably normal. Even when the conters are clean, which is usual, they are there. They have also been in my room by my desk. I never have food in my room umless its on my plate and then I take it down right away. My room is clean, and these ants seem to be here always. ( excpet at night they are gone almost completley!! WTF?!?!?) Before going for the run, I had noticed them in my closet organizer! There was a large amount of these tiny little ants and they seemed to be all over my swim suits, socks and bras and panites. I immediatly washed everything!! I moved my organizer more to the middle of my closet rather then by the wall. they dont seem to be on it today, thank god, but are still all over my desk and window. Racheal and Shonleigh say they dont have ants in there room. I talked to Nicko and he knew they guy who lived in this room before me. He states that the guy may have been a bit sloppy and that there may be some scent of that left. I dont know quite what to do. I am soo disgusted. I think I will try a ziplock bag with a lemon in side. My old landlord from at home says this helps as I had an infestation there as well. What is it with me and Ants!!! ugh! Must be because I am the Fun Auntie!! :) Now I am itchy all the time, fearing there is a tiny little ant on me!!! Im lucky they dont go near my bed!!
Something I have noticed here. That saying " no shoes, no shirt, no service" does not apply here in Aus. I constantly see people walking in malls and around town with no shoes at all. Guys are often seen with no shirts on either. This must be why they have such tough feet. Weird!!
So my room mate Mat and I share a bathroom and toilet. About a week ago, he had one of mother natures finest and plugged out toilet with it! I went to go use it and noticed. I tried flushing and the water just slowly... extremely slowly, not the kind you can actually watch kind of slowly, it drains out. However, it doesnt feel the need to take the toilet paper or poo with it. I asked Mat about it and he says it will just unplug eventually. I have been using the down stairs toilet. Very annoying. On thursday, I over heard him telling someone about it and he said he had gone again in there while it was plugged. Well now it is severly gross. I dont even walk in there now. Yesterday, I tried to flush it again and it was just brown mud pie! It is disgusting! There is no more hint of white toilet paper at all. Some how, the toilet gods felt that I should be punished and have a toilet bowl filled with what can be described as fowl smelling chocolate pudding!! Im sure glad Im not a chocolate fan! Maybe that is why I am a successful nurse. Hmmm...
So the language here is ... different. I am starting to figure it out. They never pronounce the "R" on the end of a word. Instead it is an "A" ex: motor is now motah. They even barley pronounce it in other words like Arby. I am now Awbay. :) If this isnt confusing enough, they also add "R"s in words where there are none. ex: Yoga is now Yogar. Aussies also abbriviate everything. ex: sunglasses are now Sunnys, Air conditioning is now air con. I am sure by the time two years is done, I will have a full out accent. This is what happens when you are surrounded by locals. You start to think with an accent. Dont be fooled though. You are not an expert Aussie vocalist just because you "think" with an accent. They will still make fun of you when you begin to use there words! I am now aware that I sound rediculous when I say " G'day mate".
Buderim Waterfalls

Feb 21st Saturday
Woke up late because I had a late night on the phone to Canada. We were suppose to go hiking up Mt Coolum. I was too tired at 0830 and slept in til 1100. Shonleigh asked us out to have lunch with her two friends from Brisbane who were up for the day. Rachel was too tired as she had gone surfing with Mat early this morning. Amanda and I decided to go. Mooloolaba bound we were. Met up with Curtis and Grant who are both 19. Curtis is a manager for Gloria Jeans coffees. This is where Shonleigh works and they might be able to get me a job here. There Tim Tam ice drink is delicious! I dont like chocolate, but yum!! We decided that we should go to a mexican resturant, being so close to Mexico and all....
The food was good. I have had better. What can I expect. Im sure a few things have been lost in translation. Curtis and Grant were good fun and we went back to the coffee shop afterwards. Curtis brought us all free iced drinks. We all agreed to go with Curtis to pick up some chia tea leaves from Buderim.
While in Buderim, Shonleigh had the good idea to stop by the waterfalls. None of us have been here before and it turned out to be a great little adventure. As we were hiking down, Amanda and I stopped to take pictures of these beautiful bright yellow and orange mushrooms. Curtis and Shon were ahead and Grant was watching us strange Canadian girls who seem to be excited about the most ordinary things. While taking pictures I noticed an ant hill within close proximity of these mysterious fungal life form. ( sounded smart eh?? lol) Then I noticed that these ants were jumping! Yes, thats right. I said JUMPING!!! Then I realized they were jumping quite high and towards us!! We started screaming, (us girls not Grant) and running. Curtis and Shonleigh heard us and started coming back. We told them what had happened and they all just laughed! Later I realized that these ants werent some kind of crazy- farther along in the evolutionary chain- kind of ants, but that they were simply just high off of the crazy magic mushrooms they were eating!! I wish they would share instead of chasing us away like that... but would you share if they could make you leap like that?? hmm...
We got to the water fall and BOOM I was in. It was awesome. I was able to go right under the water and everything. Luckily, I wear my bikini into town every time. I had also brought a towel. Talk about preparedness!! While walking around in the pool by the water fall, I saw an eel!! It freaked Amanda out alot, but I wasnt as scared as I thought I should be. Maybe because Grant wasnt scared. He lives here, its a- monkey see monkey being calm, monkey do and copy calmness of first monkey- kind of thing.
After arriving home, Shonleigh got ready for work and left. We were suppose to go out into Mooloolaba to the night clubs, but no one really felt like it at all. Jess came home and she really wanted to take Myspace out. She talked the rest of us into it. We started to have a few drinks, but us Canadians were not feeling it too much. Amanda ended up just staying at home.
As Rachel, Jess, Myspace, Jack, and I were walking to the bus stop,( yes thats right, we took the bus to the bar lol), Jess felt something and brushed it off with a little scream. Upon examination, we found a big spider in the grass. We got some pics and then left. It was really big and wow! This is the part where I wish I could put more pictures up. Although it is still on Racheals camera.
We went to a place called The Wharf Tavern. We got there and Racheal and I were actually happy about it. We didnt really want to go out, but this place looked like a place we could like. It was an older crowd with a live band who played good music. Jess convinced us to go upstairs as that is where the scene is and all the good dancing. We had already paid $5 to get in, thought that was good, but didnt realize we had to pay another $10 to get upstairs. We really didnt want to, but Jess was so sure about it. We go upstairs and immediatly knew it wasnt our scene. What it was was a bunch of 18 year olds. Drunk and again I was the old goat! We did have an ok dancing. Myspace and Jack got along very well for having just met that day.
We were sitting at a table and the guys went to go get one more stool. As they did this, a guy came to sit with us ladies. As he went to take a seat on the stool, Jack came from behind and pulled it out. The guy went down gracefully and then PLOP flat out on his back! hahahahaha BAHAHHAHA it was sooo funny. Jack is a short 18 yr old. I have learned he can be pretty rouwdy, as most young men think they are tough. They guy who fell stood up and was a fair bit taller than young Jacko. he turns and says," who pulled it away from me??" He was quite upset but I hurriedly convinced him to leave. He did this with no trouble as I think his ego was a little crushed.
