Sunday the 22nd
Woke up and went out by the pool. Nicko and his friend Em, Shonleigh and her friends kevin and Grant, Amanda, and Racheal were there as well. After swimming, we diecided to go into Maroochy to get a few things from the Plaza.
We all split up and were to meet at 4pm. I got a few things to better organize my desk. I bought a new pair of sunnys too. (what they call sunglasses)
Came home and decided to really give my room that organized- Im a successful student- look. It took me awhile, but I think I may have done it. Amanda called and we went for a run. Best one yet. We went for 23 min and then walked 5. We went on these trails that were not lit up and it was scary. Not because there might be some creep trying to grab us, but because we couldnt see the sidewalk and kept thinking bugs, spiders, snakes etc were going to get us. I swear at one piont we did hear and see something scurry across the path. We will stay on lit paths for now on!!
So I have this problem. ANTS!! I have always noticed them on the counter downstairs, but thought, hey its Australia, this is probably normal. Even when the conters are clean, which is usual, they are there. They have also been in my room by my desk. I never have food in my room umless its on my plate and then I take it down right away. My room is clean, and these ants seem to be here always. ( excpet at night they are gone almost completley!! WTF?!?!?) Before going for the run, I had noticed them in my closet organizer! There was a large amount of these tiny little ants and they seemed to be all over my swim suits, socks and bras and panites. I immediatly washed everything!! I moved my organizer more to the middle of my closet rather then by the wall. they dont seem to be on it today, thank god, but are still all over my desk and window. Racheal and Shonleigh say they dont have ants in there room. I talked to Nicko and he knew they guy who lived in this room before me. He states that the guy may have been a bit sloppy and that there may be some scent of that left. I dont know quite what to do. I am soo disgusted. I think I will try a ziplock bag with a lemon in side. My old landlord from at home says this helps as I had an infestation there as well. What is it with me and Ants!!! ugh! Must be because I am the Fun Auntie!! :) Now I am itchy all the time, fearing there is a tiny little ant on me!!! Im lucky they dont go near my bed!!
Something I have noticed here. That saying " no shoes, no shirt, no service" does not apply here in Aus. I constantly see people walking in malls and around town with no shoes at all. Guys are often seen with no shirts on either. This must be why they have such tough feet. Weird!!
So my room mate Mat and I share a bathroom and toilet. About a week ago, he had one of mother natures finest and plugged out toilet with it! I went to go use it and noticed. I tried flushing and the water just slowly... extremely slowly, not the kind you can actually watch kind of slowly, it drains out. However, it doesnt feel the need to take the toilet paper or poo with it. I asked Mat about it and he says it will just unplug eventually. I have been using the down stairs toilet. Very annoying. On thursday, I over heard him telling someone about it and he said he had gone again in there while it was plugged. Well now it is severly gross. I dont even walk in there now. Yesterday, I tried to flush it again and it was just brown mud pie! It is disgusting! There is no more hint of white toilet paper at all. Some how, the toilet gods felt that I should be punished and have a toilet bowl filled with what can be described as fowl smelling chocolate pudding!! Im sure glad Im not a chocolate fan! Maybe that is why I am a successful nurse. Hmmm...
So the language here is ... different. I am starting to figure it out. They never pronounce the "R" on the end of a word. Instead it is an "A" ex: motor is now motah. They even barley pronounce it in other words like Arby. I am now Awbay. :) If this isnt confusing enough, they also add "R"s in words where there are none. ex: Yoga is now Yogar. Aussies also abbriviate everything. ex: sunglasses are now Sunnys, Air conditioning is now air con. I am sure by the time two years is done, I will have a full out accent. This is what happens when you are surrounded by locals. You start to think with an accent. Dont be fooled though. You are not an expert Aussie vocalist just because you "think" with an accent. They will still make fun of you when you begin to use there words! I am now aware that I sound rediculous when I say " G'day mate".
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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