March 14th
I hope I did not keep you on edge too long. It has been busy here.
Saturday morning, woke up and drank lots of water! Had a delicious breakfast thanks to Alex the chef! YUM YUM! Did some reading from my text. Yes I am a nerd! I brought my text AND actually used it! Im just hoping what I read will be retained in my brain! :)
We spent the day playing in the water on the jet skiis, swimming, and tubing. I even went wake boarding. I was up everytime, but then down quickly! haha Its tough. I need practice and maybe a wake board that stays on my feet. That might help!
Back up for a tasty chicken wing lunch and potatos and onions! We lazed around for a bit around the fire. Then Nicko and Lewis decided to do a yowii impersonation. They went down to the shore and covered themselves in the weeds. Ewww gross! I cannot stand touching weeds in the water. I always strategically go out with someone on the jet skiis or use the tube or something, anything to get over the weeds untouched! These two were covered head to toe in them! They were walking like zombies and were hugging the girls. I was trying to keep my distance, however, Nicko seemed to notice and he grabbed me. Carried me unwillingly into the water where he dunked me and covered me in weeds as well! EWWWW! YUGH!!! He even stuffed some down my shorts! :( It gives me the heeby jeebies!
Obviously went and played in the water more after this! Did lots of fun things on the Jet skiis as well. I kept my shorts on because I figured out that if I didnt, I would slep right off the jet ski. Who knew bums didnt have any grip? We also took the boat out and were playing on it too. It wasnt running or anything. We were just jumping off of it. I pushed Lewis in while he was sticking his butt out and it turned the whole boat! I guess its a -had to be there moment- but I thought I would mention it anyways! haha
The guy who had planned this trip is the one who owns the boat. I am going to change his name because the things I will say are not in any way making him look good. True, but not good. for the sake of blogging, we will call him Raging Roger. Raging Roger planned this trip about a month or so ago. He had all his best pals come from as far as the gold coast. This trip was planned for his birthday. This is info you will need to know for later in the blog.
We had the boat out and were playing. Raging Roger was up at the campsite helping with lunch. We, including Raging Roger, were having a really good time so far. However, Raging Roger started screaming at the top of his lungs when he saw that the boat was out and we were on it. He was getting mad a Nicko, his room mate. He thought that Nicko had taken it out when it was really Joel. ( who also happens to be his room mate). This amount of rage for something so small was a shock. Joel took the boat back and talked to Raging Roger, who apologized.
We were relaxing and I decided to go for a walk. Lewis joined me and we found a little creek behind our campsite. We hiked up this creek and talked about photography and such. Hes an interesting guy. He is in the army and learned how to speak Indonesian in Uni. He is also one of the funniest guys I have met since being here! The guy cracks me up! We found some little pools in the creek. The water and leaves at the bottom were so pristine! So beautiful and calm. I wanted to take some pics, but we didnt have the camera with us. We were going to come back the next day.
We were gone for quite awhile and when we got back, everyone was out swimming. I went to join them. I guess while I was gone, the girls had seen a Goanna right by the campsite. They were feeding it eggs. I was a bit sad I missed it. It was up close. Shucks! I went swimming with Bec, Amanda, and Nicko. All four of us were on the tube. If one of us moved, we would all fall! We kicked our legs and made it all the way to the other side of our small bay. It doesnt sound like much, but it was hard work and it took a long time. Once we got over there, we decided to just jump in and swim back! haha I kept close to the tube so I could make it back to shore with out touching those weeds again! GRR! The water was like glass and the sun was setting. It was gorgeous!
I changed my clothes and 6 more people arrived. We were all around the fire and making jokes and having a good time. Alex, Raging Rogers best friend, brought out a bottle of Champagne. He made a toast to Raging Roger and passed it around. Everyone said something extremely nice about Raging Roger and passed it on. At the end when Raging Roger was passed the bottle, he thanked everyone for coming and said how much this weekend meant to him and that he was soo happy to have us all there. I personally had said during my turn that Raging Roger was one of my favorite people that I had met so far on my trip.
We started socially drinking and made some mustard, cheese and chips sandwhiches for a snack. As the night went on, the music got louder and we decided to have a dance party! We moved the stereo to the tarped area. We had a tarp on the ground and all the tents opening towards it. We also had a tarp up above. Thanks to Nicko and I. I had him on my shoulders tying ropes all around! Good team work! Ford had also brought a laser light just like they have at the bars. It began as dance party and some how changed to a naughty bits party. It was guys against girls, like always. I was wearing my bikini, so I was game. haha I also wasnt going to say anything until someone pointed out that it was my turn. I tried to go unnoticed! lol Like that would happen! Soon we were all wearing bras and panties, or bikini's like me. Amanda wasnt wearing Panties, so Raging Roger borrowed her some of his undies. I wanted a pair too and he gave me a pair of army patterned ones. This was perfect since my bikini was also army patterned. After dancing half naked, someone started pouring dish soap and cooking oil all over everyone and the ground tarp! Then Chef Alex started puoring the water to make it really slippery! It turned from dance party, to half naked dance party, to slip n slide dance party!! haha Fords tent had a big tarp at the top of the slope so we started sliding from there and went down the lenghth of the tarp! IT was sooo much fun, but you could feel every stick twig and rock! The next day we all compared brusies. I dont think I had it as bad as anyone else. I learned quickly to just lay on others that were flinging themselves down the slide! haha Suckers!
