Woke up early for a jog with the girls. There was 5 of us all together. It is good because we motivate eachother. After jogging, Shonleigh and Jessica wanted me to show them some yoga. I showed them a few things. Nothing spectacular. They do call me a pretzal now though... I wasnt even doing it properly!!
Went to orientation. We got alot of free stuff. My fave item would be my USC agenda!!! Here they call it your student diary. I love these things! We also got free Roxy sandals and a baseball cap and condoms. Jess and Shonleigh were shocked us Canadian girls came home from Uni with condoms, but in Canada, they always give them out. ( however, in Canada, they dont usually give lube with it lol) In the sports stadium, we were able to see some Aboringinees sing and dance and play music on a Diggeridoo. It was really cool, but we were a little far away!!
Shonleigh and Jess both laughed at me when they looked at my orientation week book guide and noticed that I had highlighted all the free BBQs or lunches! lol Im a student!
Also had the photo shoot that Deb Hardy set up for us. These photos are for new booklets about the Uni and the website. It was us three Canadian girls and two french guys and two french girls. It was really fun. We started in the Art Gallery, ( mom you would have liked it), then we went to the Library and so on. I was the only one the photographer took photos of individually. It was a little weird... Really fun though! One of the french guys asked me what I was doing later on in the night, and I replied, " we are having a BBQ at the Village ( our dorms) for the Village ppl"... LOL We both laughed when we realized what I had said! :)
The BBQ was good. It was raining though. We ended up coming back to our place and having a few drinks here. I met a couple new ppl and it was fun. I guess Shonleigh had a good night. She said she woke up on the laundry room floor alone at 4am, then stayed up for another hour and hit the hey! hahahha
Feb. 18th
Woke up with a little bit of a headache. It must have been that blue waterfall shot we did. Nico is a bartender and got three of us girls to do this shot. Let me try to explain it. It is a shot of Bacardi 151 ( which is like 75% alcohol or something), you light it on fire and put a wine glass over it. The fire goes out and smoke collects in the inverted wine glass. you move the wine glass on top of a coaster, take the shot, turn the wine glass over with coaster in place, poke a hole in the caoster quickly and suck up the smoke with a straw!! Is that not the craziest thing ever!! Rachel did it and she threw up right away, same with Jess. I was the only one who held it down, and believe me, I didnt want to!! haha
Drank lots of water this morning and had a wake up call from Edmonton. The girls wanted to go jogging but my legs were soooooooooo sore from the previous day! Still are. Rushed into the shower and off to orientation.
I failed to mention that The University here is also a wild life reserve!! Kangaroos run free all around here. Before the BBQ, I was looking out my bedroom window and there they were!!!! I was sooo excited. I called Amanda into the room and we both jumped on my bed. Shonleigh was just laughing at us!! haha
Today was raining a little bit, not too much. Not crazy hot and sunny, but hot and humid ... that never goes away! :) Just a little cloudy. Friday is suppose to be really nice out. Im thinking BEACH since I dont have orientation that day!! :D
Skype is up and running and soon I will have my web cam running as well!! It will be like you are here with me!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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