We convinced the other to finally go back downstairs where I met a few ppl who were actually 24! The oldest I have met since being here. They werent much for conversation, but the music and vibe from downstairs was better. We left to go catch a taxi home. We saw a guy lying half on the road and half on the side walk. Racheal and I being nurses, stopped to see if he was ok. He couldnt open his eyes and was barley audible. There was a small amount of vomitt in front of him as well. Shortly after seeing him and trying to see if he was ok, the police showed up and carried him into the drunk tank. WOW! Im glad I have never been like that! Moderation is soo important!! We also saw a couple of guys climb the fence and jump into the turtle tank. A security guard saw them and they quickly fleed the scene. This club was just off the harbour and they also have a small marine kind of amusment park here.
We grabbed a Maxi Taxi with some Americans that we seem to run into everywhere. Came home and finally, peaceful slumber!
Woke up late because I had a late night on the phone to Canada. We were suppose to go hiking up Mt Coolum. I was too tired at 0830 and slept in til 1100. Shonleigh asked us out to have lunch with her two friends from Brisbane who were up for the day. Rachel was too tired as she had gone surfing with Mat early this morning. Amanda and I decided to go. Mooloolaba bound we were. Met up with Curtis and Grant who are both 19. Curtis is a manager for Gloria Jeans coffees. This is where Shonleigh works and they might be able to get me a job here. There Tim Tam ice drink is delicious! I dont like chocolate, but yum!! We decided that we should go to a mexican resturant, being so close to Mexico and all....
The food was good. I have had better. What can I expect. Im sure a few things have been lost in translation. Curtis and Grant were good fun and we went back to the coffee shop afterwards. Curtis brought us all free iced drinks. We all agreed to go with Curtis to pick up some chia tea leaves from Buderim.
While in Buderim, Shonleigh had the good idea to stop by the waterfalls. None of us have been here before and it turned out to be a great little adventure. As we were hiking down, Amanda and I stopped to take pictures of these beautiful bright yellow and orange mushrooms. Curtis and Shon were ahead and Grant was watching us strange Canadian girls who seem to be excited about the most ordinary things. While taking pictures I noticed an ant hill within close proximity of these mysterious fungal life form. ( sounded smart eh?? lol) Then I noticed that these ants were jumping! Yes, thats right. I said JUMPING!!! Then I realized they were jumping quite high and towards us!! We started screaming, (us girls not Grant) and running. Curtis and Shonleigh heard us and started coming back. We told them what had happened and they all just laughed! Later I realized that these ants werent some kind of crazy- farther along in the evolutionary chain- kind of ants, but that they were simply just high off of the crazy magic mushrooms they were eating!! I wish they would share instead of chasing us away like that... but would you share if they could make you leap like that?? hmm...
We got to the water fall and BOOM I was in. It was awesome. I was able to go right under the water and everything. Luckily, I wear my bikini into town every time. I had also brought a towel. Talk about preparedness!! While walking around in the pool by the water fall, I saw an eel!! It freaked Amanda out alot, but I wasnt as scared as I thought I should be. Maybe because Grant wasnt scared. He lives here, its a- monkey see monkey being calm, monkey do and copy calmness of first monkey- kind of thing.
After arriving home, Shonleigh got ready for work and left. We were suppose to go out into Mooloolaba to the night clubs, but no one really felt like it at all. Jess came home and she really wanted to take Myspace out. She talked the rest of us into it. We started to have a few drinks, but us Canadians were not feeling it too much. Amanda ended up just staying at home.
As Rachel, Jess, Myspace, Jack, and I were walking to the bus stop,( yes thats right, we took the bus to the bar lol), Jess felt something and brushed it off with a little scream. Upon examination, we found a big spider in the grass. We got some pics and then left. It was really big and wow! This is the part where I wish I could put more pictures up. Although it is still on Racheals camera.
We went to a place called The Wharf Tavern. We got there and Racheal and I were actually happy about it. We didnt really want to go out, but this place looked like a place we could like. It was an older crowd with a live band who played good music. Jess convinced us to go upstairs as that is where the scene is and all the good dancing. We had already paid $5 to get in, thought that was good, but didnt realize we had to pay another $10 to get upstairs. We really didnt want to, but Jess was so sure about it. We go upstairs and immediatly knew it wasnt our scene. What it was was a bunch of 18 year olds. Drunk and again I was the old goat! We did have an ok dancing. Myspace and Jack got along very well for having just met that day.
We were sitting at a table and the guys went to go get one more stool. As they did this, a guy came to sit with us ladies. As he went to take a seat on the stool, Jack came from behind and pulled it out. The guy went down gracefully and then PLOP flat out on his back! hahahahaha BAHAHHAHA it was sooo funny. Jack is a short 18 yr old. I have learned he can be pretty rouwdy, as most young men think they are tough. They guy who fell stood up and was a fair bit taller than young Jacko. he turns and says," who pulled it away from me??" He was quite upset but I hurriedly convinced him to leave. He did this with no trouble as I think his ego was a little crushed.
We convinced the other to finally go back downstairs where I met a few ppl who were actually 24! The oldest I have met since being here. They werent much for conversation, but the music and vibe from downstairs was better. We left to go catch a taxi home. We saw a guy lying half on the road and half on the side walk. Racheal and I being nurses, stopped to see if he was ok. He couldnt open his eyes and was barley audible. There was a small amount of vomitt in front of him as well. Shortly after seeing him and trying to see if he was ok, the police showed up and carried him into the drunk tank. WOW! Im glad I have never been like that! Moderation is soo important!! We also saw a couple of guys climb the fence and jump into the turtle tank. A security guard saw them and they quickly fleed the scene. This club was just off the harbour and they also have a small marine kind of amusment park here.
We grabbed a Maxi Taxi with some Americans that we seem to run into everywhere. Came home and finally, peaceful slumber!
Trouble with the Authorities?
Feb 20th
Woke up the latest since I have been on the sunny coast. I was sooo hungry is was making me sick. Shonleigh and I decided to drive to the grocery store first thing this... noon! I bought a bunch of food, I have to admitt it was more successful then the first time I went groc shopping. I bought food for a stirfry which I later made and was delicious! Its almost a good thing my room mates dont like spicy food at all, now I dont feel like I need to share. They wouldnt want it anyways. Everything I eat is hot enough to melt... Canada! lol
After breakfast, we had to clean the kitchen. It was a disaster after last night pre-drinking. I also bought plastic cups for ppl to use next time we have a party night. (Although I will most likely end up washing those as well since I hate the thought of disposable things... hmmm) At least they wont break!
I washed the dishes. Usually no big deal. I WAS SWEATING!! I had some major SWOOB and SWASS going on! For those of you who dont keep up with the times, SWOOB = sweaty boobs, SWASS= Im sure you can fiure it out... Nicko was over chatting with us while I was doing dishes. He is going to be taking us camping in a couple of weeks, and also climbing. SAAAWEET!
We then all went to the pool for a swim. Aussies hav very rough feet here. One of the first nights, Amanda forgot her watch by the pool and we all ran to go find it. The aussies ran first no problem. Then followed the canaidian wusies! As soon as we started running outside with no shoes, we started wining about how much it hurt! Its just pebble pavement. We were still sore on the bottoms of our feet in the morning. Way to make a good impression Canada!!
