There is a place called Why kick a moo cow. Just spelled differently. Nicko was telling me this when I laughed at the name Didillillalah or something.
Monday March 2nd
Decided to go to Brisbane after class with Shonleigh. It was her dads birthday and she was going for the night. I also didnt have class the next day, what a good opportunity to get out and see a little more of Brissy.
Shonleigh and I had a good talk all the way down. We didnt even listen to music once. When we got there, her mom, Jenny, had made such a delicious meal. It was Lamb chops, yams and taters, corn and peas, and broccoli. Sooo good. It was also really good to have a home cooked meal. ( not that I dont feed myself well, its just always different when a mom does it!!)
Shonleighs parents place is very nice. It is 20 min out of Brissy. Had a few glasses of wine with Shon's mom and talked about bugs and such. Also had a long convo with Shon and her rents about how she wants to live in the US for 6 months to study. It was kind of funny. Her mom is all for it and thinks she should experience life as much as she can, where as her dad is scared and spent an hour trying to tell us why it was such a bad idea. He said it is scary to go to America. Then I told him about how my sister made a FB group of all the reasons why I shouldnt come to Australia. I also told him that my family has to deal with me being gone for two years in a country that is known for its spiders, sharks, jelly fish, boxing kangaroos, crocodiles, and much much more! Lets just say, he didnt really have much to argue with, but still held his ground. lol
March 3rd
Woke up the next day and went to the mall. Shon and I were looking for a second hand store but couldnt find one. I was hoping to find some dresses for cheap, or even some shorts. Maybe next time. I met up with Staceys friend Jason who is also Canadian. He is here working and has been for about a year and a half. He is a really nice guy and lives in Brissy. I will probably be seeing more of him from time to time. He says he knows alot of Canadians and they all seem to group together. I think it just makes them feel like they are not singled out. Being a foriegner can some times alienate a person. I dont find it hard to deal with because Rachel and Amanda are here with me. I also like being in a different culture and experiencing it all the way they do.
We ate at a place called "Sushi Train". It was delicious. You sit in a booth and int he centre is where the chefs make the dishes. They then put it on a revolving track that goes around the entire food preparation area, conviently to all the booths. You get to choose what you want to eat. The prices are according to the colours of the plates. It was soo tasty and I cant wait to go back.
March 4rth
Wednesday wasnt too exciting. Classes. Classes. Just a couple of lectures. Both I had with Amanda and Rachel. On my way home, there was a whole group of Roos!! Two hopped on the road right past us!! Only about a metre and a half away!! It was so awesome! I cant even explain how fascinating they are! Nicko was amazed at how amazed us Canadians get when we see them. They are considered pests here and they eat them too. Shonleigh's dad was telling me that they are the only country that eats there coat of arms.
Just hung out with thr group after and I did some readings too.
March 5th- Woombye night
Gong show! I didnt have class today. I spent the morning reading my text book and taking notes like the good studious girl I am. Then I joined Nicko and Josh for a ride into Brissy. Nicko needed to pick up his car as he had some work done to it. Its an old VW bug. He calls it "Blue" even though it is clearly red. Someone get this guy some glasses! We were going to go to Kangaroo point and climb, ( well they were going to climb and I was going to watch, it was suppose to be really difficult and I wanted to see some Roo's. Later, to my disapointment, I found out there arent any roo's there. Grr!!) We didnt end up going to Kangaroo point due to "peak hours", or as we call it " rush hour". Josh went his own way and Nicko took me to a water fall. It is the same one he took Rachel and Amanda to on Monday when I had class.
It is really nice driving through the country side. It makes me miss home a little bit. Its not too different from our country is, except that they have tropical tree's, tropical bugs and birds, its not flat, and its freaking hot! hahaha ok maybe not so much like ours after all. It does carry the same smell, and they do have little farms and cows and horses. Anyways, we hiked through some farm land, down some bush, across lots of rocks following the creek, and then boom. Water fall. They have all been so nice so far. I cant even pick a favorite. It was getting dark by this time. We went for a little swim, and I even went on the rope. ( It was really scary!! ) By time we left it was pretty dark. The hike back to the car was about 10 min and there were stars out by time we got there.
When we got home, the party was already in full swing in my back yard. Everyone was there. I wasnt going to participate in the Woombye nights anymore, but even Amanda and Rachel were dressed to impress. They all were having so much fun. Next thing I knew, I was showered and dolled up with drink in hand. I was only going to have a few and not stay out late because I had a 1000 class the next day. Matt C also had to work early and promised me a ride home early. That would have been if we had made it out to the bar in the first place!
By this time, the couches were in the back yard. Someone had broke a bottle. Rachel stepped on a piece of glass and there was blood everywhere. The guys were pretty drunk, as 18 yr olds are, and they all wanted to call an ambulance. Luckily, there were three nurses there to talk some sense into these silly little boys. The funny part was, when she first started bleeding everywhere, there was an english guy there and he ripped off his shirt, litterally superman style off with the shirt method!!! he had tried to use it a a tournaque. (spelling? )
Being a country girl, I started playing country music in my room. Next thing we knew, Amanda and I are teaching these boys how to two-step!! Dance party in Arby's room!! The night went on and I believe we were all in bed by midnight. Thank god! When I awoke this morning, there was grated cheese all over my floor! The couches were still outside, and my house was full of beer bottles. I had to go to class so I left Shonleigh a note. To my luck, it was clean when I got home this afternoon! Phe-ooof!
March 6th
Went to class feeling like a million ..... pesos! hahaha In other words, I would have loved to sleep a little longer. My first class is painful. Its med a admin lab. I have been doing all of these things for three and a half years. I could teach the class. Repettitive and boring. Especially since all the ppl in the class are soo scared and ask every little detail. Im soo happy I have the experience already. My peers are so nervous about everything. My mood was lightened in the next class. I had a lab and we actually used our own blood and got to count white blood cells under a micro scope. Very interesting. I am learning alot in my patho class and I am loving it. It will be my most difficult class, but I know I will do the best in it because it interests me! Yay for knowledge and stimulation!!
When I got home I did the dishes and went for a nap. Pretty sure it will be an easy night. An easy weekend actually. Im too old for this! haha Just kidding! Off to go and study, or watch a movie.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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