Sunday March 22nd
Woke up after a nice sleep in again. What a relaxed weekend. I studied. Still working away on the ECG asssignment. The girls went to the library to work on it. I stayed in my room. I was starting to nod off so I went to the store to buy a rockstar! YUM! On my way there, I recieved a call from Canada. This call lasted two hours and forty five minutes. On my mobile. Someone is going to have a very large bill!!!
During this time, Shonleigh had arrived home. I went and talked with her for a while intil she had to go to work. Amanda, Nicko, and I went for another jog. Then I showered and made my delicious salad again.
Really not an exciting day, I really should leave days like this out.
Monday March 23rd
Went to Uni. Lecture was boring as per usual. Health, Society, and Culture. I dont mind it though. Came home and hung out. I have to admitt, there is some excitment going on here. Not a good kind, but not really bad either. Just childish drama. Females. No I am not involved, but I cannot get into it. lets just say that one person is driving alot of us insane. There is a boy involved, but its not a triangle. The person is driving us crazy for reasons that do and do not involve the boy. That is all I can say. haha
Between classes, Amanda and I walked to the grocery store and the bank. I had to figure some stuff out with internet banking and such. Then we went into Flight Centre to look at flights for Thailand. We had been planning a trip for about 10 days during the Easter holidays. My dad is going to be there as well and I would get to meet his Wife and her kids. After looking at flights and seeing our options, we decided that we wouldnt go due to lack of planning. Justin is flying out here on the 2nd for two and a half weeks. He would have to jump back on a plane to fly to Thailand again. Plus he is allergic to nuts and sesame seeds and probably wouldnt live after being exposed to Thai food. Also, flights were not as cheap as we thought they were. I am sure if we had planned long ago, we could have found better deals. We decided to call it off. We have only been here for 5 weeks, there is lots to see here is Aus. Thailand can wait. It would have been nice to see my dad though. Maybe it he is still there in September or something. Went grocery shopping and came home.
Went to my after noon tutorials. I really like my Nursing Alterations class. My tutor is soo cute. She is a small blonde woman. She is a Kiwi too! ( that is what they call ppl from New Zealand- I never knew this. I always thought it was derogatory, but its not! ) She makes class more fun. Rachel and Amanda had missed their Patho class, so they joined me for mine.
When I came home, Shonleigh had gone to work. I made myself some grub and watched a bit of tv. Jess came over and I was craving cookies so badly. All the stores close so early here too. We decided to go visit Shonleigh at her work. She works in a coffee shop called Gloria Jeans Coffee. I got a Tim Tam milk shake- to die for! They are just sooo good. I am hooked. Good thing they are all the way in Mooloolaba!
Amanda joined us for the ride. We had a good talk and then walked on the beach for a bit. Amanda and I are getting along really well. I am glad that she is here with me. We went home and Shon was home shortly after me. We talked on my bed for a bit and both went to bed. ( its hard to say what days I stay up late on the phone. my late nights work out to your early mornings, and I get alot of phone calls. Lucky me! )
Tuesday March 24th
Class in the morning. The tutorial for Health, Society, and Culture. Came home. Ate a yummy sandwhich and then hopped in with Jess. She was going to the Plaza and I round up my Canadian posse and off we went. I needed to go and talk with the bank because I had forgotten my pin at the grocery store the day before andhad to use my Canadian Visa becuase they lock you out after three tries. UGH! So Did my banking, and visited Jess. She was having major phone issues! Rachel and I decided to bus it to Fridays, the bar. Rachel has a job here and is trying to get me one. I had totally forgotten that Jono worked here. He is one of the guys I went camping with the first time.
He gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek when he saw me. He started setting Rachel up with her job and informed me that he didnt have any position available right now but that he had me on the top of the list. Jono is a super nice guy. We hung out for a bit and he made us a drink and had the chef make us hot dogs. ( they were actual hot dogs!! How good were they!! Mouth watering!! ) Jono gave me another big hug and kiss and off we were.
Rachel and I had a good chat and went for a walk on the warf while waiting for Xanthy and Jess to pick us up. We hopped in and headed home. Once home, I just hung out and did the things that one does at home. I talked on the phone for a while as well. When Shon got home from work, I had finsihed the dishes, and Jess was over as well. We had a really good chat well I looked for snack food. I recieved a phone call from Miss Stacey Hewitt and we had a blast on the phone until 2 am! I really dont get much sleep here. Its weird. I always tell myself I will nap, but it just never happens and I dont feel tired all that much! Nice!!