While sitting by the pool, Jess asked Shonleigh Amanda and I to accompany her to the airport while she picked up a man friend she knew. He was coming to visit for the weekend. They had met on myspace and had met up one other time briefly. Rachel was not around and there was only room for the three of us plus "myspace" as we have appropriatly named him. This turned out to be good for Rachel due to the fact that my flat mate Mat took her surfing instead.
We headed down to Brisbane airport. We stopped for ice cream on the way. Yum. When we got to the airport, Myspaces plane was delayed 45 min. We waited. Jess was soo nervous. She couldnt keep still. We had made a sign that said MYSPACE for when he got off and was looking for us. It was soo funny. Jess got too embarrassed about the sign and we didnt use it. We showed him afterwards anyways. He laughed. Seemed like a cool guy. He is 20, works with children and is a personal trainer.
When going to get the car out of parking, we had to put the parking stub in this machine to get the ticket to let us out of the parking lot. Before anyone saw the ticket pop out of the machine, Myspace swiped it and we all started looking for this "ticket" that wasnt showing up. Jess was freaking out because we would not be able to get out of parking with out this ticket. Myspace had shown the rest of us that he had it and poor Jess had no idea! Finally after much amusment on our part, Jess figured it out. We were on our way back home.
Thus far, I have only seen Brisbane at night. Not to worry. Shonleigh is from there and we will have weekends at her parents place here and there. :)
In Canada they have the GDL driving system. (graduated drivers license). Here they have a similar system. They have "P"s on the windows of newer drivers. They are alot more strict here as I have obsrerved. Observed only because we were pulled over by the police for a random road test! By this time, Jess is freaking out. She was saying things like " I only have this many pionts left!" The female police officer came and asked some questions and then gave Jess a breath test! I couldnt believe it. They also cant have any passengers under 21 in the car after 1100. It was 1030 so we were ok. The male officer checked around the car and they both gave Jess a warning for not having her "P" stickers more visible. She has them taped onto the windows and they are very clearly visible. The only problem is the tape melts and they slide down. What else can you do in Aus! haha It didnt seem to be soo fun for Jess, but Amanda and I couldnt help be excited. We were just curious about how things like this worked in this forign paradise.
When we got home, Jess, Shon, and Myspace were over. Myspace, to my surprise, is an Oilers fan!!! He saw my flag up on the wall and says he has a jersey and has to pay to watch the games. He has also been to the Stampede!! How crazy is that?? Nobody knows anything about hockey here. I was very excited! he then went to go sit on my bed and cleared away a few items like ym purse and wallet and such. CRUNCH!!!! "did you just sit on my sun glasses?" "uh... ya"... I burst out in laughter! He felt soo bad he had broken my Sunglasses. I went on to tell him why it was really so comical. I had just bought them yesterday and havent even had the chance to wear them. :)
Woke up the latest since I have been on the sunny coast. I was sooo hungry is was making me sick. Shonleigh and I decided to drive to the grocery store first thing this... noon! I bought a bunch of food, I have to admitt it was more successful then the first time I went groc shopping. I bought food for a stirfry which I later made and was delicious! Its almost a good thing my room mates dont like spicy food at all, now I dont feel like I need to share. They wouldnt want it anyways. Everything I eat is hot enough to melt... Canada! lol
After breakfast, we had to clean the kitchen. It was a disaster after last night pre-drinking. I also bought plastic cups for ppl to use next time we have a party night. (Although I will most likely end up washing those as well since I hate the thought of disposable things... hmmm) At least they wont break!
I washed the dishes. Usually no big deal. I WAS SWEATING!! I had some major SWOOB and SWASS going on! For those of you who dont keep up with the times, SWOOB = sweaty boobs, SWASS= Im sure you can fiure it out... Nicko was over chatting with us while I was doing dishes. He is going to be taking us camping in a couple of weeks, and also climbing. SAAAWEET!
We then all went to the pool for a swim. Aussies hav very rough feet here. One of the first nights, Amanda forgot her watch by the pool and we all ran to go find it. The aussies ran first no problem. Then followed the canaidian wusies! As soon as we started running outside with no shoes, we started wining about how much it hurt! Its just pebble pavement. We were still sore on the bottoms of our feet in the morning. Way to make a good impression Canada!!
While sitting by the pool, Jess asked Shonleigh Amanda and I to accompany her to the airport while she picked up a man friend she knew. He was coming to visit for the weekend. They had met on myspace and had met up one other time briefly. Rachel was not around and there was only room for the three of us plus "myspace" as we have appropriatly named him. This turned out to be good for Rachel due to the fact that my flat mate Mat took her surfing instead.
We headed down to Brisbane airport. We stopped for ice cream on the way. Yum. When we got to the airport, Myspaces plane was delayed 45 min. We waited. Jess was soo nervous. She couldnt keep still. We had made a sign that said MYSPACE for when he got off and was looking for us. It was soo funny. Jess got too embarrassed about the sign and we didnt use it. We showed him afterwards anyways. He laughed. Seemed like a cool guy. He is 20, works with children and is a personal trainer.
When going to get the car out of parking, we had to put the parking stub in this machine to get the ticket to let us out of the parking lot. Before anyone saw the ticket pop out of the machine, Myspace swiped it and we all started looking for this "ticket" that wasnt showing up. Jess was freaking out because we would not be able to get out of parking with out this ticket. Myspace had shown the rest of us that he had it and poor Jess had no idea! Finally after much amusment on our part, Jess figured it out. We were on our way back home.
Thus far, I have only seen Brisbane at night. Not to worry. Shonleigh is from there and we will have weekends at her parents place here and there. :)
In Canada they have the GDL driving system. (graduated drivers license). Here they have a similar system. They have "P"s on the windows of newer drivers. They are alot more strict here as I have obsrerved. Observed only because we were pulled over by the police for a random road test! By this time, Jess is freaking out. She was saying things like " I only have this many pionts left!" The female police officer came and asked some questions and then gave Jess a breath test! I couldnt believe it. They also cant have any passengers under 21 in the car after 1100. It was 1030 so we were ok. The male officer checked around the car and they both gave Jess a warning for not having her "P" stickers more visible. She has them taped onto the windows and they are very clearly visible. The only problem is the tape melts and they slide down. What else can you do in Aus! haha It didnt seem to be soo fun for Jess, but Amanda and I couldnt help be excited. We were just curious about how things like this worked in this forign paradise.
When we got home, Jess, Shon, and Myspace were over. Myspace, to my surprise, is an Oilers fan!!! He saw my flag up on the wall and says he has a jersey and has to pay to watch the games. He has also been to the Stampede!! How crazy is that?? Nobody knows anything about hockey here. I was very excited! he then went to go sit on my bed and cleared away a few items like ym purse and wallet and such. CRUNCH!!!! "did you just sit on my sun glasses?" "uh... ya"... I burst out in laughter! He felt soo bad he had broken my Sunglasses. I went on to tell him why it was really so comical. I had just bought them yesterday and havent even had the chance to wear them. :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
More Contact Info
The best time to call me is around 9-11pm my time. That is about 4-6am for you guys. I am even in my room later though. Another good time is 7-10am for me which is 3-5pm for you guys. Or you can skype me when you see im online. Still working on getting the web cam going.