We were all soaked with dish soap and cooking oil. It just made sense to run down to the lake to wash off and swim. Up to this point, the night had been sooo fun! Even swimming was alot of fun. It felt like we had done soo much already, however, when Amanda and I looked at the time, we realized it was only midnight. We got changed again and I helped Chef Alex cook some food. We had huge steaks that were bigger than a dinner plate. Chef Alex cut each steak into four normal- large pieces of steak. We also had some Hot dogs, which are like long breakfast sausages. They dont have good hot dogs here. Its sad. We also had hambergers. Here they eat the beef patties plain and they call them something else. Rossers or something. They were my favorite thing though. It was sooo good. The girls and I were wondering were all the veggies were?? We were soo happy to eat some the next day at home! haha
After dinner, everyone was starting to go to their tents and sleep. I joined Bec and Nikco who were on my blanket by the fire. I wanted to sleep under the stars. Bec eventually went to her tent. It was Bella, Bell, Chef Alex, Alex, Nicko, and I who were still out. ( even though I was trying to sleep). Oh and Raging Roger of course. Raging Roger began to ask where his cigarrettes were. he couldnt find his two packs. Then he couldnt seem to find his two bottles of Vodka. People were offering him their smokes and telling him that they would be found in the morning. We are sure he had finished his vodkas over the last two nights, which is crazy too. He started yelling at us and calling us in appropriate names like C U Next Tuesday's. We were all thiefs and he couldnt trust any of us! We all tried calming him down and soothing him, but it just made it worse. He thought we were all against him. He began smashing everything around him and breaking flash lights on the table. He threw a bottle by mine and Nicko's heads. He was out of control. We couldnt do anything about it. People were scared to leave their tents. Raging Roger then packed up his belongings and his tent and was threatening to leave us all here and take his baot. Nicko snuk down to the boat and hid the gas tank. This made Raging Roger rage even more! He was saying things like " this weekend was suppose to be a good bye". His best friend Alex tried talking to him but Raging Roger would just cus and hit things. At about 5 am, Nicko and him almost got into a fight. Ragin Roger took a couple of swings at Nicko but missed. This is when Raging Roger took the boat and paddled away using the oars. We had tried using the oars earlier and knew that they were not easy to use. They have these rubber things on them that yeild them from rowing smoothly. We all went to bed, happy with having him away. I was worried a bit about him because I am sure with the anger he had, that he was severly drunk and maybe he had taken a pill as well. We didnt have any water left and I was scared that Raging Roger would crash or fall in the water or pass out somewhere where we couldnt find him. So many things could have happened. I took it as it was and went to a tent to sleep for a while. There is no way he would make it back to the cars. It would take him too long and he was going in circles at one point. haha
When I woke up, we all packed everything up. The guys had taken the jet skiis and found that he made it around the bay to another shore. He had picked a spot where the trees were hiding him and the boat. Lewis said he was in stealth mode when he recovered the boat. Raging Roger must have been thinking we would come around. He had the rope going under bushes and under his arm. Luckily he was soo passed out that Lewis was able to take the boat. We began making trips of cargo back to the cars. The boat is soo slow that it takes about 20 min to make a trip of stuff to the cars and 15 min back to the campsite with no load. Amanda, Bec, Rachel, and I were the first ones back to the cars. We had seen Raging Rogers body passed out on the shore behind the trees. It was nice that the girls and I were able to leave. We drove to Gympie to see Bec's parents and drop off the tent. We then ate at subway where Bec works. YUM veggies! Then on wards home!
I guess after we left, Joel was driving the boat when another boat approched him. There was Raging Roger. He had flagged down a boat with a family on it. He had told them that some one had stolen his boat. Now remember, Raging Roger is still in his ginch! lol When Joel saw him, he said " Oh hi Raging Roger, we thought you went home?" The family looked at Raging Roger and knew that something was not right with his story. Raging Roger and Joel returned to the campsite where they continued to load things up. Raging Roger started raging again and throwing things into the water. The boys took control and Ragin Roger realized he didnt have a choice. They were able to get the camp site completly cleaned up and every thing back to the cars. When they came back, Raging Roger packed all his things up and moved out of Joel and Nicko's. He had made the drive home alone. I guess he had lots to think about. He had not at this point apologized to anyone. When he moved out, he had left a note each for Nicko and Joel saying sorry, and that he needed to leave to figure things out. He also admitted that he knew he had a problem and that he knows he needs help for it. He also gave his motor bike to Joel and his TV to Beca. Away he went.
When we got home, we just took it easy. Chef Alex still had all the food and set up a BBQ later that night on the beach at Mooloolaba. It was delicious and we all got caught up on the latest Raging Roger gossip. I came home and watched a movie in my room.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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