Thursday 19th
Every morning I wake up to the sound of a very loud red beetle starting up- running for a minute- then driving away!! NICKO YOUR CAR IS SOOO LOUD!! This is why I am awake at 0730 most days! Even on Thursday, my no school day! He lives two suites away from me , and the parking spot is usually just outside my window! GRR!! :P
Today we were suppose to have breakfast out by the pool. Suppose to use the rest of the meat from camping. I was told to be out there at 0830. When I went out there, no one was there. I didnt wait around. I just came back in. I started to do some studying while waiting for someone to tell me what was going on with breakfast! An hour and some passed and I decided to just make myself some food instead.
I finished writing my resemes and actually got alot of stuff done just in my room. It was about noon thirty and I looked out my window and there was Lewis and Nicko. Lewis?? He was one of the organizers of breakfast! I yelled out to him and asked why no one was there. He told me it was cancelled and he didnt have my number. They were on there way to the Plaza and to do some running around. I decided to go with them as I had a couple of things to do as well.
I hopped in and asked why breakfast was cancelled. Lewis told me that only 5 people were going to make it. I asked him if that was because Rachel and Amanda had class earlier then they thought and that they couldnt make it. He said " Ok, well, there was only going to be three of us..." haha Then I went on to tell him that out of the three only one showed up because nobody told her!! haha It was kind of funny. Good thing it was here in the village and I didnt have to go anywhere far!
We happened to get lost in Kawana when we were looking for the voting building. Nicko and Lewis both had to work on the weekend and so they were going to vote eary. Its a federal election and it is mandatory to vote is Aus. After driving in circles and cirlces for what seemed like an hour, we finally found it. ( after asking a couple for directions. The guy had no clue but his wfie knew exaclty where to direct us!! lol) We went in so the boys could vote. They didnt ask for ID or anything. They kept asking me if I was ready to vote. I thought about it. Wasnt in the mood and I really didnt know any of the platforms. haha Besides, Im not really Australian. ( that would be the main reason....) Lewis used to live here in my unit a couple of years ago. He is now in the army and living with his mom when he is not away with the army. He still gets mail here. He gets more mail then I do!! ( this means you guys are not sending me enough letters!!) When they were voting, he used my address because it was still in the system! lol
We did some more running around. While Nicko was getting a hair cut, Lewis and I had a very interesting conversation. It was funny to compare thoughts on the perspectives of males and females and relationships.
We came back to town and Nicko, Rachel, Amanda, and I played some tennis. Rachel met up with Bec. While The other three of us were out for an hour jog/ workout, a guy came to the door to see Rachel. It was the guy who drove her and Amanda home from the bar on tuesday. He happened to work at that bar as well. Rachel had to practically kick him out that night. Anyways, when she answered the door, he passed her a small box. She opened it to find a mobile phone and charger. ( wrapped in tissue paper!) He had given her a phone with $20 worth of credit. He said the ball was in her court and the next move was hers. Then he walked away. WHAT!?!?!? We couldnt believe she got a phone randomly like that.
When I got home, Matt, ( my roomy) was sitting in the living room. He went on to tell me that he has never been so scared in his life. I guess the other day he was walking to the bathroom and when he passed Shonleighs door it opened up. She was sleeping but woke up when the dorr opened. She saw Matt standing there and they were both a bit freaked out. He explained to her that it just opened. He closed the door and she went back to sleep. Later I had knocked on the door and she told me to come in. I went to open it but it was locked. She opened it for me and told me about how it opened when Matt walked by and that she was sure she had locked it the night before. She was now confused how it was locked after all of that. We brushed it off. Then Lewis informed Shonleigh that one of these units burned down a couple of years ago and a girl had died in here. He thought it might have been our unit. Shon came home and told poor Matt this. ( She told me too, but it didnt scare me in any way. I know not to believe this Lewis character! haha ) Shonleigh went to Brissy on Thurs and it was just Matt and I. This is why when I came back from jogging he was soo scared. He says he doesnt believe in ghosts but that scary things have been happening. He doesnt like to be home alone now and he freaks himself out continuously. haha I just thought it was funny. Poor guy!!
This was the first night I made my calamari salad. Yum Yum! It is soo good. I had it the last three nights in a row for dinner and I will most likly again tonight. ( plus we dont have much for food) haha
Friday 20th
Woke up early and went to my two lab classes. We were doing ECG's. I still feel like my one class is a waste of time... oh well. I learned that one of my assignments were due at 5pm today. I hadnt even touched it. It is a CD that we take home and install. It has alot of practice math questions. When we feel ready we can take the test. We have three chances to get %100. I hadnt started or looked at anything because last week they extended the date saying that there was a problem with it. I was waiting for them to give me the green light and to say they were now working. Oh well. I got home from class at 2 pm and began to practice. Fractions, decimals, percentages... all the things in math that you forget but were tricky! UGH!! I was having a tough time and Matt was helping me. He was even getting alot wrong too! He had to leave to go to Brissy. I was left alone and not doing well on the pracitce questions at all! ( I was even on the easy setting...) There wasnt much time and it had to be in by 5pm. I decided I will just try it. I had three chances right??