My address is:
Arby Campbell
Scholars Drive
Sippy Downs
QLD 4556
Start sending letters and pictures!!
My address is:
Arby Campbell
Scholars Drive
Sippy Downs
QLD 4556
Start sending letters and pictures!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
First Ausie Night Out Ever!

Feb. 19th
It doesnt really matter if I have an alarm clock or not. I get phone calls waking me up every morning anyways. Its better then a hotel wake up call, the ppl are much more friendly when they are your friends!
0700 yoga! Went outside to the tennis court and brought Rachels lap top and we followed her workout video for yoga. It was ok. I have really become accustomed to Bikram Yoga. I like holding the poses longer. I feel the stretch more and really work it when I hold it. Her work out video was more changing from pose to pose. It didnt help that I was the only one with a yoga mat and I had forgotten it in my room. The tennis court was eating our hands up! We stayed for about 30min and decided to go for a swim. We were swimming laps! Went for a nap after. We didnt have to be at Uni til 1pm!
Got all dolled up for part two of our photo shoot. I wore a brown see-through shirt with a brown tank underneath with my knee length yellow, orange, and brown skirt. The photo shoot was alot quicker today. It was in a studio and they took pictures of us individually. I was third to go and they had me holding a back pack, then a text book, and then just me. It was really fun.
The three of us Canadians went home to change and then we took the bus to the beach!! Buses here are sooo awesome! I paid $2.90 for a piece of paper that gave me unlimited use of the bus between Maroochy and the Uni for the rest of the day. I wish they had systems in Canada like this. There is no reason to have to buy a bus pas at all! Especially when they give you change!! I also get a discount if I have my student ID. Amanda and I have began calling Rachel Scattagories! She is such a scatterbrain! She had to run all the way back to our unit to get her ID and she made it just in time before the bus left.
We met up with on of Amandas room mates. The new Jessica. (she lives with two girls both names Jessica). We dont really know this one very well yet because she jsut got back from vacation in Veitnam. She is from a place called Noosa here in Aus. It is suppose to be one of the best places to visit. Not only that, her dad gives tours on Fraser Island. He is also a gardener which I thought to be very cool! I love knowing about all these new and exotic plant life!! Hopefully we can get a tour from her dad one of these days!
Off the bus in Mooloolaba. We decided to take about a million pictures on the beach where the rocks were. No, most will not be posted on FB! Some will never see the light of day. Lets just say, the old guys who were camping along the beach had a good show!!! BAHAHAHA
We hopped ont he bus and headed to Maroochy to do some shopping at the plaza. This is by far one of the coolest shopping centres I have ever seen. I think most of the building is over the ocean. Or a river or something. There are huge doors that open up everyday and water is underneath. There are ped ways filled with shops going here and there. I will have to take a photo to better explain it. Just way too cool!
I bought an alarm clock that my ipod will attatch to. I just have to buy a cable to do so. Neato eh? I also bought more sunscreen. I am getting very tanned. I think out of us three girls, I have the most brownage!! Sweet I know!! I never put any on my feet and they are the most brown! Im surprised they havent brunt! Im surprised I havent at all actually! I do apply it quite alot!
Rushed home to find Shonleigh and Jess in a huge huff and about to make a search party to come look for us. They thought we were lost and were freaked out because we didnt have mobiles! haha
Jumped in the shower and got dolled up. The clubs here I was told that you needed to really dress up with heels and all that good stuff that I love! I wore a little dress with some black heels. Happy to report that Jess and I have the same heel size!!! This will gaurantee me a spot in shoe heaven!! Shocking since she is extremely skinny and cant be any taller that Dalida!!! Wicked!! The dress ended up being a bad idea. It was made of thin material, but it was a silk. The dress ended up sticking to my sweaty body as it was the hottest place ever! Shonleigh was saying how they turn the Air conditioning down so ppl will buy more drinks! ITS AUSTRALIA!! WTF!!! I felt like I could take off my dress and start doing yoga!!
It turns out that my place is the party house. Even with a good christian boy living here, it is were all our friends meet up. No the clean up is never fun... but I made sure to buy plastic cups for the next time!! There are some pics on FB of us from this night. This one of all the girls together is in my living room. Me, Bec, Two girls who I dont know well, Amanda, Jess, Shonleigh, and Teagan.
The night life at this club wasnt bad. They played good music for the most part. It helped that the DJ was hitting on me and playing the songs I wanted right away! *thumbs up* He ended up giving me his card with his phone number. Also tried kissing me... what was he thinking! Honestly!!! It was Uni night so the drinks were especially cheap! I only spent $5 bucks the whole night!! ( I didnt want to spend any, but we ended up having to pay for a cab on the way home). The cab ride was amazing! We sang these weird Aussie songs the whole way. I cant even remember how it went, but it was sooo on the spot and random! I was the only Canadian in the car too. Fabulous! They were group songs too. made up on the spot! Best part of the night right there!!
Just randomly at the bar, being Uni night and all, they walk around with a bunch of pizzas and hand out the entire boxes. One was given to our table and I had three pieces! (small cuts... very small) YUM!!!
The night was pretty uneventful for me. I was not inebriated as per usual! har har It is different partying when you are the old goat! Mark I dont know how you do it! haha I would rather dance all night and then drink and party at home! Was able to hear some Aussie music. There is a band that everyone likes called the "Pot Bellies" hahahahha They werent bad.
Went straight to bed upon arriving at home sweet home!! yay slumber!!!
It doesnt really matter if I have an alarm clock or not. I get phone calls waking me up every morning anyways. Its better then a hotel wake up call, the ppl are much more friendly when they are your friends!
0700 yoga! Went outside to the tennis court and brought Rachels lap top and we followed her workout video for yoga. It was ok. I have really become accustomed to Bikram Yoga. I like holding the poses longer. I feel the stretch more and really work it when I hold it. Her work out video was more changing from pose to pose. It didnt help that I was the only one with a yoga mat and I had forgotten it in my room. The tennis court was eating our hands up! We stayed for about 30min and decided to go for a swim. We were swimming laps! Went for a nap after. We didnt have to be at Uni til 1pm!
Got all dolled up for part two of our photo shoot. I wore a brown see-through shirt with a brown tank underneath with my knee length yellow, orange, and brown skirt. The photo shoot was alot quicker today. It was in a studio and they took pictures of us individually. I was third to go and they had me holding a back pack, then a text book, and then just me. It was really fun.
The three of us Canadians went home to change and then we took the bus to the beach!! Buses here are sooo awesome! I paid $2.90 for a piece of paper that gave me unlimited use of the bus between Maroochy and the Uni for the rest of the day. I wish they had systems in Canada like this. There is no reason to have to buy a bus pas at all! Especially when they give you change!! I also get a discount if I have my student ID. Amanda and I have began calling Rachel Scattagories! She is such a scatterbrain! She had to run all the way back to our unit to get her ID and she made it just in time before the bus left.
