Wednesday March 11th
Wednesdays are good days. These are the days I have my patho lectures. Rachel was a little late for class and only sat with us for the last hour of it. She was dropping her Canadian friends off at the airport. Amanda and I were having such a good time learning about Red Blood Cells. Im not being sarcastic even a little bit!
After lecture, I met with my patho group to discuss our assignment. Things are going well there too. My group is three girls including me. We seem to be getting a good head start on our project.
After first class, I came home and was planning on having a nap. I watched a movie. The song " if I had a Million Dollars" by the Bare Naked Ladies came on. I started singing it and became extremly hyperactive. I barged into Shonleighs room where her and Jess were having conversation!! I kept singing and bouncing all over. They looked at me like I was on drugs! They had never heard of the song and thought I was crazy for singing about a monkey! " If I had a million dollars, I'd buy you a monkey, havent you always wanted a monkey??" I would sing the last part of monkey in a high pitch! babahahahha I then was on my way to class where I basically bounced in my seat and drew pictures. I had no attention span at all! Good thing it was only an hour! haha
At home, Shonleigh and I went to the grocery store accompanied by Nicko and Joel. We were getting some grub for a mini BBQ at our place. We made steak and potato bake, with ceasar salad. Shon and Jess like there steaks well done. BLEH! I like mine mooing! hahah No, not really. Just medium rare! Like anyone with taste buds! lol
Afterwards, the girls ( all of us except Bec who was at work... :( ...) and I had a bonding night. We all went in a circle and described our personalities and then everyone put their thoughts on what they thought the person was like in two words. We also spent alot of time picking out little traits or habbits that we do all the time. For me, one person pointed out that I bob my head every time I sing. One person pointed it out, and immediatly they all agreed and we were roaring with laughter! haha I have never noticed before ever! I tried holding my head still while singing after this and it turns out to be impossible! hmmm... We had such a good time pointing out our funny querks and summing us up in two words. It was very interesting especially since we havent known eachother for all that long.
WHile I was making patato bake, ( before the girls talk ), I had sliced my finger nail with the potato piller!! It was my left middle finger. The nail didnt come off but was peeled underneath on the top third. I was going to rip it off, but someone suggested I superglue it. I ran over to Nicko's, he seems to have everything, and he helped me glue it. It seemed to work. I was able to finish cooking without bleeding on everything. ( and no, my blood and finger nail did not get into the food...) I had put the lid on the glue, but didnt realize it was leaking. We threw it away, but not before Emma May got some on her dress. Oops.
During the night, everytime I moved, the nail would catch and pull! It really hurt, so I ended up pulling it off in the morning anyways. Ouch!
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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pillar=peeler as in potatoe and there is as in over there but if you're speaking about ownership then "there" is actually spelled "their" as in their house. I was so shocked to see that you spelled their....there.
ReplyDeletei recently sliced and diced my dingers and it is horrible pain u can read my story on youtube @ sliced and diced fingers