Feb 20th
Woke up the latest since I have been on the sunny coast. I was sooo hungry is was making me sick. Shonleigh and I decided to drive to the grocery store first thing this... noon! I bought a bunch of food, I have to admitt it was more successful then the first time I went groc shopping. I bought food for a stirfry which I later made and was delicious! Its almost a good thing my room mates dont like spicy food at all, now I dont feel like I need to share. They wouldnt want it anyways. Everything I eat is hot enough to melt... Canada! lol
After breakfast, we had to clean the kitchen. It was a disaster after last night pre-drinking. I also bought plastic cups for ppl to use next time we have a party night. (Although I will most likely end up washing those as well since I hate the thought of disposable things... hmmm) At least they wont break!
I washed the dishes. Usually no big deal. I WAS SWEATING!! I had some major SWOOB and SWASS going on! For those of you who dont keep up with the times, SWOOB = sweaty boobs, SWASS= Im sure you can fiure it out... Nicko was over chatting with us while I was doing dishes. He is going to be taking us camping in a couple of weeks, and also climbing. SAAAWEET!
We then all went to the pool for a swim. Aussies hav very rough feet here. One of the first nights, Amanda forgot her watch by the pool and we all ran to go find it. The aussies ran first no problem. Then followed the canaidian wusies! As soon as we started running outside with no shoes, we started wining about how much it hurt! Its just pebble pavement. We were still sore on the bottoms of our feet in the morning. Way to make a good impression Canada!!
While sitting by the pool, Jess asked Shonleigh Amanda and I to accompany her to the airport while she picked up a man friend she knew. He was coming to visit for the weekend. They had met on myspace and had met up one other time briefly. Rachel was not around and there was only room for the three of us plus "myspace" as we have appropriatly named him. This turned out to be good for Rachel due to the fact that my flat mate Mat took her surfing instead.
We headed down to Brisbane airport. We stopped for ice cream on the way. Yum. When we got to the airport, Myspaces plane was delayed 45 min. We waited. Jess was soo nervous. She couldnt keep still. We had made a sign that said MYSPACE for when he got off and was looking for us. It was soo funny. Jess got too embarrassed about the sign and we didnt use it. We showed him afterwards anyways. He laughed. Seemed like a cool guy. He is 20, works with children and is a personal trainer.
When going to get the car out of parking, we had to put the parking stub in this machine to get the ticket to let us out of the parking lot. Before anyone saw the ticket pop out of the machine, Myspace swiped it and we all started looking for this "ticket" that wasnt showing up. Jess was freaking out because we would not be able to get out of parking with out this ticket. Myspace had shown the rest of us that he had it and poor Jess had no idea! Finally after much amusment on our part, Jess figured it out. We were on our way back home.
Thus far, I have only seen Brisbane at night. Not to worry. Shonleigh is from there and we will have weekends at her parents place here and there. :)
In Canada they have the GDL driving system. (graduated drivers license). Here they have a similar system. They have "P"s on the windows of newer drivers. They are alot more strict here as I have obsrerved. Observed only because we were pulled over by the police for a random road test! By this time, Jess is freaking out. She was saying things like " I only have this many pionts left!" The female police officer came and asked some questions and then gave Jess a breath test! I couldnt believe it. They also cant have any passengers under 21 in the car after 1100. It was 1030 so we were ok. The male officer checked around the car and they both gave Jess a warning for not having her "P" stickers more visible. She has them taped onto the windows and they are very clearly visible. The only problem is the tape melts and they slide down. What else can you do in Aus! haha It didnt seem to be soo fun for Jess, but Amanda and I couldnt help be excited. We were just curious about how things like this worked in this forign paradise.
When we got home, Jess, Shon, and Myspace were over. Myspace, to my surprise, is an Oilers fan!!! He saw my flag up on the wall and says he has a jersey and has to pay to watch the games. He has also been to the Stampede!! How crazy is that?? Nobody knows anything about hockey here. I was very excited! he then went to go sit on my bed and cleared away a few items like ym purse and wallet and such. CRUNCH!!!! "did you just sit on my sun glasses?" "uh... ya"... I burst out in laughter! He felt soo bad he had broken my Sunglasses. I went on to tell him why it was really so comical. I had just bought them yesterday and havent even had the chance to wear them. :)
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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