We met up with on of Amandas room mates. The new Jessica. (she lives with two girls both names Jessica). We dont really know this one very well yet because she jsut got back from vacation in Veitnam. She is from a place called Noosa here in Aus. It is suppose to be one of the best places to visit. Not only that, her dad gives tours on Fraser Island. He is also a gardener which I thought to be very cool! I love knowing about all these new and exotic plant life!! Hopefully we can get a tour from her dad one of these days!
Off the bus in Mooloolaba. We decided to take about a million pictures on the beach where the rocks were. No, most will not be posted on FB! Some will never see the light of day. Lets just say, the old guys who were camping along the beach had a good show!!! BAHAHAHA
We hopped ont he bus and headed to Maroochy to do some shopping at the plaza. This is by far one of the coolest shopping centres I have ever seen. I think most of the building is over the ocean. Or a river or something. There are huge doors that open up everyday and water is underneath. There are ped ways filled with shops going here and there. I will have to take a photo to better explain it. Just way too cool!
I bought an alarm clock that my ipod will attatch to. I just have to buy a cable to do so. Neato eh? I also bought more sunscreen. I am getting very tanned. I think out of us three girls, I have the most brownage!! Sweet I know!! I never put any on my feet and they are the most brown! Im surprised they havent brunt! Im surprised I havent at all actually! I do apply it quite alot!
Rushed home to find Shonleigh and Jess in a huge huff and about to make a search party to come look for us. They thought we were lost and were freaked out because we didnt have mobiles! haha
Jumped in the shower and got dolled up. The clubs here I was told that you needed to really dress up with heels and all that good stuff that I love! I wore a little dress with some black heels. Happy to report that Jess and I have the same heel size!!! This will gaurantee me a spot in shoe heaven!! Shocking since she is extremely skinny and cant be any taller that Dalida!!! Wicked!! The dress ended up being a bad idea. It was made of thin material, but it was a silk. The dress ended up sticking to my sweaty body as it was the hottest place ever! Shonleigh was saying how they turn the Air conditioning down so ppl will buy more drinks! ITS AUSTRALIA!! WTF!!! I felt like I could take off my dress and start doing yoga!!
It turns out that my place is the party house. Even with a good christian boy living here, it is were all our friends meet up. No the clean up is never fun... but I made sure to buy plastic cups for the next time!! There are some pics on FB of us from this night. This one of all the girls together is in my living room. Me, Bec, Two girls who I dont know well, Amanda, Jess, Shonleigh, and Teagan.
The night life at this club wasnt bad. They played good music for the most part. It helped that the DJ was hitting on me and playing the songs I wanted right away! *thumbs up* He ended up giving me his card with his phone number. Also tried kissing me... what was he thinking! Honestly!!! It was Uni night so the drinks were especially cheap! I only spent $5 bucks the whole night!! ( I didnt want to spend any, but we ended up having to pay for a cab on the way home). The cab ride was amazing! We sang these weird Aussie songs the whole way. I cant even remember how it went, but it was sooo on the spot and random! I was the only Canadian in the car too. Fabulous! They were group songs too. made up on the spot! Best part of the night right there!!
Just randomly at the bar, being Uni night and all, they walk around with a bunch of pizzas and hand out the entire boxes. One was given to our table and I had three pieces! (small cuts... very small) YUM!!!
The night was pretty uneventful for me. I was not inebriated as per usual! har har It is different partying when you are the old goat! Mark I dont know how you do it! haha I would rather dance all night and then drink and party at home! Was able to hear some Aussie music. There is a band that everyone likes called the "Pot Bellies" hahahahha They werent bad.
Went straight to bed upon arriving at home sweet home!! yay slumber!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Feb 17th
Woke up early for a jog with the girls. There was 5 of us all together. It is good because we motivate eachother. After jogging, Shonleigh and Jessica wanted me to show them some yoga. I showed them a few things. Nothing spectacular. They do call me a pretzal now though... I wasnt even doing it properly!!
Went to orientation. We got alot of free stuff. My fave item would be my USC agenda!!! Here they call it your student diary. I love these things! We also got free Roxy sandals and a baseball cap and condoms. Jess and Shonleigh were shocked us Canadian girls came home from Uni with condoms, but in Canada, they always give them out. ( however, in Canada, they dont usually give lube with it lol) In the sports stadium, we were able to see some Aboringinees sing and dance and play music on a Diggeridoo. It was really cool, but we were a little far away!!
Shonleigh and Jess both laughed at me when they looked at my orientation week book guide and noticed that I had highlighted all the free BBQs or lunches! lol Im a student!
Also had the photo shoot that Deb Hardy set up for us. These photos are for new booklets about the Uni and the website. It was us three Canadian girls and two french guys and two french girls. It was really fun. We started in the Art Gallery, ( mom you would have liked it), then we went to the Library and so on. I was the only one the photographer took photos of individually. It was a little weird... Really fun though! One of the french guys asked me what I was doing later on in the night, and I replied, " we are having a BBQ at the Village ( our dorms) for the Village ppl"... LOL We both laughed when we realized what I had said! :)
The BBQ was good. It was raining though. We ended up coming back to our place and having a few drinks here. I met a couple new ppl and it was fun. I guess Shonleigh had a good night. She said she woke up on the laundry room floor alone at 4am, then stayed up for another hour and hit the hey! hahahha
Feb. 18th
Woke up with a little bit of a headache. It must have been that blue waterfall shot we did. Nico is a bartender and got three of us girls to do this shot. Let me try to explain it. It is a shot of Bacardi 151 ( which is like 75% alcohol or something), you light it on fire and put a wine glass over it. The fire goes out and smoke collects in the inverted wine glass. you move the wine glass on top of a coaster, take the shot, turn the wine glass over with coaster in place, poke a hole in the caoster quickly and suck up the smoke with a straw!! Is that not the craziest thing ever!! Rachel did it and she threw up right away, same with Jess. I was the only one who held it down, and believe me, I didnt want to!! haha
Drank lots of water this morning and had a wake up call from Edmonton. The girls wanted to go jogging but my legs were soooooooooo sore from the previous day! Still are. Rushed into the shower and off to orientation.
I failed to mention that The University here is also a wild life reserve!! Kangaroos run free all around here. Before the BBQ, I was looking out my bedroom window and there they were!!!! I was sooo excited. I called Amanda into the room and we both jumped on my bed. Shonleigh was just laughing at us!! haha
Today was raining a little bit, not too much. Not crazy hot and sunny, but hot and humid ... that never goes away! :) Just a little cloudy. Friday is suppose to be really nice out. Im thinking BEACH since I dont have orientation that day!! :D
Skype is up and running and soon I will have my web cam running as well!! It will be like you are here with me!
Went to orientation. We got alot of free stuff. My fave item would be my USC agenda!!! Here they call it your student diary. I love these things! We also got free Roxy sandals and a baseball cap and condoms. Jess and Shonleigh were shocked us Canadian girls came home from Uni with condoms, but in Canada, they always give them out. ( however, in Canada, they dont usually give lube with it lol) In the sports stadium, we were able to see some Aboringinees sing and dance and play music on a Diggeridoo. It was really cool, but we were a little far away!!
