Feb. 19th
It doesnt really matter if I have an alarm clock or not. I get phone calls waking me up every morning anyways. Its better then a hotel wake up call, the ppl are much more friendly when they are your friends!
0700 yoga! Went outside to the tennis court and brought Rachels lap top and we followed her workout video for yoga. It was ok. I have really become accustomed to Bikram Yoga. I like holding the poses longer. I feel the stretch more and really work it when I hold it. Her work out video was more changing from pose to pose. It didnt help that I was the only one with a yoga mat and I had forgotten it in my room. The tennis court was eating our hands up! We stayed for about 30min and decided to go for a swim. We were swimming laps! Went for a nap after. We didnt have to be at Uni til 1pm!
Got all dolled up for part two of our photo shoot. I wore a brown see-through shirt with a brown tank underneath with my knee length yellow, orange, and brown skirt. The photo shoot was alot quicker today. It was in a studio and they took pictures of us individually. I was third to go and they had me holding a back pack, then a text book, and then just me. It was really fun.
The three of us Canadians went home to change and then we took the bus to the beach!! Buses here are sooo awesome! I paid $2.90 for a piece of paper that gave me unlimited use of the bus between Maroochy and the Uni for the rest of the day. I wish they had systems in Canada like this. There is no reason to have to buy a bus pas at all! Especially when they give you change!! I also get a discount if I have my student ID. Amanda and I have began calling Rachel Scattagories! She is such a scatterbrain! She had to run all the way back to our unit to get her ID and she made it just in time before the bus left.
We met up with on of Amandas room mates. The new Jessica. (she lives with two girls both names Jessica). We dont really know this one very well yet because she jsut got back from vacation in Veitnam. She is from a place called Noosa here in Aus. It is suppose to be one of the best places to visit. Not only that, her dad gives tours on Fraser Island. He is also a gardener which I thought to be very cool! I love knowing about all these new and exotic plant life!! Hopefully we can get a tour from her dad one of these days!
Off the bus in Mooloolaba. We decided to take about a million pictures on the beach where the rocks were. No, most will not be posted on FB! Some will never see the light of day. Lets just say, the old guys who were camping along the beach had a good show!!! BAHAHAHA
We hopped ont he bus and headed to Maroochy to do some shopping at the plaza. This is by far one of the coolest shopping centres I have ever seen. I think most of the building is over the ocean. Or a river or something. There are huge doors that open up everyday and water is underneath. There are ped ways filled with shops going here and there. I will have to take a photo to better explain it. Just way too cool!
I bought an alarm clock that my ipod will attatch to. I just have to buy a cable to do so. Neato eh? I also bought more sunscreen. I am getting very tanned. I think out of us three girls, I have the most brownage!! Sweet I know!! I never put any on my feet and they are the most brown! Im surprised they havent brunt! Im surprised I havent at all actually! I do apply it quite alot!
Rushed home to find Shonleigh and Jess in a huge huff and about to make a search party to come look for us. They thought we were lost and were freaked out because we didnt have mobiles! haha
Jumped in the shower and got dolled up. The clubs here I was told that you needed to really dress up with heels and all that good stuff that I love! I wore a little dress with some black heels. Happy to report that Jess and I have the same heel size!!! This will gaurantee me a spot in shoe heaven!! Shocking since she is extremely skinny and cant be any taller that Dalida!!! Wicked!! The dress ended up being a bad idea. It was made of thin material, but it was a silk. The dress ended up sticking to my sweaty body as it was the hottest place ever! Shonleigh was saying how they turn the Air conditioning down so ppl will buy more drinks! ITS AUSTRALIA!! WTF!!! I felt like I could take off my dress and start doing yoga!!
It turns out that my place is the party house. Even with a good christian boy living here, it is were all our friends meet up. No the clean up is never fun... but I made sure to buy plastic cups for the next time!! There are some pics on FB of us from this night. This one of all the girls together is in my living room. Me, Bec, Two girls who I dont know well, Amanda, Jess, Shonleigh, and Teagan.
The night life at this club wasnt bad. They played good music for the most part. It helped that the DJ was hitting on me and playing the songs I wanted right away! *thumbs up* He ended up giving me his card with his phone number. Also tried kissing me... what was he thinking! Honestly!!! It was Uni night so the drinks were especially cheap! I only spent $5 bucks the whole night!! ( I didnt want to spend any, but we ended up having to pay for a cab on the way home). The cab ride was amazing! We sang these weird Aussie songs the whole way. I cant even remember how it went, but it was sooo on the spot and random! I was the only Canadian in the car too. Fabulous! They were group songs too. made up on the spot! Best part of the night right there!!
Just randomly at the bar, being Uni night and all, they walk around with a bunch of pizzas and hand out the entire boxes. One was given to our table and I had three pieces! (small cuts... very small) YUM!!!
The night was pretty uneventful for me. I was not inebriated as per usual! har har It is different partying when you are the old goat! Mark I dont know how you do it! haha I would rather dance all night and then drink and party at home! Was able to hear some Aussie music. There is a band that everyone likes called the "Pot Bellies" hahahahha They werent bad.
Went straight to bed upon arriving at home sweet home!! yay slumber!!!