I opened it up and began! ... Wait a minute... this is what I have been learning and using for the last 4-5 years. This is really easy. Its just medication calculations. Theres only 30 questions. Oh wow! Im done! Its 410pm and I am already done! That was too easy. That took me 15 min only! PHeeeoof!
Amanda and I went for a jog. It was a very rainy day and we went in a time when there happened to be no rain. It was an extremly wet jogging trail and we felt like we were in a video game. Dodging toads left, right, and centre! There must have been at least 50 on this one short span of trail! No, I know what you are thinking, but I just cant get enough courage to try to lick a toad! lol Im no Homer Simpson! haha
After our jog, I showered and made my special salad again. Then the other Canadian Amanda Long, cam over and the four of us nursing students started to work out our assignment for patho. Theirs is due on monday where as mine is due on Friday. We worked on that for a couple of hours. After that, Bec and Amanda were over and we watched Centre Stage. Good movie that I havent seen in years. I really miss dance!
I went upstairs to go to bed. It was pretty late, but I still went to check facebook, because like you, I am an addict! To my pleasure, my sister and her two kiddies were online. ( and Mark, but hes not nearly as exciting as Ethan and Ryleigh!!) I was able to have a video conversation with them. It made me cry!! It was soo nice to see them. They are and were the thing that made me consider not coming to Aus in the first place!! They are so young and I didnt want to miss out! It was soo nice to see them. They were both happy to see me too, it looked like it anyways. Ethan was asking me to send more pictures through the computer. haha I told him I couldnt do that and that he would have to wait for the mail man to come in a couple of weeks!! haha Ryleigh was blowing me little kisses. What a little angel!
Saturday 21st
Woke up at noon! I was soo tired and I didnt seem to hear Nicko's car for once!
Rachel, Amanda, and I went to go play tennis. Jesse ( a guy, not to be confused with Jess)was out and he played with us. Another guy joined in. His name is Grahm. Really nice guy. Him and I continued to play while the others played basketball. Then the girls went in and I went by the pool and chatted about the up coming weeks with Jess. She was studying by the pool!
I went inside and made myself a plate of tuna melts. Jess made us all a cookie. It was more like a cake, but yummy all the same! It was Rachel, Amanda, Jess, Jessica, Bec, and I all sitting around. We were talking about Kids, boys, and all that good stuff. We watched americas funniest home videos and then I came home. I started to do some ECG homework when Amanda came over. She was a bit grumpy because she is confused about her homework. ( theirs is due Monday and so they are much more stressed than I am) We went for a jog to clear our minds. Jess joined us. We went for a 20 min jog and a 10 min walk. It was very good.
Rachel was out with the guy who gave her the mobile phone. They were at Fridays, the night club. They actually hired her and she started to work that night. ( she said she hated it though because the guy was telling everyone that she was his girlfriend. She was making it very clear to him and everybody that this was not so. I only learned this the next day. They had given her a bartending position and she had never done anything like this before. She didnt know how to make most drinks not to mention that they are all different here in Aus then in Canada. She's trying to get me a job there as well, and maybe it will be better if there is two of us! )
Amanda, Jess and I met back at my houe all fresh and clean. I made my salad and bec joined us. We started to watch a movie but paused it to apply some face masks. There was only three packets, so we 4 shared. we used all three colours on our faces. Blue, yellow, and pink! We were kind of funny looking, kind of like mimes! This inspired a photo shoot in my living room! haha Pictures are pretty funny! We are silly silly girls! We washed our faces and returned to the movie. ( Taken) then is was down to Amanda, and I and we began to watch Momento. What a good movie! Amanda fell asleep and went home. I went to bed soon after the movie as well.
It was a good de-tox weekend.
Magic Mushrooms

Jumping ants attack when High on Magic Mushrooms
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Hey now!! Ethan and Rye were the reason you may have stayed!! I could have used this valuable info a little sooner!! You boob!! Miss ya ...
ReplyDeleteBut would you really be happy?? You wouldnt have such a wonderful blog to read all the time!! haha
ReplyDeleteWhat are you saying you didn't have fun before you left, trust me you could have blogged ur life here and it would have been just as great!
ReplyDeleteWho wrote this last blog?? Obviously someone who knows me well!! hahaah Yes a blog before would have been just as interesting, what I am saying is, I wouldnt have had a blog before moving here. I only have one because I am here. If you wanted to know my stories before, there were easier ways of attaining such information... example: Joining in on the Arby fun! hahahha I have moved from the "fun sticker" to the "fun stickee" !!! hahahah