Shonleigh and Jess both laughed at me when they looked at my orientation week book guide and noticed that I had highlighted all the free BBQs or lunches! lol Im a student!
Also had the photo shoot that Deb Hardy set up for us. These photos are for new booklets about the Uni and the website. It was us three Canadian girls and two french guys and two french girls. It was really fun. We started in the Art Gallery, ( mom you would have liked it), then we went to the Library and so on. I was the only one the photographer took photos of individually. It was a little weird... Really fun though! One of the french guys asked me what I was doing later on in the night, and I replied, " we are having a BBQ at the Village ( our dorms) for the Village ppl"... LOL We both laughed when we realized what I had said! :)
The BBQ was good. It was raining though. We ended up coming back to our place and having a few drinks here. I met a couple new ppl and it was fun. I guess Shonleigh had a good night. She said she woke up on the laundry room floor alone at 4am, then stayed up for another hour and hit the hey! hahahha
Feb. 18th
Woke up with a little bit of a headache. It must have been that blue waterfall shot we did. Nico is a bartender and got three of us girls to do this shot. Let me try to explain it. It is a shot of Bacardi 151 ( which is like 75% alcohol or something), you light it on fire and put a wine glass over it. The fire goes out and smoke collects in the inverted wine glass. you move the wine glass on top of a coaster, take the shot, turn the wine glass over with coaster in place, poke a hole in the caoster quickly and suck up the smoke with a straw!! Is that not the craziest thing ever!! Rachel did it and she threw up right away, same with Jess. I was the only one who held it down, and believe me, I didnt want to!! haha
Drank lots of water this morning and had a wake up call from Edmonton. The girls wanted to go jogging but my legs were soooooooooo sore from the previous day! Still are. Rushed into the shower and off to orientation.
I failed to mention that The University here is also a wild life reserve!! Kangaroos run free all around here. Before the BBQ, I was looking out my bedroom window and there they were!!!! I was sooo excited. I called Amanda into the room and we both jumped on my bed. Shonleigh was just laughing at us!! haha
Today was raining a little bit, not too much. Not crazy hot and sunny, but hot and humid ... that never goes away! :) Just a little cloudy. Friday is suppose to be really nice out. Im thinking BEACH since I dont have orientation that day!! :D
Skype is up and running and soon I will have my web cam running as well!! It will be like you are here with me!
Monday, February 16, 2009
I now have a phone number!!
Its long and I dont know how it works but it does. I cannot make outgoing calls. Remember when you do call, I am 17 hours in the future. I am usually in my room in the late evenings. Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Its long and I dont know how it works but it does. I cannot make outgoing calls. Remember when you do call, I am 17 hours in the future. I am usually in my room in the late evenings. Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Getting Connected
Monday Feb.16th
First day of orientation. They call it "o" week. FUN! haha Today was just for international students. We didnt really know where to go and walked into a building that everyone was going into just to discover it was the building for international students learning english! lol REATREAT RETREAT!!!
Found where we were suppose to be and got id cards. Went to some boring lectures. Im pretty excited I am finally getting my education done! It has been a long three years of jumping through hoops trying to get this done! Relief... sigh!
on our way back to our Unit, a kangaroo crossed our path. I noticed it had a Joey in the pouch. We were all soo excited. Pictures coming soon now that we know we can use a normal adaptor with our lap tops, ( and we got internet today as well!!!!! Woot woot).
We also went to the bank and got a new account. I feel like a grown up.... scary! :) We did our first grocery shop in Aus. Its hard when you are used to brands and routine shops at home. Its different here. Although lunch meat is cheap!! I bought about 300g for $0.96 Aussie. Canadian dollar is stronger too. WOW!!!
Later, the three of us went for a jog and then a late swim. Water in the pool was soo warm. We are going for a jog again in the morning. It is good when so many of us motivate eachother to be so fit. We are going to make schedules. It should be a good time. The only thing we will break routine for is hangovers and study time!! hahahaha
First day of orientation. They call it "o" week. FUN! haha Today was just for international students. We didnt really know where to go and walked into a building that everyone was going into just to discover it was the building for international students learning english! lol REATREAT RETREAT!!!
Found where we were suppose to be and got id cards. Went to some boring lectures. Im pretty excited I am finally getting my education done! It has been a long three years of jumping through hoops trying to get this done! Relief... sigh!
on our way back to our Unit, a kangaroo crossed our path. I noticed it had a Joey in the pouch. We were all soo excited. Pictures coming soon now that we know we can use a normal adaptor with our lap tops, ( and we got internet today as well!!!!! Woot woot).
We also went to the bank and got a new account. I feel like a grown up.... scary! :) We did our first grocery shop in Aus. Its hard when you are used to brands and routine shops at home. Its different here. Although lunch meat is cheap!! I bought about 300g for $0.96 Aussie. Canadian dollar is stronger too. WOW!!!
Later, the three of us went for a jog and then a late swim. Water in the pool was soo warm. We are going for a jog again in the morning. It is good when so many of us motivate eachother to be so fit. We are going to make schedules. It should be a good time. The only thing we will break routine for is hangovers and study time!! hahahaha
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Destination Satisfaction
After the 8 hour lay over in Singapore, we hopped on a plane and the flight attendant got us drunk! Well, he sure was trying to anyways. He was an older guy with a heavy brown accent. He would bring two beers at a time for each of us girls. I would be waiting for the bathroom and he would take me to the first class washroom. When I got out he had champagne waiting for me to take back to our seats! haha At the end, he gave us each his number and e mail and a whole bunch of airline memorabilia. I have two pairs of slippers and two decks of playing cards... etc...
The layover was not all bad at all. It was night time so not everything was open. We went and got free massages from some chairs in a place called the Oasis. ( keep in mind this is all in an airport... HUGE) We also went into a butterfly garden thing. It was really neat. I have seen it before but not in a tropical setting. The airport would be even more fun during the day. I heard they even do tours through the city during long layovers!
Upon arrival in Brisbane, we stopped at a duty free store and bought two bottles of Vodka! haha We then took a "Maxi Taxi" to a hotel. We were checking in and a guy walked by and freaked Rachel out because she was standing gaurd watching our baggage ( which is an insane amount!! 2 big bags plus two small ones each... not easy for us girls) The guy ended up being super nice and helped us with our baggage up three flights of stairs... He was quite sweaty and out of breath by the end of it. hha Thank you Nathan. :) Also, when picking up my jacket off the ground by my luggage, I realized it was in a huge pile of ants!!! MY FIRST AUSTRALIAN BUG SITING!!! When I say huge, I mean small tiny things, but many, like 40... lol I freaked out slightly and went on with it.
I then went to use the pay phone to call my sister Mandy collect before she had a stroke! I went to go use my newly purchased phone c0ard. No can do on this particular phone. Ok so now I need to dial the operator for a collect call.... "0" doesnt work.... hmmmm look in the phone book for operator assistance.... cant find it anywhere. Lady comes in and I ask her. She finally finds it and I dial and connect with an audimated voice and then I connect with a real person who gives me a number to call for international help. I try and phone makes weird unsuccessful noise. I call lady back and she gives me another number. I dial and phone goes dead. Not even a dial tone. I call lady back again after trying these numbers for a while. She gives me one last number to try. Dial..... No success! I walk up stairs frustrated as can be. Rachel comes down to help me. She takes one look at the phone and it says " to dial Canada pres..." WTF!!! Ilooked everywhere on the phone!! Ugh I ended up calling Mandy and had a good talk. This was not before I jammed my finger between the chair and the desk! Ouch!!