It doesnt really matter if I have an alarm clock or not. I get phone calls waking me up every morning anyways. Its better then a hotel wake up call, the ppl are much more friendly when they are your friends!
0700 yoga! Went outside to the tennis court and brought Rachels lap top and we followed her workout video for yoga. It was ok. I have really become accustomed to Bikram Yoga. I like holding the poses longer. I feel the stretch more and really work it when I hold it. Her work out video was more changing from pose to pose. It didnt help that I was the only one with a yoga mat and I had forgotten it in my room. The tennis court was eating our hands up! We stayed for about 30min and decided to go for a swim. We were swimming laps! Went for a nap after. We didnt have to be at Uni til 1pm!
Got all dolled up for part two of our photo shoot. I wore a brown see-through shirt with a brown tank underneath with my knee length yellow, orange, and brown skirt. The photo shoot was alot quicker today. It was in a studio and they took pictures of us individually. I was third to go and they had me holding a back pack, then a text book, and then just me. It was really fun.
The three of us Canadians went home to change and then we took the bus to the beach!! Buses here are sooo awesome! I paid $2.90 for a piece of paper that gave me unlimited use of the bus between Maroochy and the Uni for the rest of the day. I wish they had systems in Canada like this. There is no reason to have to buy a bus pas at all! Especially when they give you change!! I also get a discount if I have my student ID. Amanda and I have began calling Rachel Scattagories! She is such a scatterbrain! She had to run all the way back to our unit to get her ID and she made it just in time before the bus left.
We met up with on of Amandas room mates. The new Jessica. (she lives with two girls both names Jessica). We dont really know this one very well yet because she jsut got back from vacation in Veitnam. She is from a place called Noosa here in Aus. It is suppose to be one of the best places to visit. Not only that, her dad gives tours on Fraser Island. He is also a gardener which I thought to be very cool! I love knowing about all these new and exotic plant life!! Hopefully we can get a tour from her dad one of these days!
Off the bus in Mooloolaba. We decided to take about a million pictures on the beach where the rocks were. No, most will not be posted on FB! Some will never see the light of day. Lets just say, the old guys who were camping along the beach had a good show!!! BAHAHAHA
We hopped ont he bus and headed to Maroochy to do some shopping at the plaza. This is by far one of the coolest shopping centres I have ever seen. I think most of the building is over the ocean. Or a river or something. There are huge doors that open up everyday and water is underneath. There are ped ways filled with shops going here and there. I will have to take a photo to better explain it. Just way too cool!
I bought an alarm clock that my ipod will attatch to. I just have to buy a cable to do so. Neato eh? I also bought more sunscreen. I am getting very tanned. I think out of us three girls, I have the most brownage!! Sweet I know!! I never put any on my feet and they are the most brown! Im surprised they havent brunt! Im surprised I havent at all actually! I do apply it quite alot!
Rushed home to find Shonleigh and Jess in a huge huff and about to make a search party to come look for us. They thought we were lost and were freaked out because we didnt have mobiles! haha
Jumped in the shower and got dolled up. The clubs here I was told that you needed to really dress up with heels and all that good stuff that I love! I wore a little dress with some black heels. Happy to report that Jess and I have the same heel size!!! This will gaurantee me a spot in shoe heaven!! Shocking since she is extremely skinny and cant be any taller that Dalida!!! Wicked!! The dress ended up being a bad idea. It was made of thin material, but it was a silk. The dress ended up sticking to my sweaty body as it was the hottest place ever! Shonleigh was saying how they turn the Air conditioning down so ppl will buy more drinks! ITS AUSTRALIA!! WTF!!! I felt like I could take off my dress and start doing yoga!!
It turns out that my place is the party house. Even with a good christian boy living here, it is were all our friends meet up. No the clean up is never fun... but I made sure to buy plastic cups for the next time!! There are some pics on FB of us from this night. This one of all the girls together is in my living room. Me, Bec, Two girls who I dont know well, Amanda, Jess, Shonleigh, and Teagan.
The night life at this club wasnt bad. They played good music for the most part. It helped that the DJ was hitting on me and playing the songs I wanted right away! *thumbs up* He ended up giving me his card with his phone number. Also tried kissing me... what was he thinking! Honestly!!! It was Uni night so the drinks were especially cheap! I only spent $5 bucks the whole night!! ( I didnt want to spend any, but we ended up having to pay for a cab on the way home). The cab ride was amazing! We sang these weird Aussie songs the whole way. I cant even remember how it went, but it was sooo on the spot and random! I was the only Canadian in the car too. Fabulous! They were group songs too. made up on the spot! Best part of the night right there!!
Just randomly at the bar, being Uni night and all, they walk around with a bunch of pizzas and hand out the entire boxes. One was given to our table and I had three pieces! (small cuts... very small) YUM!!!
The night was pretty uneventful for me. I was not inebriated as per usual! har har It is different partying when you are the old goat! Mark I dont know how you do it! haha I would rather dance all night and then drink and party at home! Was able to hear some Aussie music. There is a band that everyone likes called the "Pot Bellies" hahahahha They werent bad.
Went straight to bed upon arriving at home sweet home!! yay slumber!!!
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