Wednesday March 25th
Got up early and readied myself for the day. I went for a walk/ jog with Jess and Shon. I quickly ate some wheatbix when I got home and off I went to Uni. Amanda and Rachel joined me. Today was Respiratory problems. Woot woo... cough hack hack hack... oot! hahah JK ! Im soo funny!
After class, I went to get a new student ID card. I had thought mine was stolen when I left my wallet at the bar on St. Patties day. ( someone turned it in before I knew it was lost. I didnt even have to freak out about losing it!! ) After this I had a meeting with a lady to see about giving me credit for my course. She said she would see what she could do.
I came home, Shonleigh and I went out to buy USB keys. We wanted to get some pictures printed up. This took the rest of the afternoon. ( going through photos and picking what I wanted printed.)
I then checked my email and found out that I did get credit for that course. This made me sooo happy. Now I do not have to do clinical placement in July. I am thinking about going to Thailand then. Dad will still be there I think and then we have more time to be there. It works our perfectly. I now have every second friday free which gives me a extra long weekend because I dont have classes on thursdays!! haha SAAAWEET!
Went for a walk with Lewis and his girlfriend Erin and Amanda. We went to the little lake over here to take some photos. Lewis said he would teach me a bit about photography. It was really fun. On the way back, there were some kangaroos and he took pics of them with us two in the back ground!! I cannot wait to see these pictures!
Thursday March 26th
Went to bed late so I didnt wake up early enough to do the walk with Shon and Jess. They went at 0700 and I thought they were insane, especially because I didnt have class. I got ready and went to Uni. I met up with Amy and her friend to go over our assignment. Amy had asked for my help so I offered to go over it with her. Gary, another fellow in my classes also asked for my help with it and i agreed to meet up with him. I had us all meet together and we had a study group of 4. It was prefect. We spent a couple hours going over ECG's and determining what they were asking of us. Then we went our seperate ways. I headed to the library to write my assignment up on the comps and print them. I then handed it in even though it wasnt due until the following day. I headed up to see my Love Deb Hardy who has been a goddess in helping us Canadians with course credits and all that. I just had some stuff to sign for the course I recieved credit for. I handed in my assignment and headed home.
It was thursday and I did not have class Friday!! Wicked cool! The girls wanted to go out. So, naturally we convinced the guys to come out with us. Luckily, Brock wasnt drinking, and I think he has a thing for Amanda, so he didnt mind driving at all! Got all dolled up and headed to Buderim Tavern. It was pretty dead in there. However, it was my favorite part of the night. We were drinking beer with orange juice. The price was right. It was karokee night. YAY!! There must have only been 7 other ppl there that night. I think I am counting the staff and the ppl hosting the kareokee. There was a group of 8 of us I believe. Us Canadian girls decided to get up on stage and sing "Just Dance" by Lady Ga Ga. Turns out we dont really know the words after all. ahhaha It was pretty bad. Fun, but bad! When we finished I thanked the crowd for coming to the gong show! :P
Rachel and I thought it would be a good idea to get up on stage and sing "Baby got Back " by Sir Mix Alot. haha turned out we did know all the words! Since we were well practiced at the vocals, we gave it all we had! We were shakin our butts and puting on quite the show! If you dont know the song, you should listen to it. Then imagine what we looked like on stage! I will try to post some pics! I wish we had a video! It was probably the best show of the night.
We all got into it singing songs here and there. Time to switch it up and go to Woombye. Brock had to make two different car loads. Rachel, JJ, and I went first. We got in within 10 minutes and found our other friends. By the time the others came, they were not letting anyone else in. So Brock took them into Mooloolaba to 240V. He came and got us and we arrived shortly after. I dont know why everyone goes to Woombye. Its all soo sweaty and not my scene. 240V is a bit of an older crowd. I like it. They also serve slushy low alcohol content drinks for cheap. They have free uni shuttle buses leaving frequently and its no cover charge.
We danced up a storm here. Brock eventually took a load of ppl home. It was Amanda, JJ, Cam, and I left. As we walked out of the club, we saw a huge cat fight on the street. One girl was covered in blood. She seemed alright, just drunk. Amanda and I decided to get kebebs, which are the same as donairs. I like the ones at home better, but maybe I need to find a better venue. We came home and I went to bed. What a fun night.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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