Friday the 13
The next morning we took a maxi taxi ( the only ones that will take us and our rediculous amount of baggage) We arrived at the train station. We had some help by two random ppl. They saw how silly we looked trying to take all the bags at once. A nice young lady and an older drunk named Tom. He told us where we could find him if ever we were in Brisbane again..... a local pub! lol He made sure we got to the right platform and then gave us hugs and kisses on the cheek. Thanks Tom....
We met alot of really nice ppl on the train. It was an hour and a half ride to Landbourough. We heard about spiders and snakes and all the things tourists aften talk about. We even were told about the "drop bears", a fictitious animial made up by the sly Aussie boys. Drop bears drop out of trees and snag cute tourists away, giving Aussie boys a reason to warn cute tourists and keep them "safe!!!" lol I am glad the nice man (Bob) on the train warned us! I am just gulible enough to believe such things!! Bob even gave us his card and said to call him for anything. He was even going to try and drive us from the train station but his wife had the car. He is a teacher at a college. Really nic guy and not a creepy one. It was really interesting to learn about the history of some of the places we seen on the way to our destination. Like the Glasshouse Mts.
We then took yet another Maxi Taxi to our new home! Wow did it feel good to actually arrive! I have been homeless for two months and finally could unpack my suit case for good. We arrived around 2pm. We went into our rooms and un packed a bit. Realized we needed a bunch of things like linens and hangers before we could really move in. We got together and walked to a store about 15 min away. Heard about a "plaza" which is a mall. Hopped on a bus to get there. On our way there we stopped at the University and I noticed kangaroos in the feild! I pionted them out and the three of us girls feaked out with excitement and started laughing and pionting and made a lot of noise! How embarrassing! The whole bus was looking at us like we were crazy!! It was an amazing feeling seeing these animals! THEY ACTUALLY BOX!!! One guy grabbed his friends shoulders and kicked him in the tummy with both legs!! It was AWESOME!!! Another guy was standing tall and playing with his nipples.... reminds me of someone.... Justin?? hahahahaha They were sooo funny! I love them!! I then started talking to the girl next to me. It was now 5pm. I found out that stores all close at 5!! UGH!! So we went back home. Rachel ended up locking herself out of her suite. We didnt have any linens so my "flat mate" lent me his blanket and Amandas lent us her fitted sheet. We had an extra pillow in my unit. ( a unit is what we call a dorm. ) I met Mat my flat mate. He is a really nice guy. Good Christian boy. I found out that both flat mates are 18. Most ppl here are young. Im the old goat!! :( Im happy everyone is shocked when they hear how old I actually am. haha I remember when I was 18 and thought 24 was old... sigh!!
Went shopping the next day. Valentines Day. Bought a bunch of stuff and was excited to put all my stuff away! We met up with a bunch of ppl at the grocery store. Amanda Long who came by herself but worked in Edmonton at the Stollery with Amanda Roy ( Who I travelled with) was there and invited us over later for a good time. We went home and I met my second flat mate Shonleigh. She is a blonde girl. In fact so is Matt. We are all blondies here!! :D Shonleigh is fabulous. She let me use her blow dryer and straightner. I felt like a girl again! my hair just wasnt working. Mine wont work here until I get a converter for the plug ins. I fried my alarm clock and had to throw it away with the converter I bought. I wont dare try my lap top or straighner with it! We had some drinks and Rachel and Amanda came over. As well as Jessica, Amanda's flat mate who is equally as awesome. We had a good time drinking and headed over to the other units (dorms). Had a really good time and met alot of ppl. Had a bit to drink..... alot to drink. hahaha Felt it this morning!! On the way back, Shonleigh gave me a ride in a shopping cart. I went to wash up and looked out my bathroom window to see Rachel climbing in Amanda's place. In the morning Rachel got up early and left. I later found out that she was climbing in to open the door as Amanda had left her keys inside and Jessica had lost hers. I also found out the Rachel found Jessica's keys on my bedside table. hahahaha I dont know how they got there, but I had them some how!! lol oops!
Sunday the 15th
I was not feeling great this morning and almost had another vommitt story to tell, but soon felt great. Was up early to realize it was not raining!!! This is the first sunny day since we have arrived!! It was sunny and hot and beautiful!! We went to the beach. Mooloolaba beach. Mooloolaba is the closest town to us. We live in Sippy Downs. It was sooo amazing! I cant wait to surf. Matt says he will teach us how. He is in school to become a gym teacher after all! :) ( Shonleigh is in Journalism). Sunsreen, sun screen, sun screen!!! We played in the ocean and then sun bathed for a bit. The Aussies seemed to like my " in the land of Aus" song quite a bit and Jessica was singing it all day. It was just us Canada girls and Jess. After a while of heaven we went to the plaza again in Maroochydore. I got some more stuff I needed and we came home.
We sat by the pool and i brought snacks. We all went back to our suites and settled in finally! Everything is now in place. I just have to wait for internet and converters and all that good stuff. thank god Shonleigh is letting me use her computer. She also gave me her old Razor cell phone. I am going to see what I can do with that.
I didnt realize how many things I needed to buy right off the bat. Money will be tight and I will need a job soon. Amanda got a sunburn pretty bad even though she did wear sun screen. Rachel wasnt tanning at all and then all the sudden she has a small burn. I am happy to say I got a tan and no burn at all! Yay for me!!
Tomorrow is orientation! Wish me luck!
The layover was not all bad at all. It was night time so not everything was open. We went and got free massages from some chairs in a place called the Oasis. ( keep in mind this is all in an airport... HUGE) We also went into a butterfly garden thing. It was really neat. I have seen it before but not in a tropical setting. The airport would be even more fun during the day. I heard they even do tours through the city during long layovers!
Upon arrival in Brisbane, we stopped at a duty free store and bought two bottles of Vodka! haha We then took a "Maxi Taxi" to a hotel. We were checking in and a guy walked by and freaked Rachel out because she was standing gaurd watching our baggage ( which is an insane amount!! 2 big bags plus two small ones each... not easy for us girls) The guy ended up being super nice and helped us with our baggage up three flights of stairs... He was quite sweaty and out of breath by the end of it. hha Thank you Nathan. :) Also, when picking up my jacket off the ground by my luggage, I realized it was in a huge pile of ants!!! MY FIRST AUSTRALIAN BUG SITING!!! When I say huge, I mean small tiny things, but many, like 40... lol I freaked out slightly and went on with it.
I then went to use the pay phone to call my sister Mandy collect before she had a stroke! I went to go use my newly purchased phone c0ard. No can do on this particular phone. Ok so now I need to dial the operator for a collect call.... "0" doesnt work.... hmmmm look in the phone book for operator assistance.... cant find it anywhere. Lady comes in and I ask her. She finally finds it and I dial and connect with an audimated voice and then I connect with a real person who gives me a number to call for international help. I try and phone makes weird unsuccessful noise. I call lady back and she gives me another number. I dial and phone goes dead. Not even a dial tone. I call lady back again after trying these numbers for a while. She gives me one last number to try. Dial..... No success! I walk up stairs frustrated as can be. Rachel comes down to help me. She takes one look at the phone and it says " to dial Canada pres..." WTF!!! Ilooked everywhere on the phone!! Ugh I ended up calling Mandy and had a good talk. This was not before I jammed my finger between the chair and the desk! Ouch!!
Friday the 13
The next morning we took a maxi taxi ( the only ones that will take us and our rediculous amount of baggage) We arrived at the train station. We had some help by two random ppl. They saw how silly we looked trying to take all the bags at once. A nice young lady and an older drunk named Tom. He told us where we could find him if ever we were in Brisbane again..... a local pub! lol He made sure we got to the right platform and then gave us hugs and kisses on the cheek. Thanks Tom....
We met alot of really nice ppl on the train. It was an hour and a half ride to Landbourough. We heard about spiders and snakes and all the things tourists aften talk about. We even were told about the "drop bears", a fictitious animial made up by the sly Aussie boys. Drop bears drop out of trees and snag cute tourists away, giving Aussie boys a reason to warn cute tourists and keep them "safe!!!" lol I am glad the nice man (Bob) on the train warned us! I am just gulible enough to believe such things!! Bob even gave us his card and said to call him for anything. He was even going to try and drive us from the train station but his wife had the car. He is a teacher at a college. Really nic guy and not a creepy one. It was really interesting to learn about the history of some of the places we seen on the way to our destination. Like the Glasshouse Mts.
We then took yet another Maxi Taxi to our new home! Wow did it feel good to actually arrive! I have been homeless for two months and finally could unpack my suit case for good. We arrived around 2pm. We went into our rooms and un packed a bit. Realized we needed a bunch of things like linens and hangers before we could really move in. We got together and walked to a store about 15 min away. Heard about a "plaza" which is a mall. Hopped on a bus to get there. On our way there we stopped at the University and I noticed kangaroos in the feild! I pionted them out and the three of us girls feaked out with excitement and started laughing and pionting and made a lot of noise! How embarrassing! The whole bus was looking at us like we were crazy!! It was an amazing feeling seeing these animals! THEY ACTUALLY BOX!!! One guy grabbed his friends shoulders and kicked him in the tummy with both legs!! It was AWESOME!!! Another guy was standing tall and playing with his nipples.... reminds me of someone.... Justin?? hahahahaha They were sooo funny! I love them!! I then started talking to the girl next to me. It was now 5pm. I found out that stores all close at 5!! UGH!! So we went back home. Rachel ended up locking herself out of her suite. We didnt have any linens so my "flat mate" lent me his blanket and Amandas lent us her fitted sheet. We had an extra pillow in my unit. ( a unit is what we call a dorm. ) I met Mat my flat mate. He is a really nice guy. Good Christian boy. I found out that both flat mates are 18. Most ppl here are young. Im the old goat!! :( Im happy everyone is shocked when they hear how old I actually am. haha I remember when I was 18 and thought 24 was old... sigh!!
Went shopping the next day. Valentines Day. Bought a bunch of stuff and was excited to put all my stuff away! We met up with a bunch of ppl at the grocery store. Amanda Long who came by herself but worked in Edmonton at the Stollery with Amanda Roy ( Who I travelled with) was there and invited us over later for a good time. We went home and I met my second flat mate Shonleigh. She is a blonde girl. In fact so is Matt. We are all blondies here!! :D Shonleigh is fabulous. She let me use her blow dryer and straightner. I felt like a girl again! my hair just wasnt working. Mine wont work here until I get a converter for the plug ins. I fried my alarm clock and had to throw it away with the converter I bought. I wont dare try my lap top or straighner with it! We had some drinks and Rachel and Amanda came over. As well as Jessica, Amanda's flat mate who is equally as awesome. We had a good time drinking and headed over to the other units (dorms). Had a really good time and met alot of ppl. Had a bit to drink..... alot to drink. hahaha Felt it this morning!! On the way back, Shonleigh gave me a ride in a shopping cart. I went to wash up and looked out my bathroom window to see Rachel climbing in Amanda's place. In the morning Rachel got up early and left. I later found out that she was climbing in to open the door as Amanda had left her keys inside and Jessica had lost hers. I also found out the Rachel found Jessica's keys on my bedside table. hahahaha I dont know how they got there, but I had them some how!! lol oops!
Sunday the 15th
I was not feeling great this morning and almost had another vommitt story to tell, but soon felt great. Was up early to realize it was not raining!!! This is the first sunny day since we have arrived!! It was sunny and hot and beautiful!! We went to the beach. Mooloolaba beach. Mooloolaba is the closest town to us. We live in Sippy Downs. It was sooo amazing! I cant wait to surf. Matt says he will teach us how. He is in school to become a gym teacher after all! :) ( Shonleigh is in Journalism). Sunsreen, sun screen, sun screen!!! We played in the ocean and then sun bathed for a bit. The Aussies seemed to like my " in the land of Aus" song quite a bit and Jessica was singing it all day. It was just us Canada girls and Jess. After a while of heaven we went to the plaza again in Maroochydore. I got some more stuff I needed and we came home.
We sat by the pool and i brought snacks. We all went back to our suites and settled in finally! Everything is now in place. I just have to wait for internet and converters and all that good stuff. thank god Shonleigh is letting me use her computer. She also gave me her old Razor cell phone. I am going to see what I can do with that.
I didnt realize how many things I needed to buy right off the bat. Money will be tight and I will need a job soon. Amanda got a sunburn pretty bad even though she did wear sun screen. Rachel wasnt tanning at all and then all the sudden she has a small burn. I am happy to say I got a tan and no burn at all! Yay for me!!
Tomorrow is orientation! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Flight Intinerary
Just wanted to post my intinerary because everyone keeps asking about it.
Air Canada..... Edm0800....LA1027....3h 27 min
Singapore..... LA1310.......Tokyo1755....11h 45 min
Singapore..... Tokyo1900...Singapore0125....7h 25 min
Singapore..... Singapore0955....Brisbane1935....7h 40 min
So as you can see, I have an 8 hour layover in Singapore, ( where I am right now). I also have been on a plane for 23hours!! Im still not there! lol
Air Canada..... Edm0800....LA1027....3h 27 min
Singapore..... LA1310.......Tokyo1755....11h 45 min
Singapore..... Tokyo1900...Singapore0125....7h 25 min
Singapore..... Singapore0955....Brisbane1935....7h 40 min
So as you can see, I have an 8 hour layover in Singapore, ( where I am right now). I also have been on a plane for 23hours!! Im still not there! lol
Fly Day

Would also just like to mention that the three of us girls had the water works going at the airport. As soon as Justin and Stacey were gone, my tears arrived and it all became too real! I will miss everyone. xoxo
Monday, February 9, 2009
22 hours until departure. This is my last day in Canada. At the farm now. Getting my last good bye's in to my family. Have a few (hundred) things I need to do today. Been up since 0530. Went to bed at 0200ish. Anxiety????
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